从源代码编译android APK

时间:2023-01-18 23:44:31

I have a source code of Android app written in Java. I want to make some changes to the code and compile as android app. I have no knowledge on Java Android app.

我有一个用Java编写的Android应用程序的源代码。我想对代码进行一些更改并编译为Android应用程序。我对Java Android应用程序一无所知。

Is there anyway for me to compile and make it as APK by using any software?


Here is the source:-

这是来源: -

6 个解决方案



If the changes you are planning to make in q2android app are simple enough and you know what you are changing then sur007 has captured all that you need. Else it's a job for someone hands on with Android development.


Another big warning for you: The app is over 4 years old , which means you have to carefully choose API and Sdk Mix/Max versions.. managing version support can be hectic even for seasoned android developers - so be prepared to face backward compatibility and API depreciated issues

另一个重要警告:该应用程序已超过4年,这意味着您必须仔细选择API和Sdk Mix / Max版本。即使对于经验丰富的Android开发人员来说,管理版本支持也很繁忙 - 因此请准备好面向后向兼容性API折旧问题

All the best!




You can use eclipse ADT.In order to publish it into Google Play you should sign it.It generates APK and you can sign it via ADT easily.

您可以使用eclipse ADT。为了将其发布到Google Play,您应该对其进行签名。它会生成APK,您可以通过ADT轻松签名。



First, u need download IDE and sdk to prepare build environment,u can get these in here:


Second, u need import ActionBarSherlock as lib project, u can follow below link to check out these code and import to your workspace.


command: git clone https://github.com/JakeWharton/ActionBarSherlock [your folder]

命令:git clone https://github.com/JakeWharton/ActionBarSherlock [你的文件夹]

u can add actionbarSherlock project as a lib project in Q2Android project.


Then,u can build this project.




Download the IDE, import the github project and run.




You will be glad to know that you can start your Android application development on either of the following operating systems:


Microsoft Windows XP or later version.

Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later version with Intel chip.

Linux including GNU C Library 2.7 or later.

Second point is that all the required tools to develop Android applications are freely available and can be downloaded from the Web. Following is the list of software's you will need before you start your Android application programming.


Java JDK5 or JDK6

Android SDK

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (optional)

Android Development Tools (ADT) Eclipse Plugin (optional)

For further enquiry you can go through


1.Tutorials Point

The other way would be to use Android Studio

另一种方法是使用Android Studio

Before you start this class, be sure you have your development environment set up. You need to:


Download Android Studio.
Download the latest SDK tools and platforms using the SDK Manager.

Go through this Migrate to Android Studio to import your project onto Android Studio

通过此迁移到Android Studio将项目导入Android Studio

  1. Android site



Simple, follow these steps....


1.Download & install android studio 2. Install Java SDK (ie) jdk 3. Open android studio 4. Choose File->import 5. Select your source code

1.下载并安装android studio 2.安装Java SDK(即)jdk 3.打开android studio 4.选择File-> import 5.选择你的源代码



If the changes you are planning to make in q2android app are simple enough and you know what you are changing then sur007 has captured all that you need. Else it's a job for someone hands on with Android development.


Another big warning for you: The app is over 4 years old , which means you have to carefully choose API and Sdk Mix/Max versions.. managing version support can be hectic even for seasoned android developers - so be prepared to face backward compatibility and API depreciated issues

另一个重要警告:该应用程序已超过4年,这意味着您必须仔细选择API和Sdk Mix / Max版本。即使对于经验丰富的Android开发人员来说,管理版本支持也很繁忙 - 因此请准备好面向后向兼容性API折旧问题

All the best!




You can use eclipse ADT.In order to publish it into Google Play you should sign it.It generates APK and you can sign it via ADT easily.

您可以使用eclipse ADT。为了将其发布到Google Play,您应该对其进行签名。它会生成APK,您可以通过ADT轻松签名。



First, u need download IDE and sdk to prepare build environment,u can get these in here:


Second, u need import ActionBarSherlock as lib project, u can follow below link to check out these code and import to your workspace.


command: git clone https://github.com/JakeWharton/ActionBarSherlock [your folder]

命令:git clone https://github.com/JakeWharton/ActionBarSherlock [你的文件夹]

u can add actionbarSherlock project as a lib project in Q2Android project.


Then,u can build this project.




Download the IDE, import the github project and run.




You will be glad to know that you can start your Android application development on either of the following operating systems:


Microsoft Windows XP or later version.

Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later version with Intel chip.

Linux including GNU C Library 2.7 or later.

Second point is that all the required tools to develop Android applications are freely available and can be downloaded from the Web. Following is the list of software's you will need before you start your Android application programming.


Java JDK5 or JDK6

Android SDK

Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (optional)

Android Development Tools (ADT) Eclipse Plugin (optional)

For further enquiry you can go through


1.Tutorials Point

The other way would be to use Android Studio

另一种方法是使用Android Studio

Before you start this class, be sure you have your development environment set up. You need to:


Download Android Studio.
Download the latest SDK tools and platforms using the SDK Manager.

Go through this Migrate to Android Studio to import your project onto Android Studio

通过此迁移到Android Studio将项目导入Android Studio

  1. Android site



Simple, follow these steps....


1.Download & install android studio 2. Install Java SDK (ie) jdk 3. Open android studio 4. Choose File->import 5. Select your source code

1.下载并安装android studio 2.安装Java SDK(即)jdk 3.打开android studio 4.选择File-> import 5.选择你的源代码