如何在Visual Studio 2012中打开使用Visual Studio 2008创建的rdl?

时间:2023-01-17 11:05:05

I need to open an SSRS report that was created in Visual Studio 2008. I only have Visual Studio 2012, so I need to convert or upgrade the file.

我需要打开在Visual Studio 2008中创建的SSRS报告。我只有Visual Studio 2012,因此我需要转换或升级该文件。

I followed the instructions at this site, but I still don't get what I need.


How to edit SSRS 2008R2 Reports in Visual Studio 2012?

如何在Visual Studio 2012中编辑SSRS 2008R2报告?

When I click on the rdl the file simply opens as an XML file in Visual Studio 2012. I need to be able to open it in design mode within the IDE. Does anyone know how to fix this issue.

当我单击rdl时,该文件只是在Visual Studio 2012中作为XML文件打开。我需要能够在IDE中以设计模式打开它。有谁知道如何解决这个问题。

1 个解决方案


Without the project file it can be quite tedious.


If the report is currently deployed to an existing reporting services server you can do the following.


  1. create a new vs2012 reports project
  2. 创建一个新的vs2012报告项目

  3. download the data sources from the report server an import them into your project.
  4. 从报表服务器下载数据源并将其导入到项目中。

  5. import the report into your project and try opening it
  6. 将报告导入项目并尝试打开它

  7. if it complains of missing datasets you will need to examine the report xml to find the datasets so that you can recreate them.
  8. 如果它抱怨缺少数据集,您将需要检查报告xml以查找数据集,以便您可以重新创建它们。

If all you have is the report then


  1. You need to create a new reporting project using VS2012
  2. 您需要使用VS2012创建一个新的报告项目

  3. you then need to import your report into the project.
  4. 然后,您需要将报告导入项目。

  5. you will have to study the xml of the report in order to determine the data source name(s)
  6. 您将不得不研究报告的xml以确定数据源名称

  7. you will need to recreate the data source(s) in your project
  8. 您需要在项目中重新创建数据源

  9. you may also have to recreate the datasets used in the report again you can find details in the report xml.
  10. 您可能还需要重新创建报告中使用的数据集,您可以在报告xml中找到详细信息。


Without the project file it can be quite tedious.


If the report is currently deployed to an existing reporting services server you can do the following.


  1. create a new vs2012 reports project
  2. 创建一个新的vs2012报告项目

  3. download the data sources from the report server an import them into your project.
  4. 从报表服务器下载数据源并将其导入到项目中。

  5. import the report into your project and try opening it
  6. 将报告导入项目并尝试打开它

  7. if it complains of missing datasets you will need to examine the report xml to find the datasets so that you can recreate them.
  8. 如果它抱怨缺少数据集,您将需要检查报告xml以查找数据集,以便您可以重新创建它们。

If all you have is the report then


  1. You need to create a new reporting project using VS2012
  2. 您需要使用VS2012创建一个新的报告项目

  3. you then need to import your report into the project.
  4. 然后,您需要将报告导入项目。

  5. you will have to study the xml of the report in order to determine the data source name(s)
  6. 您将不得不研究报告的xml以确定数据源名称

  7. you will need to recreate the data source(s) in your project
  8. 您需要在项目中重新创建数据源

  9. you may also have to recreate the datasets used in the report again you can find details in the report xml.
  10. 您可能还需要重新创建报告中使用的数据集,您可以在报告xml中找到详细信息。