
时间:2023-01-17 14:34:58

I can't get my progress bar to work. Any help is much appreciated!


Here's the code:


<Window x:Class="BulkSAConfigureControl.BulkSaProgressBar"
Title="Please Wait.." Height="60" Width="300" WindowStyle="ToolWindow" ResizeMode="NoResize" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen">
<ProgressBar Name="progressBar" IsIndeterminate="True">
        <ResourceDictionary Source="/PresentationFramework.Aero;v3.0.0.0;31bf3856ad364e35;component/themes/aero.normalcolor.xaml" />


public class ProgressBarClass : Window
    public ProgressBarClass()

    public void StartProgressBar()
        Duration d = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        DoubleAnimation anim = new DoubleAnimation(100.0, d);
        progressBar.BeginAnimation(ProgressBar.ValueProperty, anim);

    public void StopProgressBar()


public class DoSomething : UserControl
    public void DoSomeStuff()
        ProgressBarClass pBar = new ProgressBarClass();

        // Do some stuff here


5 个解决方案


To add what Mark says, there are two ways to fix the problem. The hack way and the proper way.


The proper way is to use threading, such as a BackgroundWorker. You will likely end up using control.BeginInvoke to handle updating the GUI thread.


The hack way is to call Application.DoEvents in your loop. I call this the hack because it only partially works. For example, if you're doing a tight loop that has lots of little quick instructions then it will work fine'ish. If you're doing a loop in which your instructions take a while, this will not work (such as making a huge sql query to a database).


Here is a good link to learn about this particular example. I think WPF handles things only slightly different than regular WinForms.



This answer isn't specific to C# or WPF, but with Windows in general. A progress bar will only update if you are processing Windows messages. If you're running a tight CPU loop with no UI interaction, the progress bar never gets a chance to repaint.



I'm not sure this is your problem (I don't know much about the animations... I've only used the progress bar by incremening the "Value" property), but I think most of the suggestions here ignore the UI threading model introduced in WPF: Threading in WPF

我不确定这是你的问题(我对动画知之甚少......我只是通过增加“值”属性来使用进度条),但我认为这里的大多数建议都忽略了UI WPF中引入的线程模型:WPF中的线程化

If you have a loop of some sort (I don't think you do, judging by your code, but I could be wrong), then you'll want to schedule each iteration of your loop with the Dispatcher... this way WPF can intersperse your code executing with the UI events it needs to do to repaint properly.


Hope this helps.



I observed two things:


  • If you set IsIndeterminate="True" for the progressbar, it will not walk from 0 to 100% but just run left-right-left again and again (some K.I.T.T.-effect), you will want this only if you don't know, where you are in your progress timeline. (with certain styles you even see nothing on the progress bar, but on Vista-default it shows some green shade going from side to side)
  • 如果为进度条设置IsIndeterminate =“True”,它将不会从0到100%走,但只是一次又一次地左右运行(一些KITT效果),只有在你不知道的情况下才会想要这个,您在进度时间表中的位置。 (某些样式你甚至在进度条上看不到任何内容,但在Vista-default上它显示出一些绿色阴影从一边到另一边)

  • If you want to set your progress-value from the background-thread, you should do this by using a backgroundworker for your action and then use the method called "ReportProgress" after certain milestones. This way the UI will perform an update to show your new progress.
  • 如果要从后台线程设置进度值,则应通过使用后台工作程序执行此操作,然后在某些里程碑后使用名为“ReportProgress”的方法。这样,UI将执行更新以显示您的新进度。


I assume you are asking a basic question of making a Progress bar working from the code behind? and Threading is not your problem I guess. It is very simple in WPF to make a progress bar works. Hope you will be having some values coming from your background process as a percentage or something. Just set the ProgressBar.Value property and it will do the rest. A test app below


<ProgressBar x:Name="progress" MouseDown="Window_MouseDown" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="93"/>

at C#

    private void Window_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        progress.Value = progress.Value+1;

And write the following code in the code behind and keep clicking on the ProgressBar when the app runs



To add what Mark says, there are two ways to fix the problem. The hack way and the proper way.


The proper way is to use threading, such as a BackgroundWorker. You will likely end up using control.BeginInvoke to handle updating the GUI thread.


The hack way is to call Application.DoEvents in your loop. I call this the hack because it only partially works. For example, if you're doing a tight loop that has lots of little quick instructions then it will work fine'ish. If you're doing a loop in which your instructions take a while, this will not work (such as making a huge sql query to a database).


Here is a good link to learn about this particular example. I think WPF handles things only slightly different than regular WinForms.



This answer isn't specific to C# or WPF, but with Windows in general. A progress bar will only update if you are processing Windows messages. If you're running a tight CPU loop with no UI interaction, the progress bar never gets a chance to repaint.



I'm not sure this is your problem (I don't know much about the animations... I've only used the progress bar by incremening the "Value" property), but I think most of the suggestions here ignore the UI threading model introduced in WPF: Threading in WPF

我不确定这是你的问题(我对动画知之甚少......我只是通过增加“值”属性来使用进度条),但我认为这里的大多数建议都忽略了UI WPF中引入的线程模型:WPF中的线程化

If you have a loop of some sort (I don't think you do, judging by your code, but I could be wrong), then you'll want to schedule each iteration of your loop with the Dispatcher... this way WPF can intersperse your code executing with the UI events it needs to do to repaint properly.


Hope this helps.



I observed two things:


  • If you set IsIndeterminate="True" for the progressbar, it will not walk from 0 to 100% but just run left-right-left again and again (some K.I.T.T.-effect), you will want this only if you don't know, where you are in your progress timeline. (with certain styles you even see nothing on the progress bar, but on Vista-default it shows some green shade going from side to side)
  • 如果为进度条设置IsIndeterminate =“True”,它将不会从0到100%走,但只是一次又一次地左右运行(一些KITT效果),只有在你不知道的情况下才会想要这个,您在进度时间表中的位置。 (某些样式你甚至在进度条上看不到任何内容,但在Vista-default上它显示出一些绿色阴影从一边到另一边)

  • If you want to set your progress-value from the background-thread, you should do this by using a backgroundworker for your action and then use the method called "ReportProgress" after certain milestones. This way the UI will perform an update to show your new progress.
  • 如果要从后台线程设置进度值,则应通过使用后台工作程序执行此操作,然后在某些里程碑后使用名为“ReportProgress”的方法。这样,UI将执行更新以显示您的新进度。


I assume you are asking a basic question of making a Progress bar working from the code behind? and Threading is not your problem I guess. It is very simple in WPF to make a progress bar works. Hope you will be having some values coming from your background process as a percentage or something. Just set the ProgressBar.Value property and it will do the rest. A test app below


<ProgressBar x:Name="progress" MouseDown="Window_MouseDown" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="93"/>

at C#

    private void Window_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        progress.Value = progress.Value+1;

And write the following code in the code behind and keep clicking on the ProgressBar when the app runs
