
时间:2021-05-13 23:07:40

I have two questions:


  1. I am using Firebase to get events from Nest thermostat. When a user is removing my client from his Nest account, do i get an event or some kind of notification (Account->Works with Nest->Remove Connection)?
  2. 我正在使用Firebase从Nest恒温器获取事件。当用户从他的Nest帐户中删除我的客户端时,我是否会收到事件或某种通知(帐户 - >使用Nest->删除连接)?

  3. I saw that there is another way to work with Nest instead of Firebase which is REST streaming. What is this feature? Can any one send me a link to a demo on how to use this with Nest?
  4. 我看到有另一种方法可以使用Nest而不是Firebase,即REST流。这个功能是什么?任何人都可以给我一个关于如何在Nest中使用它的演示链接吗?

1 个解决方案


Yes, but it's not immediate. Could take a few hours.



Yes, but it's not immediate. Could take a few hours.
