
时间:2023-01-18 20:14:34

I have this razor view:


@using Order.Models
@model CategoriesViewModel

    ViewBag.Title = "Categories";
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    <div class="panel-group">                   
        @foreach (var p in Model.Categories)
          <div class="panel panel-default">
              <div class="panel-heading">
                  <h4 class="panel-title">
                      <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#@p.ID.ToString()">
               <div id="@p.ID.ToString()" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                   <div class="panel-body">  
          @foreach (var m in p.Items)                           
                          //put items data here

Which uses this viewmodel:


namespace Order.Models
    public class CategoriesViewModel
        public IEnumerable<RestCategories> Categories;
        public List<List<RestItem>> Items;

And the controller action is:


        public ActionResult Categories()
            List<List<RestItem>> ItemsForCategory = new List<List<RestItem>>();
            API OneApi = new API();
            IEnumerable<RestCategories> itemsResult = API.GetCategoryResults("test", "test");
            if (itemsResult.Count() > 0)
                foreach (RestCategories cat in itemsResult)
                    ItemsForCategory.Add(OneApi.GetItemsForCategory(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key1"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key2"], cat.ID.ToString()));

            CategoriesViewModel modelCat = new CategoriesViewModel
                Categories = itemsResult          
                Items = ItemsForCategory                             
            return View(modelCat);

Now, I'm not sure if this is the right way of doing this but I want to show categories and within those categories I want to show the items in that category. I can get all the items in a list and as you can see in the view I'm trying to loop through the Items collection but I'm not able to get the Items property from the model. I also tried this approach


@foreach (var m in Model.Items.Where(n=>n.CategoryId = p.ID))

@foreach(var.in Model.Items.Where(n => n.CategoryId = p.ID))

but still nothing.


3 个解决方案



Rather than have two enumerables in the model you could just have the category, and it's associated items, and then pass a list of those into the view.


So your model would look like:


public class CategoryViewModel
    public RestCategories Category;
    public List<RestItem> Items;

Your Controller would do something like:


IEnumerable<RestCategories> categories = API.GetCategoryResults("test", "test");
var categoryModels = categories.OrderBy(c => c.Order)
                               .Select(c => new CategoryViewModel
                                           Category = c,
                                           Items = OneApi.GetItemsForCategory(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key1"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key2"], cat.ID.ToString())
return View(categoryModels);

Your view would have a model type of IEnumerable<CategoryViewModel> rather than CategoriesViewModel, and would do something like this:

您的视图将具有IEnumerable 的模型类型而不是CategoriesViewModel,并且将执行以下操作:

<div class="panel-group">                   
    @foreach (var m in Model)
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h4 class="panel-title">
                    <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#@m.Category.ID.ToString()">
            <div id="@m.Category.ID.ToString()" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                <div class="panel-body">  
                    @foreach (var i in m.Items)                           
                        //put items data here



You are trying to access a value that probably does not exist:


@foreach (var m in Model.Items.Where(n=>n.CategoryId = p.ID))

n.CategoryId does not exist because n is referencing an item of the Items list (which is also a list).


Do you mean maybe:


 @foreach (var m in Model.Items.Where(n=>n.SOMETHING = p.ID))

I write SOMETHING because you have a list of list and maybe it should be:


public List<RestItem> Items;

and then n will have the RestItem and you would be able to access its properties.


If what you need is a list for each category, then what you should have is:


namespace Order.Models
    public class CategoriesViewModel
        public IEnumerable<RestCategories> Categories;
        public List<ListRestItem> Items;
    public class ListRestItem
       public int CategoryId;
       public List<RestItem> Items;


And with this your previous code should work. Hope it helps




An alternative to my first answer would be to leave the model, and view type, as you currently have it. In the controller action you want to make sure that the two enumerables have the same ordering with respect to category. You can then combine them in the view like this:


<div class="panel-group">                   
    @foreach (var m in Model.Categories.Zip(Model.Items, (c, i) => new { Category = c, Items = I }))
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h4 class="panel-title">
                    <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#@m.Category.ID.ToString()">
            <div id="@m.Category.ID.ToString()" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                <div class="panel-body">  
                    @foreach (var i in m.Items)                           
                        //put items data here



Rather than have two enumerables in the model you could just have the category, and it's associated items, and then pass a list of those into the view.


So your model would look like:


public class CategoryViewModel
    public RestCategories Category;
    public List<RestItem> Items;

Your Controller would do something like:


IEnumerable<RestCategories> categories = API.GetCategoryResults("test", "test");
var categoryModels = categories.OrderBy(c => c.Order)
                               .Select(c => new CategoryViewModel
                                           Category = c,
                                           Items = OneApi.GetItemsForCategory(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key1"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Key2"], cat.ID.ToString())
return View(categoryModels);

Your view would have a model type of IEnumerable<CategoryViewModel> rather than CategoriesViewModel, and would do something like this:

您的视图将具有IEnumerable 的模型类型而不是CategoriesViewModel,并且将执行以下操作:

<div class="panel-group">                   
    @foreach (var m in Model)
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h4 class="panel-title">
                    <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#@m.Category.ID.ToString()">
            <div id="@m.Category.ID.ToString()" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                <div class="panel-body">  
                    @foreach (var i in m.Items)                           
                        //put items data here



You are trying to access a value that probably does not exist:


@foreach (var m in Model.Items.Where(n=>n.CategoryId = p.ID))

n.CategoryId does not exist because n is referencing an item of the Items list (which is also a list).


Do you mean maybe:


 @foreach (var m in Model.Items.Where(n=>n.SOMETHING = p.ID))

I write SOMETHING because you have a list of list and maybe it should be:


public List<RestItem> Items;

and then n will have the RestItem and you would be able to access its properties.


If what you need is a list for each category, then what you should have is:


namespace Order.Models
    public class CategoriesViewModel
        public IEnumerable<RestCategories> Categories;
        public List<ListRestItem> Items;
    public class ListRestItem
       public int CategoryId;
       public List<RestItem> Items;


And with this your previous code should work. Hope it helps




An alternative to my first answer would be to leave the model, and view type, as you currently have it. In the controller action you want to make sure that the two enumerables have the same ordering with respect to category. You can then combine them in the view like this:


<div class="panel-group">                   
    @foreach (var m in Model.Categories.Zip(Model.Items, (c, i) => new { Category = c, Items = I }))
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h4 class="panel-title">
                    <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#@m.Category.ID.ToString()">
            <div id="@m.Category.ID.ToString()" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                <div class="panel-body">  
                    @foreach (var i in m.Items)                           
                        //put items data here