
时间:2022-03-08 23:07:15

Full disclose, this is for a homework question:


It should have a private property of type [Circle]. An array of circles. The method should remove any circles that have a radius larger than the minimum requirement, and smaller than the max requirement.


It seems obvious that I should use removeAtIndex() to remove array items that don't meet a condition determined in the loop. However, many have pointed out before the perils of removing items in a loop because of what I guess is a "iterator/index mismatch".


Ultimately I ended up creating an empty array and using .append() to push the values that meet the "good" condition to a filteredCircles array, but I can't help but to feel that this this doesn't meet the criteria for the assignment.


Is there a solution that actually removes the items from the array in a loop?


2 个解决方案



If the FOR LOOP is not mandatory (and I don't see this requirement in the quoted text) you should use the filter method.


When you invoke filter on an array you get a new array containing only the values that do respect the closure you passed to filter. The original array is not mutated.


struct Circle {
    let radius: Double

let circles = [Circle(radius: 1), Circle(radius: 5.1), Circle(radius: 4), Circle(radius: 10.8)]

let bigCircles = circles.filter { $0.radius > 5 }

Why this approach is better than mutating the array in a FOR LOOP

  1. Since circles is a constant, you don't have problems related to multithreading programming. If circles was mutable then other threads could change it while you are looping it with very scary side effects.
  2. 因为圆是常量,所以您不会遇到与多线程编程相关的问题。如果圆圈是可变的,那么其他线程可以在循环时更改它,这会产生非常可怕的副作用。
  3. It's less error prone. You are not writing what the CPU should do, instead you are describing how the results should be. So less potential misunderstandings between you and the compiler :)
  4. 这是不容易出错。您不是在编写CPU应该做什么,而是在描述结果应该如何。这样你和编译器之间的潜在误解就会减少
  5. You are writing less code which does mean less potential mistakes.
  6. 你写的代码更少了,这意味着更少的潜在错误。

These are some of the benefits of writing Functional Programming code.




To elaborate in @vacawama's answer:


struct Circle {
    var radius: Int

struct MyStruct {
    private var circles: [Circle]

    mutating func removeCirclesWithRadiusWithin(range: Range<Int>) {
        for index in (circles.startIndex..<circles.endIndex).reverse() {
            if range.contains(circles[index].radius) {

If you want to use Double for your Circle's radius, but want to keep the nice syntax:


struct Circle {
    var radius: Double

struct MyStruct {
    private var circles: [Circle]

    mutating func removeCirclesWithRadiusWithin<I: IntervalType where I.Bound == Double>(interval: I) {
        for index in (circles.startIndex..<circles.endIndex).reverse() {
            if interval.contains(circles[index].radius) {



If the FOR LOOP is not mandatory (and I don't see this requirement in the quoted text) you should use the filter method.


When you invoke filter on an array you get a new array containing only the values that do respect the closure you passed to filter. The original array is not mutated.


struct Circle {
    let radius: Double

let circles = [Circle(radius: 1), Circle(radius: 5.1), Circle(radius: 4), Circle(radius: 10.8)]

let bigCircles = circles.filter { $0.radius > 5 }

Why this approach is better than mutating the array in a FOR LOOP

  1. Since circles is a constant, you don't have problems related to multithreading programming. If circles was mutable then other threads could change it while you are looping it with very scary side effects.
  2. 因为圆是常量,所以您不会遇到与多线程编程相关的问题。如果圆圈是可变的,那么其他线程可以在循环时更改它,这会产生非常可怕的副作用。
  3. It's less error prone. You are not writing what the CPU should do, instead you are describing how the results should be. So less potential misunderstandings between you and the compiler :)
  4. 这是不容易出错。您不是在编写CPU应该做什么,而是在描述结果应该如何。这样你和编译器之间的潜在误解就会减少
  5. You are writing less code which does mean less potential mistakes.
  6. 你写的代码更少了,这意味着更少的潜在错误。

These are some of the benefits of writing Functional Programming code.




To elaborate in @vacawama's answer:


struct Circle {
    var radius: Int

struct MyStruct {
    private var circles: [Circle]

    mutating func removeCirclesWithRadiusWithin(range: Range<Int>) {
        for index in (circles.startIndex..<circles.endIndex).reverse() {
            if range.contains(circles[index].radius) {

If you want to use Double for your Circle's radius, but want to keep the nice syntax:


struct Circle {
    var radius: Double

struct MyStruct {
    private var circles: [Circle]

    mutating func removeCirclesWithRadiusWithin<I: IntervalType where I.Bound == Double>(interval: I) {
        for index in (circles.startIndex..<circles.endIndex).reverse() {
            if interval.contains(circles[index].radius) {