如何在Objective C中使用Swift struct

时间:2023-01-15 18:38:50

Simply I have a struct that stores the application constants as below:


struct Constant {

    static let ParseApplicationId = "xxx"
    static let ParseClientKey = "xxx"

    static var AppGreenColor: UIColor {
        return UIColor(hexString: "67B632")

These constants can be use in Swift code by calling Constant.ParseClientKey for example. But in my code, it also contains some Objective C classes. So my question is how to use these constants in the Objective C code?

这些常量可以通过调用常量在Swift代码中使用。ParseClientKey为例。但是在我的代码中,它还包含一些目标C类。我的问题是如何在Objective - C中使用这些常量?

If this way to declare constants is not good then what is the best way to create global constants to be used in both Swift and Objective C code ?

如果这种声明常量的方式不好,那么创建要在Swift和Objective C代码中使用的全局常量的最佳方式是什么?

3 个解决方案



Sad to say, you can not expose struct, nor global variables to Objective-C. see the documentation.


As of now, IMHO, the best way is something like this:


let ParseApplicationId = "xxx"
let ParseClientKey = "xxx"
let AppGreenColor = UIColor(red: 0.2, green: 0.7, blue: 0.3 alpha: 1.0)

@objc class Constant: NSObject {
    private init() {}

    class func parseApplicationId() -> String { return ParseApplicationId }
    class func parseClientKey() -> String { return ParseClientKey }
    class func appGreenColor() -> UIColor { return AppGreenColor }

In Objective-C, you can use them like this:


NSString *appklicationId = [Constant parseApplicationId];
NSString *clientKey = [Constant parseClientKey];
UIColor *greenColor = [Constant appGreenColor];



//Why not create a file something like this: 

import UIKit
import Foundation

extension UIColor {
    convenience init(hex: Int) {
        let components = (
            R: CGFloat((hex >> 16) & 0xff) / 255,
            G: CGFloat((hex >> 08) & 0xff) / 255,
            B: CGFloat((hex >> 00) & 0xff) / 255

        self.init(red: components.R, green: components.G, blue: components.B, alpha: 1)

extension CGColor {
    class func colorWithHex(hex: Int) -> CGColorRef {
        return UIColor(hex: hex).CGColor

struct Constant {

    static let kParseApplicationId = "5678"
    static let kParseClientKey = "1234"

    static var kAppGreenColor: UIColor { return UIColor(hex:0x67B632) }

    static var kTextBlackColor: UIColor { return UIColor(hex:0x000000) }
    static var kSomeBgBlueColor: UIColor { return UIColor(hex:0x0000FF) }
    static var kLineGrayCGColor: CGColor { return CGColor.colorWithHex(0xCCCCCC) }
    static var kLineRedCGColor: CGColor { return CGColor.colorWithHex(0xFF0000) }

@objc class Constants: NSObject {
    private override init() {}

    class func parseApplicationId() -> String { return Constant.kParseApplicationId }
    class func parseClientKey() -> String { return Constant.kParseClientKey }
    class func appGreenColor() -> UIColor { return Constant.kAppGreenColor }

    class func textBlackColor() -> UIColor { return Constant.kTextBlackColor }

    class func someBgBlueColor() -> UIColor { return Constant.kSomeBgBlueColor }

    class func lineGrayCGColor() -> CGColor { return Constant.kLineGrayCGColor }

    class func lineRedCGColor() -> CGColor { return Constant.kLineRedCGColor }

//for use in Objective-C files add this when you need to use constants:  
//#import "ProjectModuleName-Swift.h"

//Swift usage: 
//self.view.backgroundColor = Constant.kAppGreenColor

//Objective-C file: 
//self.view.backgroundColor = [Constants appGreenColor];

//This way you can update colors, default text, web service urls for whole app in one place. 

//just an idea on this thread.



You should make the let statements private if you want to make other Swift types in your code to access these constants only via class:


private let AppGreenColor = UIColor(red: 0.2, green: 0.7, blue: 0.3 alpha: 1.0)

@objc class Constant {
    class func appGreenColor() -> UIColor { return AppGreenColor }

In Swift, you can use them like this:


UIColor *greenColor = Constant.appGreenColor

The following line will not compile anymore now since the let statement is private:


UIColor *greenColor = appGreenColor



Sad to say, you can not expose struct, nor global variables to Objective-C. see the documentation.


As of now, IMHO, the best way is something like this:


let ParseApplicationId = "xxx"
let ParseClientKey = "xxx"
let AppGreenColor = UIColor(red: 0.2, green: 0.7, blue: 0.3 alpha: 1.0)

@objc class Constant: NSObject {
    private init() {}

    class func parseApplicationId() -> String { return ParseApplicationId }
    class func parseClientKey() -> String { return ParseClientKey }
    class func appGreenColor() -> UIColor { return AppGreenColor }

In Objective-C, you can use them like this:


NSString *appklicationId = [Constant parseApplicationId];
NSString *clientKey = [Constant parseClientKey];
UIColor *greenColor = [Constant appGreenColor];



//Why not create a file something like this: 

import UIKit
import Foundation

extension UIColor {
    convenience init(hex: Int) {
        let components = (
            R: CGFloat((hex >> 16) & 0xff) / 255,
            G: CGFloat((hex >> 08) & 0xff) / 255,
            B: CGFloat((hex >> 00) & 0xff) / 255

        self.init(red: components.R, green: components.G, blue: components.B, alpha: 1)

extension CGColor {
    class func colorWithHex(hex: Int) -> CGColorRef {
        return UIColor(hex: hex).CGColor

struct Constant {

    static let kParseApplicationId = "5678"
    static let kParseClientKey = "1234"

    static var kAppGreenColor: UIColor { return UIColor(hex:0x67B632) }

    static var kTextBlackColor: UIColor { return UIColor(hex:0x000000) }
    static var kSomeBgBlueColor: UIColor { return UIColor(hex:0x0000FF) }
    static var kLineGrayCGColor: CGColor { return CGColor.colorWithHex(0xCCCCCC) }
    static var kLineRedCGColor: CGColor { return CGColor.colorWithHex(0xFF0000) }

@objc class Constants: NSObject {
    private override init() {}

    class func parseApplicationId() -> String { return Constant.kParseApplicationId }
    class func parseClientKey() -> String { return Constant.kParseClientKey }
    class func appGreenColor() -> UIColor { return Constant.kAppGreenColor }

    class func textBlackColor() -> UIColor { return Constant.kTextBlackColor }

    class func someBgBlueColor() -> UIColor { return Constant.kSomeBgBlueColor }

    class func lineGrayCGColor() -> CGColor { return Constant.kLineGrayCGColor }

    class func lineRedCGColor() -> CGColor { return Constant.kLineRedCGColor }

//for use in Objective-C files add this when you need to use constants:  
//#import "ProjectModuleName-Swift.h"

//Swift usage: 
//self.view.backgroundColor = Constant.kAppGreenColor

//Objective-C file: 
//self.view.backgroundColor = [Constants appGreenColor];

//This way you can update colors, default text, web service urls for whole app in one place. 

//just an idea on this thread.



You should make the let statements private if you want to make other Swift types in your code to access these constants only via class:


private let AppGreenColor = UIColor(red: 0.2, green: 0.7, blue: 0.3 alpha: 1.0)

@objc class Constant {
    class func appGreenColor() -> UIColor { return AppGreenColor }

In Swift, you can use them like this:


UIColor *greenColor = Constant.appGreenColor

The following line will not compile anymore now since the let statement is private:


UIColor *greenColor = appGreenColor