
时间:2023-01-15 22:56:37

Platform: Visual Studio 2008 SP1 with Resharper 4.1, .NET 3.5

平台:带有Resharper 4.1,.NET 3.5的Visual Studio 2008 SP1

I have a class with a static method, GetProperty<T> that returns a property value lazily.

我有一个带有静态方法的类,GetProperty 可以懒惰地返回属性值。

private static T GetProperty<T>(T backingField, Func<T> factory) 
    where T : class 
    if (backingField == null)
        backingField = factory();
    return backingField;

But when I use above method to return a property, I am getting two warnings that says that private backing fields are not assigned. But they are assigned later on only when they are needed.



Is this warning ignorable?
-- Or --
Is my appoach to loading a property flawed?

这个警告是否可以忽略? - 或者 - 我的加载财产是否存在缺陷?

4 个解决方案


Your method is flawed. To take this approach you need to make backingField a ref parameter.


private static T GetProperty<T>(ref T backingField, Func<T> factory)

Then on GetProperty, pass ref _ImagXpress or ref _PdfXpress.

然后在GetProperty上传递ref _ImagXpress或ref _PdfXpress。

The way you're doing it now just assigns a new value to the parameter, not to the actual backing field.



Your approach is flawed. You're fields will never be set to anything. the backingField argument is being set in the GetProperty<T> method, but this does not update the field you're passing in. You'll want to pass in that argument with the ref keyword attached to it like this:

你的方法有缺陷。你的字段永远不会被设置为任何东西。 backingField参数是在GetProperty 方法中设置的,但是这不会更新您传入的字段。您将要传递带有ref关键字的参数,如下所示:

private static T GetProperty<T>(ref T backingField, Func<T> factory)


As I stated in comments on another answer, the need for a ref parameter is a code smell. First of all, if you're doing this in a method, you're breaking the single responsibility principle, but more importantly, the code is only reusable within your inheritance heirarchy.


There's a pattern to be derived here:


public class LazyInit<T>
    where T : class
    private readonly Func<T> _creationMethod;
    private readonly object syncRoot;
    private T _instance;

    private LazyInit()
        syncRoot = new object();

    public LazyInit(Func<T> creationMethod)
        : this()
        _creationMethod = creationMethod;

    public T Instance
            lock (syncRoot)
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = _creationMethod();
                return _instance;

    public static LazyInit<T> Create<U>() where U : class, T, new()
        return new LazyInit<T>(() => new U());

    public static implicit operator LazyInit<T>(Func<T> function)
        return new LazyInit<T>(function);

This allows you to do this:


public class Foo
    private readonly LazyInit<Bar> _bar1 = LazyInit<Bar>.Create<Bar>();
    private readonly LazyInit<Bar> _bar2 = new LazyInit<Bar>(() => new Bar("foo"));

    public Bar Bar1
        get { return _bar1.Instance; }

    public Bar Bar2
        get { return _bar2.Instance; }


To propose a different solution:


I'd say that you're not saving a whole lot by encapsulating that logic into a separate method. You're increasing your complexity without much gain. I'd suggest doing it this way:


protected PdfXpress PdfXpress
        if (_PdfXpress == null)
            _PdfXpress = PdfXpressSupport.Create();

        return _PdfXpress;

protected ImagXpress ImagXpress
        if (_ImagXpress == null)
            _ImagXpress = IMagXpressSupport.Create();

        return _ImagXpress;

You're adding a few lines, but decreasing complexity considerably.



Your method is flawed. To take this approach you need to make backingField a ref parameter.


private static T GetProperty<T>(ref T backingField, Func<T> factory)

Then on GetProperty, pass ref _ImagXpress or ref _PdfXpress.

然后在GetProperty上传递ref _ImagXpress或ref _PdfXpress。

The way you're doing it now just assigns a new value to the parameter, not to the actual backing field.



Your approach is flawed. You're fields will never be set to anything. the backingField argument is being set in the GetProperty<T> method, but this does not update the field you're passing in. You'll want to pass in that argument with the ref keyword attached to it like this:

你的方法有缺陷。你的字段永远不会被设置为任何东西。 backingField参数是在GetProperty 方法中设置的,但是这不会更新您传入的字段。您将要传递带有ref关键字的参数,如下所示:

private static T GetProperty<T>(ref T backingField, Func<T> factory)


As I stated in comments on another answer, the need for a ref parameter is a code smell. First of all, if you're doing this in a method, you're breaking the single responsibility principle, but more importantly, the code is only reusable within your inheritance heirarchy.


There's a pattern to be derived here:


public class LazyInit<T>
    where T : class
    private readonly Func<T> _creationMethod;
    private readonly object syncRoot;
    private T _instance;

    private LazyInit()
        syncRoot = new object();

    public LazyInit(Func<T> creationMethod)
        : this()
        _creationMethod = creationMethod;

    public T Instance
            lock (syncRoot)
                if (_instance == null)
                    _instance = _creationMethod();
                return _instance;

    public static LazyInit<T> Create<U>() where U : class, T, new()
        return new LazyInit<T>(() => new U());

    public static implicit operator LazyInit<T>(Func<T> function)
        return new LazyInit<T>(function);

This allows you to do this:


public class Foo
    private readonly LazyInit<Bar> _bar1 = LazyInit<Bar>.Create<Bar>();
    private readonly LazyInit<Bar> _bar2 = new LazyInit<Bar>(() => new Bar("foo"));

    public Bar Bar1
        get { return _bar1.Instance; }

    public Bar Bar2
        get { return _bar2.Instance; }


To propose a different solution:


I'd say that you're not saving a whole lot by encapsulating that logic into a separate method. You're increasing your complexity without much gain. I'd suggest doing it this way:


protected PdfXpress PdfXpress
        if (_PdfXpress == null)
            _PdfXpress = PdfXpressSupport.Create();

        return _PdfXpress;

protected ImagXpress ImagXpress
        if (_ImagXpress == null)
            _ImagXpress = IMagXpressSupport.Create();

        return _ImagXpress;

You're adding a few lines, but decreasing complexity considerably.
