
时间:2023-01-15 18:29:41

The new Xcode 7.3 passing the parameter via addTarget usually works for me but in this case it's throwing the error in the title. Any ideas? It throws another when I try to change it to @objc

新的Xcode 7.3通过addTarget传递参数通常对我来说是可行的,但在这种情况下,它会在标题中抛出错误。什么好主意吗?当我试图将它改为@objc时,它会抛出另一个。

Thank you!


cell.commentButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(FeedViewController.didTapCommentButton(_:)), forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)

The selector it's calling


func didTapCommentButton(post: Post) {

3 个解决方案



In my case the function of the selector was private. Once I removed the private the error was gone. Same goes for fileprivate.


In Swift 4
You will need to add @objc to the function declaration. Until swift 4 this was implicitly inferred.

在Swift 4中,需要向函数声明中添加@objc。直到斯威夫特4被暗中推断。



You need to use the @objc attribute on didTapCommentButton(_:) to use it with #selector.


You say you did that but you got another error. My guess is that the new error is that Post is not a type that is compatible with Objective-C. You can only expose a method to Objective-C if all of its argument types, and its return type, are compatible with Objective-C.


You could fix that by making Post a subclass of NSObject, but that's not going to matter, because the argument to didTapCommentButton(_:) will not be a Post anyway. The argument to an action function is the sender of the action, and that sender will be commentButton, which is presumably a UIButton. You should declare didTapCommentButton like this:


@objc func didTapCommentButton(sender: UIButton) {
    // ...

You'll then face the problem of getting the Post corresponding to the tapped button. There are multiple ways to get it. Here's one.


I gather (since your code says cell.commentButton) that you're setting up a table view (or a collection view). And since your cell has a non-standard property named commentButton, I assume it's a custom UITableViewCell subclass. So let's assume your cell is a PostCell declared like this:


class PostCell: UITableViewCell {
    @IBOutlet var commentButton: UIButton?
    var post: Post?

    // other stuff...

Then you can walk up the view hierarchy from the button to find the PostCell, and get the post from it:


@objc func didTapCommentButton(sender: UIButton) {
    var ancestor = sender.superview
    while ancestor != nil && !(ancestor! is PostCell) {
        ancestor = view.superview
    guard let cell = ancestor as? PostCell,
        post = cell.post
        else { return }

    // Do something with post here



Try having the selector point to a wrapper function, which in turn calls your delegate function. That worked for me.


cell.commentButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(wrapperForDidTapCommentButton(_:)), forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)


- - - - - -

func wrapperForDidTapCommentButton(post: Post) {



In my case the function of the selector was private. Once I removed the private the error was gone. Same goes for fileprivate.


In Swift 4
You will need to add @objc to the function declaration. Until swift 4 this was implicitly inferred.

在Swift 4中,需要向函数声明中添加@objc。直到斯威夫特4被暗中推断。



You need to use the @objc attribute on didTapCommentButton(_:) to use it with #selector.


You say you did that but you got another error. My guess is that the new error is that Post is not a type that is compatible with Objective-C. You can only expose a method to Objective-C if all of its argument types, and its return type, are compatible with Objective-C.


You could fix that by making Post a subclass of NSObject, but that's not going to matter, because the argument to didTapCommentButton(_:) will not be a Post anyway. The argument to an action function is the sender of the action, and that sender will be commentButton, which is presumably a UIButton. You should declare didTapCommentButton like this:


@objc func didTapCommentButton(sender: UIButton) {
    // ...

You'll then face the problem of getting the Post corresponding to the tapped button. There are multiple ways to get it. Here's one.


I gather (since your code says cell.commentButton) that you're setting up a table view (or a collection view). And since your cell has a non-standard property named commentButton, I assume it's a custom UITableViewCell subclass. So let's assume your cell is a PostCell declared like this:


class PostCell: UITableViewCell {
    @IBOutlet var commentButton: UIButton?
    var post: Post?

    // other stuff...

Then you can walk up the view hierarchy from the button to find the PostCell, and get the post from it:


@objc func didTapCommentButton(sender: UIButton) {
    var ancestor = sender.superview
    while ancestor != nil && !(ancestor! is PostCell) {
        ancestor = view.superview
    guard let cell = ancestor as? PostCell,
        post = cell.post
        else { return }

    // Do something with post here



Try having the selector point to a wrapper function, which in turn calls your delegate function. That worked for me.


cell.commentButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(wrapperForDidTapCommentButton(_:)), forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)


- - - - - -

func wrapperForDidTapCommentButton(post: Post) {