
时间:2023-01-15 09:45:52

I would like to search for files in my different drives that have a size lower than 800Ko and to launch an MD5 checksum of them (with Microsoft tool FCIV).


I think it can be done using the dir command but I am not sure to know how can I check for the filesize (lower than 800Ko) and then being able to retrieve the full path of each file and add it as an argument to the FCIV command.


EDIT: I use this code but actually the proces never ends because it is stucks on directory where I have "access denied". It is possible to skip those directories ?


@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir /A HS /s /b c:\') do (
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir c:\ /s /b /A-d') do (
if /I %%~Za LEQ 600000 (
echo %%~Za
fciv -md5 "%%~a" -xml DatabaseMD5.xml  


Thank you

1 个解决方案


Wow, you want to do this to every file on the drive? Anyhow, here's a few tweaks to what you have so far.


@echo off
rem   setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /R c:\ %%a in (*) do (
    if %%~za GTR 0 if %%~za LSS 800000 (
        echo "%%a" %%~za
        fciv -md5 "%%a" -xml DatabaseMD5.xml 



Wow, you want to do this to every file on the drive? Anyhow, here's a few tweaks to what you have so far.


@echo off
rem   setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /R c:\ %%a in (*) do (
    if %%~za GTR 0 if %%~za LSS 800000 (
        echo "%%a" %%~za
        fciv -md5 "%%a" -xml DatabaseMD5.xml 
