Apple Watch通知:在长按通知中点击图标时禁用打开应用程序

时间:2022-09-29 23:01:23

Tapping the app icon when a notification is received on the watch launches your watch app. Is there a way to disable this, or dismiss the notification when tapped?


1 个解决方案



The scenario you describe is a bit difficult to decipher. I will explain.


There are two different notification interfaces on watchOS 3: the Short-Look, and the Long-Look interface. The first consists of the app icon, the notification title, and the app name. It is available upon arrival (if you lift the watch), and is shown with a little animation. This quickly transitions to the Long-Look interface, which is a scrollable screen with a lot more information and actions for the user.

watchOS 3上有两个不同的通知界面:Short-Look和Long-Look界面。第一个包含应用程序图标,通知标题和应用程序名称。它是在抵达时提供的(如果您抬起手表),并显示一个小动画。这会快速转换为Long-Look界面,这是一个可滚动的屏幕,为用户提供了更多的信息和操作。

To answer your question: you can choose what actions to make available in your notification's Long-Look interface. Certainly, it isn't a requirement for your app to be foregrounded. However, the action will be handled by the app in some way (in the background, in that case). There are several apps out there, like the WSJ watch app, whose notifications don't have actions that foreground the originating app.


P.S. I assumed you were not referring to the notification center. When you tap on a notification there, you will be taken to the Long-Look interface of the notification.




The scenario you describe is a bit difficult to decipher. I will explain.


There are two different notification interfaces on watchOS 3: the Short-Look, and the Long-Look interface. The first consists of the app icon, the notification title, and the app name. It is available upon arrival (if you lift the watch), and is shown with a little animation. This quickly transitions to the Long-Look interface, which is a scrollable screen with a lot more information and actions for the user.

watchOS 3上有两个不同的通知界面:Short-Look和Long-Look界面。第一个包含应用程序图标,通知标题和应用程序名称。它是在抵达时提供的(如果您抬起手表),并显示一个小动画。这会快速转换为Long-Look界面,这是一个可滚动的屏幕,为用户提供了更多的信息和操作。

To answer your question: you can choose what actions to make available in your notification's Long-Look interface. Certainly, it isn't a requirement for your app to be foregrounded. However, the action will be handled by the app in some way (in the background, in that case). There are several apps out there, like the WSJ watch app, whose notifications don't have actions that foreground the originating app.


P.S. I assumed you were not referring to the notification center. When you tap on a notification there, you will be taken to the Long-Look interface of the notification.
