
时间:2023-01-21 12:08:43


Hi, I'm using angular + ui-router in my project, I have huge amount of nested states and different views that in turn contain huge amount of different inputs, a user fills these inputs incrementally step by step.

嗨,我在我的项目中使用了角度+ ui-router,我有大量的嵌套状态和不同的视图,它们反过来包含大量不同的输入,用户一步一步地递增地填充这些输入。

The problem

Sometimes users require additional info that is located on the previous step, and browsers "back" button helps the user to sneak peek into that data, but as soon as the user presses it, the info he already entered is lost due to state transition, which is obviously a bad thing.



In order to overcome described problem I have the following plan:


  1. Associate each user's "navigation" (guess this is a proper term) with a random id
  2. 将每个用户的“导航”(猜测这是一个合适的术语)与一个随机的id关联起来。
  3. To prevent scope-inheritance-and-serialization issues, instead of putting viewmodel into $scope use ordinary javascript object that will be storing immediate values that are bound to UI.
  4. 为了防止作用域继承和序列化问题,不要将viewmodel放入$scope中,使用普通javascript对象来存储绑定到UI的当前值。
  5. Add watcher to look for changes on that "storage object"
  6. 添加监视程序以查找对“存储对象”的更改
  7. As soon as the change spotted, serialize the object and persist it
  8. 一旦更改被发现,将对象序列化并持久化


Why do we need a random parameter in URL?


We don't want to store all data in URL, since there might be quite some amount of data that wont fit into URL. So in order to provide the guarantees the URL won't break, we put only small random GUID/UUID into it that later allows obtaining the data associated with current "navigation" by this random GUID/UUID.

我们不希望将所有数据存储在URL中,因为可能有相当数量的数据不能放入URL中。因此,为了保证URL不会被破坏,我们只在其中加入了小的随机GUID/UUID,以便以后可以通过这个随机的GUID/ uid获取与当前“导航”相关的数据。

The storage

There are multitude of storage scenarios available out there: LocalStorage, IndexedDB, WebSQL, Session Storage, you name it, but due to their cross-tab, cross-browser, browser-specific nature it would be hard to manipulate and manage all of the data that gets into the storage. The implementation will be buggy / might require server-side support.


So the most elegant storage strategy for this scenario would be storing data in special window.name variable which is capable of storing data in-between requests. So the data is safe until you close your tab.


The Question

On behalf of everything written above, I have the root view called "view" that has a state parameter id (this is the random GUID/UUID)

对于上面所写的内容,我有一个名为“view”的根视图,它具有一个状态参数id(这是随机的GUID/ uid)

$stateProvider.state('view', {
    url: '/view/{id}',
    controller: 'view',
    templateUrl: 'views/view.html'

All of the other views derive from this view, is there way to make ui-sref directive to automatically inject a random GUID/UUID into id state parameter of my root view, instead of writing each time ui-sref's like:


<a ui-sref="view({id:guid()}).someNestedView({someNestedParam: getParam()})"

I would like to have something like:


<a ui-sref="view.someNestedView({someNestedParam: getParam()})"

1 个解决方案



The AOP and Decorator pattern are the answer. The comprehensive description could be found here:


Experiment: Decorating Directives by Jesus Rodriguez

Similar solution as described below, could be observed:


Changing the default behavior of $state.go() in ui.router to reload by default

How that would work? There is a link to working example


In this case, we do not solve from which source the random GUID comes from. Let's just have it in runtime:


var guidFromSomeSource = '70F81249-2487-47B8-9ADF-603F796FF999';

Now, we can inject an Decorator like this:


.config(function ($provide) {
    $provide.decorator('$state', function ($delegate) {

        // let's locally use 'state' name
        var state = $delegate;

        // let's extend this object with new function 
        // 'baseGo', which in fact, will keep the reference
        // to the original 'go' function
        state.baseGo = state.go;

        // here comes our new 'go' decoration
        var go = function (to, params, options) {
            params = params || {};

            // only in case of missing 'id'
            // append our random/constant 'GUID'
            if (angular.isUndefined(params.id)) {

                params.id  = guidFromSomeSource;

            // return processing to the 'baseGo' - original
            this.baseGo(to, params, options);

        // assign new 'go', right now decorating the old 'go'
        state.go = go;

        return $delegate;

Code should be self explanatory, check it in action here




The AOP and Decorator pattern are the answer. The comprehensive description could be found here:


Experiment: Decorating Directives by Jesus Rodriguez

Similar solution as described below, could be observed:


Changing the default behavior of $state.go() in ui.router to reload by default

How that would work? There is a link to working example


In this case, we do not solve from which source the random GUID comes from. Let's just have it in runtime:


var guidFromSomeSource = '70F81249-2487-47B8-9ADF-603F796FF999';

Now, we can inject an Decorator like this:


.config(function ($provide) {
    $provide.decorator('$state', function ($delegate) {

        // let's locally use 'state' name
        var state = $delegate;

        // let's extend this object with new function 
        // 'baseGo', which in fact, will keep the reference
        // to the original 'go' function
        state.baseGo = state.go;

        // here comes our new 'go' decoration
        var go = function (to, params, options) {
            params = params || {};

            // only in case of missing 'id'
            // append our random/constant 'GUID'
            if (angular.isUndefined(params.id)) {

                params.id  = guidFromSomeSource;

            // return processing to the 'baseGo' - original
            this.baseGo(to, params, options);

        // assign new 'go', right now decorating the old 'go'
        state.go = go;

        return $delegate;

Code should be self explanatory, check it in action here
