
时间:2023-01-23 18:06:39

In blog posts like https://useyourloaf.com/blog/adding-playgrounds-to-xcode-projects/, or the kickstarter source code http://github.com/kickstarter/ios-oss they add playground to xcode projects in order to have documentation + visual tests of the different view controllers and view components in the app.


The typical way they recommend to do it is like:


  • Create a new framework target
  • 创建一个新的框架目标

  • Add your code to the framework target (with the right access levels)
  • 将您的代码添加到框架目标(具有正确的访问级别)

  • Add a playground file to the workspace
  • 将playground文件添加到工作区

  • Build your framework
  • 构建您的框架

  • Then the framework will be available within the playground.
  • 然后框架将在操场内提供。

This works without using cocoapods, but i have found that it's not the case when you do use cocoapods.


After adding a playground to the Xcode workspace, the Pods are available in the playground, but not my custom framework.


I don't understand how cocoapods work to make the pods available in the playground


I don't understand how internally playground decides which frameworks to have available for import, etc.


Does any of you have achieved this? have pointers to do it?



1 个解决方案



It is doable. In your Podfile, you need to declare targets for both your app and your framework, so that CocoaPods can add pods to both. Here is an example. You can check the tutorial Using Playground, demo and Medium post https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/playground-driven-development-in-swift-cf167489fe7b

这是可行的。在您的Podfile中,您需要为应用程序和框架声明目标,以便CocoaPods可以向两者添加pod。这是一个例子。你可以查看教程使用Playground,demo和Medium post https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/playground-driven-development-in-swift-cf167489fe7b

platform :ios, '9.0'


pod 'Cheers'

target 'UsingPlayground'
target 'AppFramework'



It is doable. In your Podfile, you need to declare targets for both your app and your framework, so that CocoaPods can add pods to both. Here is an example. You can check the tutorial Using Playground, demo and Medium post https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/playground-driven-development-in-swift-cf167489fe7b

这是可行的。在您的Podfile中,您需要为应用程序和框架声明目标,以便CocoaPods可以向两者添加pod。这是一个例子。你可以查看教程使用Playground,demo和Medium post https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/playground-driven-development-in-swift-cf167489fe7b

platform :ios, '9.0'


pod 'Cheers'

target 'UsingPlayground'
target 'AppFramework'