Chapter 2 Open Book——36

时间:2023-01-22 19:16:03

"That was awful," he groaned. "They all looked exactly the same. You're lucky you had Cullen for a partner."


"I didn't have any trouble with it," I said, stung by his assumption.



I regretted the snub instantly.



"I've done the lab before, though," I added before he could get his feelings hurt.


"Cullen seemed friendly enough today," he commented as we shrugged into our raincoats.



He didn't seem pleased about it.  I tried to sound indifferent. "I wonder what was with him last Monday."


他看上去对此不太高兴。  我努力让自己听起来无动于衷。“我想知道他上周一发生了什么事。”

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