
时间:2023-01-23 16:52:06

Does anybody on here know a good tutorial for loading coretext into a UIView, which is itself a subview of a UIScrollView (to enable the full text content to be viewed on the device) I have been looking at the problem for a while and cant get my head around it! I can get a UIView as a subview of ScrollView, I can get coretext into a UIView, but i cant seem to get all three working together!


1 个解决方案



A quick Google search revealed these:


UIScrollView – A really simple tutorial | iDevzilla

How To Use UIScrollView to Scroll and Zoom Content by Ray Wenderlich

How To: UIScrollView with Paging | iOS Dev Notes


Ultimately, you want [scrollView addSubview:view];, but I would need more info to help you with your specific problem.

最终,您需要[scrollView addSubview:view] ;,但我需要更多信息来帮助您解决特定问题。



A quick Google search revealed these:


UIScrollView – A really simple tutorial | iDevzilla

How To Use UIScrollView to Scroll and Zoom Content by Ray Wenderlich

How To: UIScrollView with Paging | iOS Dev Notes


Ultimately, you want [scrollView addSubview:view];, but I would need more info to help you with your specific problem.

最终,您需要[scrollView addSubview:view] ;,但我需要更多信息来帮助您解决特定问题。