Objective-C performSelectorInBackground - 在哪里调用方法运行?

时间:2023-01-15 23:01:12

Simple question: what happens if I do this:


- (void)viewDidLoad
    [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(myBGMethod) withObject:nil];

    [self myOtherMethod];

    NSLog(@"This is not Inception");
    //some more code here

Will the NSLog() and other code in myOtherMethod be run on the main thread or in the background?


3 个解决方案



It'll be run in the background thread.


You can confirm this by calling NSLog inside all your methods. By default, NSLog prints the thread number along the process ID (pid).




It'll be run in the background. Once you make the call to myBGMethod in another thread, whatever it calls is made on that same thread unless it specifically requests another thread.


As a side note, depending on which version of iOS you want to support, you might want to learn more about Grand Central Dispatch. It makes multithreading a lot simpler.

作为旁注,根据您要支持的iOS版本,您可能想要了解有关Grand Central Dispatch的更多信息。它使多线程变得更加简单。



If you are ever curious about what thread a particular line of code is executing on, you can put a breakpoint on that line and check the Debug Navigator pane in Xcode:

如果您对某个特定代码行正在执行的线程感到好奇,可以在该行上放置一个断点并检查Xcode中的Debug Navigator窗格:

Objective-C performSelectorInBackground  - 在哪里调用方法运行?

In this case, I put a breakpoint on NSLog(...)


dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{

and you can see that we're in Thread 2 com.apple.root.default-priority

你可以看到我们在线程2 com.apple.root.default-priority



It'll be run in the background thread.


You can confirm this by calling NSLog inside all your methods. By default, NSLog prints the thread number along the process ID (pid).




It'll be run in the background. Once you make the call to myBGMethod in another thread, whatever it calls is made on that same thread unless it specifically requests another thread.


As a side note, depending on which version of iOS you want to support, you might want to learn more about Grand Central Dispatch. It makes multithreading a lot simpler.

作为旁注,根据您要支持的iOS版本,您可能想要了解有关Grand Central Dispatch的更多信息。它使多线程变得更加简单。



If you are ever curious about what thread a particular line of code is executing on, you can put a breakpoint on that line and check the Debug Navigator pane in Xcode:

如果您对某个特定代码行正在执行的线程感到好奇,可以在该行上放置一个断点并检查Xcode中的Debug Navigator窗格:

Objective-C performSelectorInBackground  - 在哪里调用方法运行?

In this case, I put a breakpoint on NSLog(...)


dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{

and you can see that we're in Thread 2 com.apple.root.default-priority

你可以看到我们在线程2 com.apple.root.default-priority