odoo - '场地起源不存在'

时间:2023-01-17 15:40:02

This is my code:


   <record id="view_order_form_inline" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="model">sale.order.line</field>
            <field name="inherit_id" ref="sale.view_order_form"/>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <xpath expr="//field[@name='order_line']/tree/field[11]" position="after">
                    <field name="xx_insurance_inline"/>

This is to add a new column inside the sales order lines. When updating my module i get the following error:


ParseError: "ValidateError
Field(s) `arch` failed against a constraint: Invalid view definition

Error details:
Field `origin` does not exist

Error context:
View `sale.order.line form`
[view_id: 1035, xml_id: n/a, model: sale.order.line, parent_id: 647]" while parsing /home/pantera/Custom/xx_khleuven2/view/sale.xml:24, near
<record id="view_order_form_inline" model="ir.ui.view">
            <field name="model">sale.order.line</field>
            <field name="inherit_id" ref="sale.view_order_form"/>
            <field name="arch" type="xml">
                <xpath expr="//field[@name='order_line']/tree/field[11]" position="after">
                    <field name="xx_insurance_inline"/>

Since there is nowhere in my code a reference to a field called origin I have no idea what the exact problem is. Should adding the column be done in a different way or am i overlooking something obvious?


edit: This is the xml code where the xpath refers to:


<field name="order_line">
    <form string="Sales Order Lines">
    <tree string="Sales Order Lines" editable="bottom">
         <field name="sequence" widget="handle"/>
         <field name="state" invisible="1"/>
         <field name="th_weight" invisible="1"/>
         <field name="product_id"
                                        context="{'partner_id':parent.partner_id, 'quantity':product_uom_qty, 'pricelist':parent.pricelist_id, 'uom':product_uom}"
                                        on_change="product_id_change(parent.pricelist_id, product_id, product_uom_qty, False, product_uos_qty, False, name, parent.partner_id, False, True, parent.date_order, False, parent.fiscal_position, False, context)"/>
               <field name="name"/>
               <field name="product_uom_qty"
                                        context="{'partner_id':parent.partner_id, 'quantity':product_uom_qty, 'pricelist':parent.pricelist_id, 'uom':product_uom}"
                                        on_change="product_id_change(parent.pricelist_id, product_id, product_uom_qty, product_uom, product_uos_qty, product_uos, name, parent.partner_id, False, False, parent.date_order, False, parent.fiscal_position, True, context)"/>
                <field name="product_uom"
                                        on_change="product_uom_change(parent.pricelist_id, product_id, product_uom_qty, product_uom, product_uos_qty, product_uos, name, parent.partner_id, False, False, parent.date_order, context)"
                                        groups="product.group_uom" options='{"no_open": True}'/>
               <field name="product_uos_qty" groups="product.group_uos" invisible="1"/>
               <field name="product_uos" string="UoS" groups="product.group_uos" invisible="1"/>
               <field name="price_unit"/>
               <field name="tax_id" widget="many2many_tags" domain="[('parent_id','=',False),('type_tax_use','&lt;&gt;','purchase')]"/>
               <field name="discount" groups="sale.group_discount_per_so_line"/>
               <field name="price_subtotal"/>

2 个解决方案



I think you need to update few things in xml,


<field name="model">sale.order</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="sale.view_order_form"/>
<field name="priority" eval="50" />

Because this external id sale.view_order_form is belongs to sale.order model not to sale.order.line model.

因为这个外部id sale.view_order_form属于sale.order模型而不是sale.order.line模型。



This can happen when you have is modified any of the view which is adding some field base don origin or removed the origin field from original record. Originally in database there are total Three views of the sale.order model who is altering or adding the origin view as show below image :


odoo  - '场地起源不存在'

  1. sale.order.form is adding the origin field.
  2. sale.order.form正在添加原始字段。
  3. sale.order.inherit is : is inhering view 1 and using origin field added. This will be their only if module sale_crm is installed.
  4. sale.order.inherit是:继承视图1并使用添加的原始字段。这将是他们唯一的安装模块sale_crm。
  5. sale.order.journal.view.form_ : is inhering view 1 and using origin field added. This will be their only if module sale_journal is installed.
  6. sale.order.journal.view.form_:继承视图1并使用添加的原始字段。这将是他们唯一的安装模块sale_journal。

So make sure that this view exist indatabse correctly before upadting your module.






I think you need to update few things in xml,


<field name="model">sale.order</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="sale.view_order_form"/>
<field name="priority" eval="50" />

Because this external id sale.view_order_form is belongs to sale.order model not to sale.order.line model.

因为这个外部id sale.view_order_form属于sale.order模型而不是sale.order.line模型。



This can happen when you have is modified any of the view which is adding some field base don origin or removed the origin field from original record. Originally in database there are total Three views of the sale.order model who is altering or adding the origin view as show below image :


odoo  - '场地起源不存在'

  1. sale.order.form is adding the origin field.
  2. sale.order.form正在添加原始字段。
  3. sale.order.inherit is : is inhering view 1 and using origin field added. This will be their only if module sale_crm is installed.
  4. sale.order.inherit是:继承视图1并使用添加的原始字段。这将是他们唯一的安装模块sale_crm。
  5. sale.order.journal.view.form_ : is inhering view 1 and using origin field added. This will be their only if module sale_journal is installed.
  6. sale.order.journal.view.form_:继承视图1并使用添加的原始字段。这将是他们唯一的安装模块sale_journal。

So make sure that this view exist indatabse correctly before upadting your module.


