Windows临时文件行为 - 是否被系统删除?

时间:2023-01-16 22:09:57

Using the .net framework you have the option to create temporary files with



The MSDN doesn't tell us what happens to temporary files. I remember reading somewhere that they are deleted by the OS when it gets a restart. Is this true?


If the files aren't deleted by the OS, why are they called temporary? They are normal files in a normal directory.


7 个解决方案



The short answer: they don't get deleted.


The long answer: The managed Path.GetTempFileName() method calls the native Win32API GetTempFileName() method, like this:

答案很长:托管的Path.GetTempFileName()方法调用本机Win32API GetTempFileName()方法,如下所示:

//actual .NET 2.0 decompiled code 
// .NET Reflector rocks for looking at plumbing
public static string GetTempFileName()
    string tempPath = GetTempPath();
    new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, tempPath).Demand();
    StringBuilder tmpFileName = new StringBuilder(260);
    if (Win32Native.GetTempFileName(tempPath, "tmp", 0, tmpFileName) == 0)
    return tmpFileName.ToString();

The documentation for the native method states:


Windows临时文件行为 - 是否被系统删除? Temporary files whose names have been created by this function are not automatically deleted. To delete these files call DeleteFile.


I have found a great article called "Those pesky temp files" (Archived Oct. 2007) that starts from basics and touches some less obvious problems of handling temporary files, like:


  • How to make sure the file is deleted (even if the app crashes! hint: FileOption.DeleteOnClose and let the kernel deal with it)
  • 如何确保文件被删除(即使应用程序崩溃!提示:FileOption.DeleteOnClose并让内核处理它)
  • How to get the correct caching policy for the file, to improve performance (hint: FileAttributes.Temporary)
  • 如何获取文件的正确缓存策略,以提高性能(提示:FileAttributes.Temporary)
  • How to make sure the contents of the file stay secure, because:
    • the file name is even more predictable with the managed method than with the unmanaged one
    • 使用托管方法比使用非托管方法更可预测文件名
    • the temp file is created, then closed, then you get the path to it (only to open it again), thus leaving a small window of opportunity for malicious code/users to hijack the file.
    • 创建临时文件,然后关闭,然后获取它的路径(仅重新打开它),从而为恶意代码/用户留下一个劫持文件的小机会窗口。
  • 如何确保文件的内容保持安全,因为:使用托管方法比使用非托管文件名创建临时文件更可预测文件名,然后关闭,然后获取文件路径(仅打开)它再次),从而为恶意代码/用户留下了一个劫持文件的小机会窗口。

C# Code from article:


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Security.AccessControl;

public static class PathUtility
    private const int defaultBufferSize = 0x1000; // 4KB

#region GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a unique, randomly named, secure, zero-byte temporary file on disk, which is automatically deleted when it is no longer in use. Returns the opened file stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>The generated file name is a cryptographically strong, random string. The file name is guaranteed to be unique to the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The <see cref="GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream"/> method will raise an <see cref="IOException"/> if no unique temporary file name is available. Although this is possible, it is highly improbable. To resolve this error, delete all uneeded temporary files.</para>
    /// <para>The file is created as a zero-byte file in the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The file owner is set to the current user. The file security permissions grant full control to the current user only.</para>
    /// <para>The file sharing is set to none.</para>
    /// <para>The file is marked as a temporary file. File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because an application deletes a temporary file after a handle is closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.</para>
    /// <para>The system deletes the file immediately after it is closed or the <see cref="FileStream"/> is finalized.</para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <returns>The opened <see cref="FileStream"/> object.</returns>
    public static FileStream GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream()
        return GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream(defaultBufferSize, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose);    

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a unique, randomly named, secure, zero-byte temporary file on disk, which is automatically deleted when it is no longer in use. Returns the opened file stream with the specified buffer size.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>The generated file name is a cryptographically strong, random string. The file name is guaranteed to be unique to the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The <see cref="GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream"/> method will raise an <see cref="IOException"/> if no unique temporary file name is available. Although this is possible, it is highly improbable. To resolve this error, delete all uneeded temporary files.</para>
    /// <para>The file is created as a zero-byte file in the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The file owner is set to the current user. The file security permissions grant full control to the current user only.</para>
    /// <para>The file sharing is set to none.</para>
    /// <para>The file is marked as a temporary file. File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because an application deletes a temporary file after a handle is closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.</para>
    /// <para>The system deletes the file immediately after it is closed or the <see cref="FileStream"/> is finalized.</para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="bufferSize">A positive <see cref="Int32"/> value greater than 0 indicating the buffer size.</param>
    /// <returns>The opened <see cref="FileStream"/> object.</returns>
    public static FileStream GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream(int bufferSize)
        return GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream(bufferSize, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a unique, randomly named, secure, zero-byte temporary file on disk, which is automatically deleted when it is no longer in use. Returns the opened file stream with the specified buffer size and file options.
    /// </summary>  
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>The generated file name is a cryptographically strong, random string. The file name is guaranteed to be unique to the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The <see cref="GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream"/> method will raise an <see cref="IOException"/> if no unique temporary file name is available. Although this is possible, it is highly improbable. To resolve this error, delete all uneeded temporary files.</para>
    /// <para>The file is created as a zero-byte file in the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The file owner is set to the current user. The file security permissions grant full control to the current user only.</para>
    /// <para>The file sharing is set to none.</para>
    /// <para>The file is marked as a temporary file. File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because an application deletes a temporary file after a handle is closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.</para>
    /// <para>The system deletes the file immediately after it is closed or the <see cref="FileStream"/> is finalized.</para>
    /// <para>Use the <paramref name="options"/> parameter to specify additional file options. You can specify <see cref="FileOptions.Encrypted"/> to encrypt the file contents using the current user account. Specify <see cref="FileOptions.Asynchronous"/> to enable overlapped I/O when using asynchronous reads and writes.</para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="bufferSize">A positive <see cref="Int32"/> value greater than 0 indicating the buffer size.</param>
    /// <param name="options">A <see cref="FileOptions"/> value that specifies additional file options.</param>
    /// <returns>The opened <see cref="FileStream"/> object.</returns>
    public static FileStream GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream(int bufferSize, FileOptions options)
        FileStream fs = GetSecureFileStream(Path.GetTempPath(), bufferSize, options | FileOptions.DeleteOnClose);

        File.SetAttributes(fs.Name, File.GetAttributes(fs.Name) | FileAttributes.Temporary);

        return fs;    


#region GetSecureTempFileStream

    public static FileStream GetSecureTempFileStream()
        return GetSecureTempFileStream(defaultBufferSize, FileOptions.None);    

    public static FileStream GetSecureTempFileStream(int bufferSize)
        return GetSecureTempFileStream(bufferSize, FileOptions.None);

    public static FileStream GetSecureTempFileStream(int bufferSize, FileOptions options)
        FileStream fs = GetSecureFileStream(Path.GetTempPath(), bufferSize, options);

        File.SetAttributes(fs.Name, File.GetAttributes(fs.Name) | FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed | FileAttributes.Temporary);

        return fs;


#region GetSecureTempFileName

    public static string GetSecureTempFileName()
        return GetSecureTempFileName(false);    

    public static string GetSecureTempFileName(bool encrypted)
        using (FileStream fs = GetSecureFileStream(Path.GetTempPath(), defaultBufferSize, encrypted ? FileOptions.Encrypted : FileOptions.None))
            File.SetAttributes(fs.Name, File.GetAttributes(fs.Name) | FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed | FileAttributes.Temporary);

            return fs.Name;    



#region GetSecureFileName

    public static string GetSecureFileName(string path)
        return GetSecureFileName(path, false);    

    public static string GetSecureFileName(string path, bool encrypted)
        using (FileStream fs = GetSecureFileStream(path, defaultBufferSize, encrypted ? FileOptions.Encrypted : FileOptions.None))
            return fs.Name;    


#region GetSecureFileStream

    public static FileStream GetSecureFileStream(string path)
        return GetSecureFileStream(path, defaultBufferSize, FileOptions.None);    

    public static FileStream GetSecureFileStream(string path, int bufferSize)
        return GetSecureFileStream(path, bufferSize, FileOptions.None);

    public static FileStream GetSecureFileStream(string path, int bufferSize, FileOptions options)
        if (path == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

        if (bufferSize <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize");

        if ((options & ~(FileOptions.Asynchronous | FileOptions.DeleteOnClose | FileOptions.Encrypted | FileOptions.RandomAccess | FileOptions.SequentialScan | FileOptions.WriteThrough)) != FileOptions.None)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("options");

        new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, path).Demand();

        SecurityIdentifier user = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User;

        FileSecurity fileSecurity = new FileSecurity();

        fileSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(user, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));

        fileSecurity.SetAccessRuleProtection(true, false);


        // Attempt to create a unique file three times before giving up.
        // It is highly improbable that there will ever be a name *,
        // therefore we do not check to see if the file first exists.

        for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 3; attempt++)
                return new FileStream(Path.Combine(path, Path.GetRandomFileName()),
                                        FileMode.CreateNew, FileSystemRights.FullControl,
                                        FileShare.None, bufferSize, options, fileSecurity);

            catch (IOException)
                if (attempt == 2)


        // This code can never be reached.
        // The compiler thinks otherwise.
        throw new IOException();






Based on the March files in my %tmp%, I'd say not.


Re why they are called temporary - because that is their expected usage. They aren't system files; they aren't application files, and they aren't user documents... they exist only to allow an app to do temporary processing (perhaps on large volumes of data), or often to pass data via IPC to another process. Hence they really are temporary.

为什么他们被称为临时 - 因为这是他们的预期用途。它们不是系统文件;它们不是应用程序文件,它们不是用户文档......它们只是为了允许应用程序进行临时处理(可能是大量数据),或者经常通过IPC将数据传递到另一个进程。因此他们真的是暂时的。

You should aim to delete any temp files you create, fatal "kill" etc not withstanding. I often use "using" for this - I create a wrapper class - i.e.

你应该瞄准删除你创建的任何临时文件,致命的“杀死”等不能承受。我经常使用“使用” - 我创建了一个包装类 - 即

sealed class TempFile : IDisposable { // formatted for space
    string path;
    public string Path {
        get {
            if(path==null) throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name);
            return path;
    public TempFile() : this(System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName()) { }

    public TempFile(string path) {
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
        this.path = path;

    private void Dispose(bool disposing) {
        if (path != null) {
            try {
            } catch { } // best endeavours...
            path = null;
    public void Dispose() {
    ~TempFile() {



There is a FileOptions.DeleteOnClose option which might do what you want.


Here is a link to the MSDN page.




No, this is not true. Basically, your app is responsible for cleaning up its own mess. If you don't, temporary files will accumulate over time.




No, it lies in the responsibility of the software (read: the developer) that creates a temporary file to dispose of it.


Have a look in your own temp folder to see how well that works ;-)




They are called temporary because in most cases, the user can assume she can safely clean up the mess in the temp dirs... If not, in general, these files are locked anyway.


In general, these files should be short lived: create them, use them for whatever need you have, delete them on the spot. At worse, delete them when exiting the application.


Sometime, you cannot, eg. an archive manager or a VCS allowing to look at a file with an editor (or diff viewer, etc.), but closed before the editor (or not able to monitor the spawned process...).




I've read on the internet a lot of times that people don't want to use Path.GetTempFileName because they say it could return an already existing file, to solve the problem you can make a filename based on a GUID.


This Function solves that Problem: Iterates until it finds a nonexistent file name with an specific extension.


Public Shared Function GetTempFileName(ByVal extensionWithDot As String) As String
    Dim tempFileName As String
        tempFileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName
        If extensionWithDot IsNot Nothing Then
            tempFileName = tempFileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(tempFileName), extensionWithDot)
        End If
    Loop While System.IO.File.Exists(tempFileName)
    Return tempFileName
End Function



public static string GetTempFileName(string extensionWithDot)
    string tempFileName = null;
    do {
        tempFileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName;
        if (extensionWithDot != null) {
            tempFileName = tempFileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(tempFileName), extensionWithDot);
    } while (System.IO.File.Exists(tempFileName));
    return tempFileName;

Note: I use argument extensionWithDot because System.IO.Path.GetExtension returns with dot.




The short answer: they don't get deleted.


The long answer: The managed Path.GetTempFileName() method calls the native Win32API GetTempFileName() method, like this:

答案很长:托管的Path.GetTempFileName()方法调用本机Win32API GetTempFileName()方法,如下所示:

//actual .NET 2.0 decompiled code 
// .NET Reflector rocks for looking at plumbing
public static string GetTempFileName()
    string tempPath = GetTempPath();
    new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, tempPath).Demand();
    StringBuilder tmpFileName = new StringBuilder(260);
    if (Win32Native.GetTempFileName(tempPath, "tmp", 0, tmpFileName) == 0)
    return tmpFileName.ToString();

The documentation for the native method states:


Windows临时文件行为 - 是否被系统删除? Temporary files whose names have been created by this function are not automatically deleted. To delete these files call DeleteFile.


I have found a great article called "Those pesky temp files" (Archived Oct. 2007) that starts from basics and touches some less obvious problems of handling temporary files, like:


  • How to make sure the file is deleted (even if the app crashes! hint: FileOption.DeleteOnClose and let the kernel deal with it)
  • 如何确保文件被删除(即使应用程序崩溃!提示:FileOption.DeleteOnClose并让内核处理它)
  • How to get the correct caching policy for the file, to improve performance (hint: FileAttributes.Temporary)
  • 如何获取文件的正确缓存策略,以提高性能(提示:FileAttributes.Temporary)
  • How to make sure the contents of the file stay secure, because:
    • the file name is even more predictable with the managed method than with the unmanaged one
    • 使用托管方法比使用非托管方法更可预测文件名
    • the temp file is created, then closed, then you get the path to it (only to open it again), thus leaving a small window of opportunity for malicious code/users to hijack the file.
    • 创建临时文件,然后关闭,然后获取它的路径(仅重新打开它),从而为恶意代码/用户留下一个劫持文件的小机会窗口。
  • 如何确保文件的内容保持安全,因为:使用托管方法比使用非托管文件名创建临时文件更可预测文件名,然后关闭,然后获取文件路径(仅打开)它再次),从而为恶意代码/用户留下了一个劫持文件的小机会窗口。

C# Code from article:


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Security.AccessControl;

public static class PathUtility
    private const int defaultBufferSize = 0x1000; // 4KB

#region GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a unique, randomly named, secure, zero-byte temporary file on disk, which is automatically deleted when it is no longer in use. Returns the opened file stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>The generated file name is a cryptographically strong, random string. The file name is guaranteed to be unique to the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The <see cref="GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream"/> method will raise an <see cref="IOException"/> if no unique temporary file name is available. Although this is possible, it is highly improbable. To resolve this error, delete all uneeded temporary files.</para>
    /// <para>The file is created as a zero-byte file in the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The file owner is set to the current user. The file security permissions grant full control to the current user only.</para>
    /// <para>The file sharing is set to none.</para>
    /// <para>The file is marked as a temporary file. File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because an application deletes a temporary file after a handle is closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.</para>
    /// <para>The system deletes the file immediately after it is closed or the <see cref="FileStream"/> is finalized.</para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <returns>The opened <see cref="FileStream"/> object.</returns>
    public static FileStream GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream()
        return GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream(defaultBufferSize, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose);    

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a unique, randomly named, secure, zero-byte temporary file on disk, which is automatically deleted when it is no longer in use. Returns the opened file stream with the specified buffer size.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>The generated file name is a cryptographically strong, random string. The file name is guaranteed to be unique to the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The <see cref="GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream"/> method will raise an <see cref="IOException"/> if no unique temporary file name is available. Although this is possible, it is highly improbable. To resolve this error, delete all uneeded temporary files.</para>
    /// <para>The file is created as a zero-byte file in the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The file owner is set to the current user. The file security permissions grant full control to the current user only.</para>
    /// <para>The file sharing is set to none.</para>
    /// <para>The file is marked as a temporary file. File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because an application deletes a temporary file after a handle is closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.</para>
    /// <para>The system deletes the file immediately after it is closed or the <see cref="FileStream"/> is finalized.</para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="bufferSize">A positive <see cref="Int32"/> value greater than 0 indicating the buffer size.</param>
    /// <returns>The opened <see cref="FileStream"/> object.</returns>
    public static FileStream GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream(int bufferSize)
        return GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream(bufferSize, FileOptions.DeleteOnClose);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a unique, randomly named, secure, zero-byte temporary file on disk, which is automatically deleted when it is no longer in use. Returns the opened file stream with the specified buffer size and file options.
    /// </summary>  
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>The generated file name is a cryptographically strong, random string. The file name is guaranteed to be unique to the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The <see cref="GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream"/> method will raise an <see cref="IOException"/> if no unique temporary file name is available. Although this is possible, it is highly improbable. To resolve this error, delete all uneeded temporary files.</para>
    /// <para>The file is created as a zero-byte file in the system's temporary folder.</para>
    /// <para>The file owner is set to the current user. The file security permissions grant full control to the current user only.</para>
    /// <para>The file sharing is set to none.</para>
    /// <para>The file is marked as a temporary file. File systems avoid writing data back to mass storage if sufficient cache memory is available, because an application deletes a temporary file after a handle is closed. In that case, the system can entirely avoid writing the data. Otherwise, the data is written after the handle is closed.</para>
    /// <para>The system deletes the file immediately after it is closed or the <see cref="FileStream"/> is finalized.</para>
    /// <para>Use the <paramref name="options"/> parameter to specify additional file options. You can specify <see cref="FileOptions.Encrypted"/> to encrypt the file contents using the current user account. Specify <see cref="FileOptions.Asynchronous"/> to enable overlapped I/O when using asynchronous reads and writes.</para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="bufferSize">A positive <see cref="Int32"/> value greater than 0 indicating the buffer size.</param>
    /// <param name="options">A <see cref="FileOptions"/> value that specifies additional file options.</param>
    /// <returns>The opened <see cref="FileStream"/> object.</returns>
    public static FileStream GetSecureDeleteOnCloseTempFileStream(int bufferSize, FileOptions options)
        FileStream fs = GetSecureFileStream(Path.GetTempPath(), bufferSize, options | FileOptions.DeleteOnClose);

        File.SetAttributes(fs.Name, File.GetAttributes(fs.Name) | FileAttributes.Temporary);

        return fs;    


#region GetSecureTempFileStream

    public static FileStream GetSecureTempFileStream()
        return GetSecureTempFileStream(defaultBufferSize, FileOptions.None);    

    public static FileStream GetSecureTempFileStream(int bufferSize)
        return GetSecureTempFileStream(bufferSize, FileOptions.None);

    public static FileStream GetSecureTempFileStream(int bufferSize, FileOptions options)
        FileStream fs = GetSecureFileStream(Path.GetTempPath(), bufferSize, options);

        File.SetAttributes(fs.Name, File.GetAttributes(fs.Name) | FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed | FileAttributes.Temporary);

        return fs;


#region GetSecureTempFileName

    public static string GetSecureTempFileName()
        return GetSecureTempFileName(false);    

    public static string GetSecureTempFileName(bool encrypted)
        using (FileStream fs = GetSecureFileStream(Path.GetTempPath(), defaultBufferSize, encrypted ? FileOptions.Encrypted : FileOptions.None))
            File.SetAttributes(fs.Name, File.GetAttributes(fs.Name) | FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed | FileAttributes.Temporary);

            return fs.Name;    



#region GetSecureFileName

    public static string GetSecureFileName(string path)
        return GetSecureFileName(path, false);    

    public static string GetSecureFileName(string path, bool encrypted)
        using (FileStream fs = GetSecureFileStream(path, defaultBufferSize, encrypted ? FileOptions.Encrypted : FileOptions.None))
            return fs.Name;    


#region GetSecureFileStream

    public static FileStream GetSecureFileStream(string path)
        return GetSecureFileStream(path, defaultBufferSize, FileOptions.None);    

    public static FileStream GetSecureFileStream(string path, int bufferSize)
        return GetSecureFileStream(path, bufferSize, FileOptions.None);

    public static FileStream GetSecureFileStream(string path, int bufferSize, FileOptions options)
        if (path == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

        if (bufferSize <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize");

        if ((options & ~(FileOptions.Asynchronous | FileOptions.DeleteOnClose | FileOptions.Encrypted | FileOptions.RandomAccess | FileOptions.SequentialScan | FileOptions.WriteThrough)) != FileOptions.None)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("options");

        new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, path).Demand();

        SecurityIdentifier user = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().User;

        FileSecurity fileSecurity = new FileSecurity();

        fileSecurity.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(user, FileSystemRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow));

        fileSecurity.SetAccessRuleProtection(true, false);


        // Attempt to create a unique file three times before giving up.
        // It is highly improbable that there will ever be a name *,
        // therefore we do not check to see if the file first exists.

        for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 3; attempt++)
                return new FileStream(Path.Combine(path, Path.GetRandomFileName()),
                                        FileMode.CreateNew, FileSystemRights.FullControl,
                                        FileShare.None, bufferSize, options, fileSecurity);

            catch (IOException)
                if (attempt == 2)


        // This code can never be reached.
        // The compiler thinks otherwise.
        throw new IOException();






Based on the March files in my %tmp%, I'd say not.


Re why they are called temporary - because that is their expected usage. They aren't system files; they aren't application files, and they aren't user documents... they exist only to allow an app to do temporary processing (perhaps on large volumes of data), or often to pass data via IPC to another process. Hence they really are temporary.

为什么他们被称为临时 - 因为这是他们的预期用途。它们不是系统文件;它们不是应用程序文件,它们不是用户文档......它们只是为了允许应用程序进行临时处理(可能是大量数据),或者经常通过IPC将数据传递到另一个进程。因此他们真的是暂时的。

You should aim to delete any temp files you create, fatal "kill" etc not withstanding. I often use "using" for this - I create a wrapper class - i.e.

你应该瞄准删除你创建的任何临时文件,致命的“杀死”等不能承受。我经常使用“使用” - 我创建了一个包装类 - 即

sealed class TempFile : IDisposable { // formatted for space
    string path;
    public string Path {
        get {
            if(path==null) throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name);
            return path;
    public TempFile() : this(System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName()) { }

    public TempFile(string path) {
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
        this.path = path;

    private void Dispose(bool disposing) {
        if (path != null) {
            try {
            } catch { } // best endeavours...
            path = null;
    public void Dispose() {
    ~TempFile() {



There is a FileOptions.DeleteOnClose option which might do what you want.


Here is a link to the MSDN page.




No, this is not true. Basically, your app is responsible for cleaning up its own mess. If you don't, temporary files will accumulate over time.




No, it lies in the responsibility of the software (read: the developer) that creates a temporary file to dispose of it.


Have a look in your own temp folder to see how well that works ;-)




They are called temporary because in most cases, the user can assume she can safely clean up the mess in the temp dirs... If not, in general, these files are locked anyway.


In general, these files should be short lived: create them, use them for whatever need you have, delete them on the spot. At worse, delete them when exiting the application.


Sometime, you cannot, eg. an archive manager or a VCS allowing to look at a file with an editor (or diff viewer, etc.), but closed before the editor (or not able to monitor the spawned process...).




I've read on the internet a lot of times that people don't want to use Path.GetTempFileName because they say it could return an already existing file, to solve the problem you can make a filename based on a GUID.


This Function solves that Problem: Iterates until it finds a nonexistent file name with an specific extension.


Public Shared Function GetTempFileName(ByVal extensionWithDot As String) As String
    Dim tempFileName As String
        tempFileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName
        If extensionWithDot IsNot Nothing Then
            tempFileName = tempFileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(tempFileName), extensionWithDot)
        End If
    Loop While System.IO.File.Exists(tempFileName)
    Return tempFileName
End Function



public static string GetTempFileName(string extensionWithDot)
    string tempFileName = null;
    do {
        tempFileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName;
        if (extensionWithDot != null) {
            tempFileName = tempFileName.Replace(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(tempFileName), extensionWithDot);
    } while (System.IO.File.Exists(tempFileName));
    return tempFileName;

Note: I use argument extensionWithDot because System.IO.Path.GetExtension returns with dot.
