Visual Studio团队服务在构建期间编译的脚本较少

时间:2023-01-16 21:55:40

I'm deploying an ASP.NET Web Application to an Azure Website using VSTS's Continuous Integration. Everything works great except compiling LESS files.

我是部署一个ASP。NET Web应用程序到Azure网站使用VSTS的持续集成。除了编译较少的文件之外,一切都很好。

I looked through the build steps and I couldn't find anything specific to LESS. Is there any documentation on how to do this?


1 个解决方案



It's pretty easy actually. You just have to set it's build action property to "content" and everything should be good to go.

其实很简单。你只需将它的build action属性设置为“content”,一切都应该很好。

If that doesn't do the trick, I found this blog post detailing another method to try (note that I haven't tried this technique myself yet):
In Visual Studio, open the properties of your web project, go to the "Build Events" section, and the in the section "Post-build event command line", insert the following line:

如果不奏效,我发现这篇文章详细介绍另一种方法尝试(注意,我还没有尝试过这种方法):在Visual Studio中,打开您的web项目的性质,“构建事件”一节,和“Post-build事件命令行”一节中,插入以下行:

$(SolutionDir)\packages\dotless.1.1.0\Tools\dotless.Compiler.exe -m "$(ProjectDir)\content\*.less" "$(ProjectDir)\content\*.css"

Every time the project builds, this command will compile any .less file in the \content folder into a corresponding .css file, minifying it as well (with the -m switch).
Here is the post that contained this information:

每次项目构建时,这个命令都会将\content文件夹中的任何.less文件编译成相应的.css文件,并将其缩小(使用-m开关)。以下是包含这一信息的帖子: css-with-asp-net。



It's pretty easy actually. You just have to set it's build action property to "content" and everything should be good to go.

其实很简单。你只需将它的build action属性设置为“content”,一切都应该很好。

If that doesn't do the trick, I found this blog post detailing another method to try (note that I haven't tried this technique myself yet):
In Visual Studio, open the properties of your web project, go to the "Build Events" section, and the in the section "Post-build event command line", insert the following line:

如果不奏效,我发现这篇文章详细介绍另一种方法尝试(注意,我还没有尝试过这种方法):在Visual Studio中,打开您的web项目的性质,“构建事件”一节,和“Post-build事件命令行”一节中,插入以下行:

$(SolutionDir)\packages\dotless.1.1.0\Tools\dotless.Compiler.exe -m "$(ProjectDir)\content\*.less" "$(ProjectDir)\content\*.css"

Every time the project builds, this command will compile any .less file in the \content folder into a corresponding .css file, minifying it as well (with the -m switch).
Here is the post that contained this information:

每次项目构建时,这个命令都会将\content文件夹中的任何.less文件编译成相应的.css文件,并将其缩小(使用-m开关)。以下是包含这一信息的帖子: css-with-asp-net。