SKAction runAction不执行完成块

时间:2023-01-23 00:26:05

A SKSpriteNode is child of a SKNode and is placed on an array of SKSpriteNode for storage purposes.


This SKSpriteNode is deleted using an animation. At the end of this animation a completion block is executed to perform some statements...


The deletion must occurred both in the SKSpriteNode parent’s and in the array. Depending on the order of these 2 deletions the result is correct or not:


  • if SKSpriteNodeis deleted from 1/ the array then 2/ from the SKNode parent’s, the completion block is executed.
  • 如果从1 /数组中删除SKSpriteNode然后从SKNode父项删除2 /,则执行完成块。
  • if the inverse order, 1/ SKNode parent’s then 2/ the array, the completion block is not executed.
  • 如果是逆序,1 / SKNode父级则为2 /数组,则不执行完成块。

Why this behavior?


for position in listOfPositions {

   theSprite:SKSpriteNode = theGrid[position]

   /// the SKSpriteNode referenced by theSprite :
   /// - belongs to an array of SKSpriteNode: theGrid
   /// - belongs to a SKNode: theGameLayer
   /// In other words this SKSpriteNode is referenced twice

   let theActions = SKAction.sequence([
      /// Some actions here
      /// ...

      /// Remove theSprite from the Grid
      /// - position is an instance of a structure of my own
      /// - theGrid is accessed via a subscript
      SKAction.runBlock({self.theGrid[position] = nil}),

      /// remove theSprite from it's parent


The completion message is displayed.


Now if removeFromParent is placed before the remove from theGrid action, as follow, the completion does not execute:


let theActions = SKAction.sequence([
   /// Some actions here
   /// ...

   /// remove theSprite from it's parent

   /// remove theSprite from the Grid
   SKAction.runBlock({self.theGrid[position] = nil}),

1 个解决方案



From the SKAction Reference:


An SKAction object is an action that is executed by a node in the scene (SKScene)...When the scene processes its nodes, actions associated with those nodes are evaluated.


In other words, the actions for a node is run if and only if that node is in the scene. By calling removeFromParent, you remove the node from the scene, the runBlock action is never called (since the node is no longer in the scene), and thus the sequence is never finished. Since the sequence doesn't finish, the completion block doesn't get called.


I would suggest moving the removeFromParent call to the completion block for safety's sake. Something like this feels safer:


for position in listOfPositions {

   let theSprite: SKSpriteNode = theGrid[position]

   /// the SKSpriteNode referenced by theSprite :
   /// - belongs to an array of SKSpriteNode: theGrid
   /// - belongs to a SKNode: theGameLayer
   /// In other words this SKSpriteNode is referenced twice

   let theActions = SKAction.sequence([
      /// Some actions here
      /// ...

      /// Remove theSprite from the Grid
      /// - position is an instance of a structure of my own
      /// - theGrid is accessed via a subscript
      SKAction.runBlock({self.theGrid[position] = nil})

   theSprite.runAction(theActions) {
      /// remove theSprite from it's parent
      /// Might need to weakly reference self here

The sequence doesn't complete, so the completion block for sequence doesn't get called.

TL; DR序列未完成,因此序列的完成块不会被调用。



From the SKAction Reference:


An SKAction object is an action that is executed by a node in the scene (SKScene)...When the scene processes its nodes, actions associated with those nodes are evaluated.


In other words, the actions for a node is run if and only if that node is in the scene. By calling removeFromParent, you remove the node from the scene, the runBlock action is never called (since the node is no longer in the scene), and thus the sequence is never finished. Since the sequence doesn't finish, the completion block doesn't get called.


I would suggest moving the removeFromParent call to the completion block for safety's sake. Something like this feels safer:


for position in listOfPositions {

   let theSprite: SKSpriteNode = theGrid[position]

   /// the SKSpriteNode referenced by theSprite :
   /// - belongs to an array of SKSpriteNode: theGrid
   /// - belongs to a SKNode: theGameLayer
   /// In other words this SKSpriteNode is referenced twice

   let theActions = SKAction.sequence([
      /// Some actions here
      /// ...

      /// Remove theSprite from the Grid
      /// - position is an instance of a structure of my own
      /// - theGrid is accessed via a subscript
      SKAction.runBlock({self.theGrid[position] = nil})

   theSprite.runAction(theActions) {
      /// remove theSprite from it's parent
      /// Might need to weakly reference self here

The sequence doesn't complete, so the completion block for sequence doesn't get called.

TL; DR序列未完成,因此序列的完成块不会被调用。