
时间:2023-01-22 00:01:28

I have a small form inside a table. POSTing that form creates a new entity. I then want users to see that new entity, but it should open in a new window so that the original view isn't lost.


(How) can I open the result of the form submission in a new window?


2 个解决方案



<form ... target="windowName">


<form ... target="windowName" onsubmit="window.open(this.action, this.target, '...attributes...');return true;">

...attributes... can consist of the stuff documented at the mozilla developer center or MSDN




One request, one response. That is the way of the web.


If you want a new window after a post, you either need to post the request from the new window in the first place- perhaps opened via javascript- or post your data from that page to the same page and save a token so that when the page re-loads is can open a new windows -again, likely with javascript- and that new window's request already knows about the previous post.

如果你想在帖子后面有一个新窗口,你需要首先从新窗口发布请求 - 也许是通过javascript打开 - 或者将你的数据从该页面发布到同一页面并保存一个令牌,这样当页面重新加载是可以打开一个新的窗口 - 可能与javascript-并且新窗口的请求已经知道上一篇文章。



<form ... target="windowName">


<form ... target="windowName" onsubmit="window.open(this.action, this.target, '...attributes...');return true;">

...attributes... can consist of the stuff documented at the mozilla developer center or MSDN




One request, one response. That is the way of the web.


If you want a new window after a post, you either need to post the request from the new window in the first place- perhaps opened via javascript- or post your data from that page to the same page and save a token so that when the page re-loads is can open a new windows -again, likely with javascript- and that new window's request already knows about the previous post.

如果你想在帖子后面有一个新窗口,你需要首先从新窗口发布请求 - 也许是通过javascript打开 - 或者将你的数据从该页面发布到同一页面并保存一个令牌,这样当页面重新加载是可以打开一个新的窗口 - 可能与javascript-并且新窗口的请求已经知道上一篇文章。