如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展?

时间:2023-01-19 20:53:54

How can I download a NuGet package? I don't have the NuGet Visual Studio extension or the command line program nuget.exe. How can I download the .nupack file from the web? As I understand I will be able to extract the .dll files from it (with 7-zip) to use as normal.

如何下载NuGet包?我没有NuGet Visual Studio扩展名或者命令行程序nuget.exe。如何从web下载.nupack文件?据我所知,我将能够从它(带7-zip)中提取.dll文件以正常使用。

The package I happen to be interested in is http://nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Bcl.Async, but I would like to know how to do this generally.


In the world of Ruby this would be easy - every package page on the RubyGems website has a download link to a .gem file, e.g.: https://rubygems.org/gems/pony


The argument over NuGet's manifest destiny belongs elsewhere. It doesn't matter to this question why I eschew it. I'm not the only one though.


6 个解决方案



Although building the URL or using tools is still possible, it is not needed anymore.


https://www.nuget.org/ currently has a direct download link that is available even if you don't have an account on the site.


(at the bottom of the right column).


Example of EntityFramework's detail page: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EntityFramework/: (Updated after comment of RenniePet.)


如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展?



Either make an account on the Nuget.org website, then log in, browse to the package you want and click on the Download link on the left menu.


Or guess the URL. They have the following format:



Then simply unzip the .nupkg file and extract the contents you need.




Based on Xavier's answer, I wrote a Google chrome extension NuTake to add links to the Nuget.org package pages.




To obtain the current stable version of the NuGet package use:





I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like NuGet Package Explorer should be able to do it:

我还没有尝试过,但是看起来NuGet Package Explorer应该可以做到:



如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展?

(or like Colonel Panic says, 7-zip should probably do it)




  1. Go to http://www.nuget.org
  2. 去http://www.nuget.org
  3. Search for desired package. For example: Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
  4. 寻找理想的方案。例如:Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
  5. Download the package by clicking the Download link on the left.
  6. 点击左边的下载链接下载这个包。
  7. Do step 3 for the dependencies which are not already installed. 如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展?
  8. 对尚未安装的依赖项执行步骤3。
  9. Store all downloaded packages in a custom folder. The default is c:\Package source.
  10. 将所有下载的包存储在自定义文件夹中。默认是c:\包源代码。
  11. Open Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio and make sure you have an "Available package source" that points to the specified address in step 5; If not, simply add one by providing a custom name and address. Click OK. 如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展? 如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展?
  12. 在Visual Studio中打开Nuget包管理器,并确保您有一个指向步骤5中指定地址的“可用包源”;如果没有,只需通过提供自定义名称和地址添加一个。单击OK。
  13. At this point you should be able to install the package exactly the same way you would install an online package through the interface. You probably won't be able to install the package using NuGet console.
  14. 此时,您应该能够以完全相同的方式通过接口安装在线包。您可能无法使用NuGet控制台安装包。



Although building the URL or using tools is still possible, it is not needed anymore.


https://www.nuget.org/ currently has a direct download link that is available even if you don't have an account on the site.


(at the bottom of the right column).


Example of EntityFramework's detail page: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EntityFramework/: (Updated after comment of RenniePet.)


如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展?



Either make an account on the Nuget.org website, then log in, browse to the package you want and click on the Download link on the left menu.


Or guess the URL. They have the following format:



Then simply unzip the .nupkg file and extract the contents you need.




Based on Xavier's answer, I wrote a Google chrome extension NuTake to add links to the Nuget.org package pages.




To obtain the current stable version of the NuGet package use:





I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like NuGet Package Explorer should be able to do it:

我还没有尝试过,但是看起来NuGet Package Explorer应该可以做到:



如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展?

(or like Colonel Panic says, 7-zip should probably do it)




  1. Go to http://www.nuget.org
  2. 去http://www.nuget.org
  3. Search for desired package. For example: Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
  4. 寻找理想的方案。例如:Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb
  5. Download the package by clicking the Download link on the left.
  6. 点击左边的下载链接下载这个包。
  7. Do step 3 for the dependencies which are not already installed. 如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展?
  8. 对尚未安装的依赖项执行步骤3。
  9. Store all downloaded packages in a custom folder. The default is c:\Package source.
  10. 将所有下载的包存储在自定义文件夹中。默认是c:\包源代码。
  11. Open Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio and make sure you have an "Available package source" that points to the specified address in step 5; If not, simply add one by providing a custom name and address. Click OK. 如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展? 如何下载一个没有Nuget的Nuget包。exe还是Visual Studio扩展?
  12. 在Visual Studio中打开Nuget包管理器,并确保您有一个指向步骤5中指定地址的“可用包源”;如果没有,只需通过提供自定义名称和地址添加一个。单击OK。
  13. At this point you should be able to install the package exactly the same way you would install an online package through the interface. You probably won't be able to install the package using NuGet console.
  14. 此时,您应该能够以完全相同的方式通过接口安装在线包。您可能无法使用NuGet控制台安装包。