
时间:2023-01-22 16:36:22

I have a node.js server made with keystone.js, but before launching it I need to add an SSL certificate. All the examples and tutorials I've seen to add an SSL certificate to a node.js server only show how to create a new https server from scratch.


I already have my entire application and api working off http, is there a simple way to make it all work on https?


1 个解决方案



I'm not sure why you think you need to do this without restarting the application; it's a pretty low cost thing to do.


That said, the simplest approach would be to put up an Nginx web server in front of it, and then setup the Nginx server as the https endpoint and proxypass the requests forward to your node process.

也就是说,最简单的方法是在它前面放置一个Nginx Web服务器,然后将Nginx服务器设置为https端点,并将请求转发给您的节点进程。



I'm not sure why you think you need to do this without restarting the application; it's a pretty low cost thing to do.


That said, the simplest approach would be to put up an Nginx web server in front of it, and then setup the Nginx server as the https endpoint and proxypass the requests forward to your node process.

也就是说,最简单的方法是在它前面放置一个Nginx Web服务器,然后将Nginx服务器设置为https端点,并将请求转发给您的节点进程。