如何在uiviewcontroller / storyboard上使用uibutton在uipageviewcontroller中推进页面

时间:2023-01-17 21:41:36

I have a very specific use case that I am wondering if anyone has dealt with. I want to add a "Continue" button on my first time user experience UIPageViewController. This article (Swift iOS: how to trigger next page using buttons), touches if you want it to be on every page, but I am not planning that broad of use.

我有一个非常具体的用例,我想知道是否有人处理过。我想在我的第一次用户体验UIPageViewController上添加一个“继续”按钮。这篇文章(Swift iOS:如何使用按钮触发下一页),如果你希望它出现在每一页上都会触及,但我并没有计划那么广泛的使用。

I have a UIPageViewController, and 6 viewcontrollers that I currently can navigate through by swiping.


I've tried connecting the button to the view controller as a segue, but that presents it outside of the PageViewController. I've thought of trying to just push a right to left swipe onto the button click, but I couldn't quit figure that out.


Anyone have an idea on how to attack putting a single button on one of the view controllers and have it progress to the next view controller within the UIPageViewController?


This was marked as duplicate, but there are no duplicate cases of this issue on SO. There are few similar, but nothing like it. If there is one, please link it. The currently linked version is an obj-c answer to a similar question with no explanation as to how to link the needed function to the view controller. That answer I can implement as a global button easily, but a single view controllers button is not covered by it.



Edit for final code solution.


So this was a two part solution coded in swift 3.

所以这是一个用swift 3编写的两部分解决方案。

In the uipageviewcontroller data source extension, the func to flip the page was built as follows.


func goNextPage() {
   let cur = self.viewControllers![0]
   let p = self.pageViewController(self, viewControllerAfter: cur)
   self.setViewControllers([p!], direction .forward, animated: true, completion: nil)

The piece in the individual view controller is built as follows


@IBAction func nextPageButtonWasTapped(_ sender: Any) {
  var candidate: UIViewController = self
  while true {
    if let pageViewController = candidate as? MyUIPageViewController {
    guard let next = parent else { break }
    candidate = next

1 个解决方案



Walk up the view controller hierarchy to find the page view controller. When you find it, ask it to turn the page:


@IBAction func nextPageButtonWasTapped(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
    var candidate: UIViewController = self
    while true {
        if let pageViewController = candidate as? UIPageViewController {
        guard let next = parentViewController else { break }
        candidate = next

Implement navigateForward in an extension on UIPageViewController, based on the Objective-C version from this answer.




Walk up the view controller hierarchy to find the page view controller. When you find it, ask it to turn the page:


@IBAction func nextPageButtonWasTapped(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
    var candidate: UIViewController = self
    while true {
        if let pageViewController = candidate as? UIPageViewController {
        guard let next = parentViewController else { break }
        candidate = next

Implement navigateForward in an extension on UIPageViewController, based on the Objective-C version from this answer.
