如何禁用Eclipse Mars中的css警告“未知属性”?

时间:2023-01-22 10:47:40

I get many "Unknown property" warnings in my css files.


This might be due to the fact that I have e(fx)clipse 2.0 and the Eclipse Web Developer Tools installed.

这可能是因为我安装了e(fx)clipse 2.0和Eclipse Web Developer Tools。

If I open the css files with the e(fx)clipse css editor and add /SuppressWarnings/ the warning icon changes its color (see figure below).

如果我用e(fx)clipse css编辑器打开css文件并添加/ SuppressWarnings /警告图标会改变其颜色(见下图)。



  • the Problems view still shows the warning and the default css Editor shows the warning, too.
  • Problems视图仍显示警告,默认css Editor也显示警告。
  • I do not want to add /SuppressWarnings/ since the css files are automatically generated with WinLess.
  • 我不想添加/ SuppressWarnings /,因为使用WinLess自动生成css文件。

How can I disable the "Unknown property" warnings for specific files or at all?


My css files are not located under "src" but under a folder "help". That help folder contains html files for my Eclipse plugin and corresponding css files. =>Those files are not used for JavaFx/e(fx)clipse.

我的css文件不在“src”下,而是在“help”文件夹下。该帮助文件夹包含我的Eclipse插件和相应的css文件的html文件。 =>这些文件不用于JavaFx / e(fx)clipse。

Here is a related article that did not really help me but might give you further information: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/515810/


Screenshot that shows the warnings and the Problem view (click to enlarge) 如何禁用Eclipse Mars中的css警告“未知属性”?


3 个解决方案



I filed an e(fx)clipse bug [1] and uninstalled e(fx)clipse for the time being.

我暂时提交了一个e(fx)clipse bug [1]和卸载的e(fx)clipse。

The main reason why I had installed e(fx)clipse at the beginning was to get rid of the access restriction warnings related to jfxrt.jar (also see [2]). Now I use additonal access rules for the JRE container in my classpath file instead of using e(fx)eclipse:


<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8">
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
            <accessrule kind="accessible" pattern="javafx/**"/>
            <accessrule kind="accessible" pattern="com/sun/javafx/**"/>         

[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=475347

[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=475347

[2] Using JavaFX in JRE 8

[2]在JRE 8中使用JavaFX



You can go to the Problems View Options, select Show items that match any configuration checked bellow and deselect Xtext Check (fast) Type in all Configurations


Screenshot: How locate Option in Problems view




I really wish I could comment... So I'm using Luna, where everything works fine. However, I had problems with Angular validation in Luna and figured out a way to work around that. So, maybe this could help you.


  1. Right-click on your project and select Properties
  2. 右键单击项目,然后选择“属性”
  3. Under Validation, check the Enable project specific settings box.
  4. 在“验证”下,选中“启用项目特定设置”框。
  5. Scroll down and select Web Resources Validator.
  6. 向下滚动并选择Web Resources Validator。
  7. If there is an Include Group and it contains File extension: css, try removing it an then re-validating your project. If the rule is not there, then Add Rule into the existing Include Group, or make a new Include Group.
  8. 如果有一个包含组并且它包含文件扩展名:css,请尝试将其删除,然后重新验证您的项目。如果规则不存在,则将规则添加到现有的包含组中,或者创建一个新的包含组。

Maybe you've already tried something like this.




I filed an e(fx)clipse bug [1] and uninstalled e(fx)clipse for the time being.

我暂时提交了一个e(fx)clipse bug [1]和卸载的e(fx)clipse。

The main reason why I had installed e(fx)clipse at the beginning was to get rid of the access restriction warnings related to jfxrt.jar (also see [2]). Now I use additonal access rules for the JRE container in my classpath file instead of using e(fx)eclipse:


<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8">
            <attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
            <accessrule kind="accessible" pattern="javafx/**"/>
            <accessrule kind="accessible" pattern="com/sun/javafx/**"/>         

[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=475347

[1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=475347

[2] Using JavaFX in JRE 8

[2]在JRE 8中使用JavaFX



You can go to the Problems View Options, select Show items that match any configuration checked bellow and deselect Xtext Check (fast) Type in all Configurations


Screenshot: How locate Option in Problems view




I really wish I could comment... So I'm using Luna, where everything works fine. However, I had problems with Angular validation in Luna and figured out a way to work around that. So, maybe this could help you.


  1. Right-click on your project and select Properties
  2. 右键单击项目,然后选择“属性”
  3. Under Validation, check the Enable project specific settings box.
  4. 在“验证”下,选中“启用项目特定设置”框。
  5. Scroll down and select Web Resources Validator.
  6. 向下滚动并选择Web Resources Validator。
  7. If there is an Include Group and it contains File extension: css, try removing it an then re-validating your project. If the rule is not there, then Add Rule into the existing Include Group, or make a new Include Group.
  8. 如果有一个包含组并且它包含文件扩展名:css,请尝试将其删除,然后重新验证您的项目。如果规则不存在,则将规则添加到现有的包含组中,或者创建一个新的包含组。

Maybe you've already tried something like this.
