Sprite Kit枚举要删除的节点失败

时间:2023-01-23 13:02:56

I am trying to enumerate nodes using their name, check their y position and if the value is lower than some number, run certain function on them. The nodes I am enumerating are part of other node, called blocks node. I set up my game this way because it is more convenient to apply action on the whole blocks parent node instead of on every block. This is my code for enumerating :


func chechForPassing(){
    var passedBlocks: [SKSpriteNode] = []
    enumerateChildNodesWithName("1") { node, _ in
        let node = node as! SKSpriteNode
        if (node.position.y <= self.frame.size.height*0.3) {
        for node in passedBlocks {


where fadeEnRemove is just a function I wrote. Print is used for debuging purposes. This is how I set up my blocks:


    func block(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) {

    var block = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "obsticle")
    kratkowski.size = CGSizeMake(block.frame.size.width*scaleFactor, block.frame.size.height*scaleFactor)
    block.position = CGPointMake(x, y)
    block.name = "1"


And block node is SKNode. Anyone knows how to solve this little problem?



1 个解决方案


If I'm following correctly, the enumeration block is never being called. This is probably because either the child nodes names aren't "1", or you aren't calling enumerateChildNodesWithName on the correct node.


Right now you're calling enumerateChildNodesWithName on self. Are these nodes added to self or are they added to another node? If they're on another node then call enumerateChildNodesWithName on that node instead.



If I'm following correctly, the enumeration block is never being called. This is probably because either the child nodes names aren't "1", or you aren't calling enumerateChildNodesWithName on the correct node.


Right now you're calling enumerateChildNodesWithName on self. Are these nodes added to self or are they added to another node? If they're on another node then call enumerateChildNodesWithName on that node instead.
