什么是.xproj文件以及如何在Visual Studio 2012中打开此项目类型?

时间:2023-01-17 10:55:15

I am working with with IBM Bluemix, so I created a basic ASP.net 5 web application, provided as a startup project in bluemix. There is a project file called dotnetstarter.xproj among different other files. I am able to open the solution file in Visual Studio 2012, but the solution does not understand the 'project' which has the extension .xproj. Can anyone help me understand this type of project and how do I open it in Visual Studio 2012?

我正在与IBM Bluemix合作,因此我创建了一个基本的ASP.net 5 Web应用程序,作为bluemix中的启动项目提供。在不同的其他文件中有一个名为dotnetstarter.xproj的项目文件。我能够在Visual Studio 2012中打开解决方案文件,但该解决方案无法理解具有扩展名.xproj的“项目”。任何人都可以帮助我理解这类项目,如何在Visual Studio 2012中打开它?

I have already read the following link in SO, but it didn't help.


.xproj and .json is not recognized in Visual studio

Visual Studio中无法识别.xproj和.json

1 个解决方案



.NET Core based projects like that can only be opened in Visual Studio 2015 and above.

像这样的基于.NET Core的项目只能在Visual Studio 2015及更高版本中打开。

And note that .NET Core bits must be installed or updated first from http://dot.net

请注意,必须首先从http://dot.net安装或更新.NET Core位

Microsoft intends to replace .xproj with classic .csproj in the long term, so this answer will be invalid some day.


Updated 2018 .xproj is now long dead. Please only use Visual Studio 2017 and above to develop your .NET Core apps.

2018年更新.xproj现在已经死了。请仅使用Visual Studio 2017及更高版本来开发.NET Core应用程序。



.NET Core based projects like that can only be opened in Visual Studio 2015 and above.

像这样的基于.NET Core的项目只能在Visual Studio 2015及更高版本中打开。

And note that .NET Core bits must be installed or updated first from http://dot.net

请注意,必须首先从http://dot.net安装或更新.NET Core位

Microsoft intends to replace .xproj with classic .csproj in the long term, so this answer will be invalid some day.


Updated 2018 .xproj is now long dead. Please only use Visual Studio 2017 and above to develop your .NET Core apps.

2018年更新.xproj现在已经死了。请仅使用Visual Studio 2017及更高版本来开发.NET Core应用程序。