
时间:2023-01-15 09:32:19

I have many mac os devices (Mac Pro, Macbook) and develop RoR on those devices.

我有很多mac os设备(mac Pro、Macbook),并在这些设备上开发RoR。

How could I sync the environment among those Machines (e.g. brew , rvm, mysql, any modules) ?


2 个解决方案



It might be worth considering virtualizing your development environment using Vagrant. Ryan Bates from Rails Casts did an intro screen cast. Another option is to create a shell script that configures your environment automatically. I use a personal one found here that sets up Postgres, Rbenv, and a handful.

可以考虑使用Vagrant对开发环境进行虚拟化。来自Rails cast的Ryan Bates做了一个屏幕介绍。另一个选项是创建一个shell脚本,该脚本自动配置您的环境。我在这里找到了一个私人的,可以设置Postgres, Rbenv和一把。



If you really want to use different machines instead of going with vagrant as Kevin suggested, You might want to give Chef a try. Since you are familiar with RoR. I am assuming you are familiar with ruby. Chef cookbooks are basically ruby code. You can easily find chef solo cookbooks for installing your requirements just by searching on google like "chef postgresql for osx". You can also write your own cookbooks after following basic documentation on opscode.

如果你真的想用不同的机器,而不是像凯文建议的那样,随波逐流,你可能需要给厨师一个尝试。因为你对RoR很熟悉。我假设你对ruby很熟悉。厨师烹饪书基本上都是ruby代码。只需在谷歌上搜索“chef postgresql for osx”,就可以轻松找到用于安装需求的chef solo cookbook。您还可以在遵循opscode的基本文档之后编写自己的食谱。

Knife solo is a wrapper around chef solo to install cookbooks on remote machines. Here is an introduction to knife solo and chef solo.


Though, you'll still need a CM tool like chef even if you go with vagrant option.




It might be worth considering virtualizing your development environment using Vagrant. Ryan Bates from Rails Casts did an intro screen cast. Another option is to create a shell script that configures your environment automatically. I use a personal one found here that sets up Postgres, Rbenv, and a handful.

可以考虑使用Vagrant对开发环境进行虚拟化。来自Rails cast的Ryan Bates做了一个屏幕介绍。另一个选项是创建一个shell脚本,该脚本自动配置您的环境。我在这里找到了一个私人的,可以设置Postgres, Rbenv和一把。



If you really want to use different machines instead of going with vagrant as Kevin suggested, You might want to give Chef a try. Since you are familiar with RoR. I am assuming you are familiar with ruby. Chef cookbooks are basically ruby code. You can easily find chef solo cookbooks for installing your requirements just by searching on google like "chef postgresql for osx". You can also write your own cookbooks after following basic documentation on opscode.

如果你真的想用不同的机器,而不是像凯文建议的那样,随波逐流,你可能需要给厨师一个尝试。因为你对RoR很熟悉。我假设你对ruby很熟悉。厨师烹饪书基本上都是ruby代码。只需在谷歌上搜索“chef postgresql for osx”,就可以轻松找到用于安装需求的chef solo cookbook。您还可以在遵循opscode的基本文档之后编写自己的食谱。

Knife solo is a wrapper around chef solo to install cookbooks on remote machines. Here is an introduction to knife solo and chef solo.


Though, you'll still need a CM tool like chef even if you go with vagrant option.
