
时间:2023-01-15 08:50:18

When I start, Eclipse says "Workspace Cannot Be Locked"


"Could not launch the product because the associated workspace is currently in use by another Eclipse application." or “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one.”


But I know it isn't.


How do I "unlock" it?


18 个解决方案



Just delete the .lock file in the .metadata directory in your eclipse workspace directory.


Precaution - If you delete the .metadata folder all preference will be deleted.




I've seen 3 other fixes so far:


  1. in .metadata/, rm .lock file
  2. 在.metadata/, rm .lock文件中。
  3. if #1 doesn't work, try killing the process javaw.exe etc. then rm .lock file
  4. 如果#1不起作用,尝试杀死进程javaw。exe等,然后是rm .lock文件。
  5. if #1 and #2 don't work, try rm .log file in .metadata/, and double check .plugin/.
  6. 如果#1和#2不起作用,请在.metadata/和double check .plugin/中尝试rm .log文件。
  7. This has always worked for me: relocate .metadata/, open and close eclipse, then overwrite .metadata back
  8. 这对我来说一直很有效:重新定位。元数据/,打开和关闭eclipse,然后覆盖。元数据。

The solution boils down to cleaning up the .metadata folder.




Go to TaskManager(Right Click in the Task Bar) and select Processess menu bar and select eclipse.exe and Click EndProcess




Another possible cause of the “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one” issue is that the real path to your workspace may have changed.


In my case, the real location of the workspace had changed, but I had used a symlink to make it look like it was in the same location. I saw errors in logs indicating that eclipse was looking at the previous "real" location, as opposed to following the symlink, and this was causing the errors.


In my case, I just moved the workspace back to its old location.




There is another case where the path to the workspace may not exist, e.g., if you have imported preferences from another workspace, then some imported workspace addresses may appear in your "open workspace" dialog; then if you didn't pay attention to those addresses, you would get the exact same error once you tried to open them.

还有另一种情况,即工作区的路径可能不存在,例如,如果您从另一个工作区导入了首选项,那么一些导入的工作区地址可能出现在您的“open workspace”对话框中;如果你不注意这些地址,一旦你试图打开它们,你会得到同样的错误。



Running eclipse in Administrator Mode fixed it for me. You can do this by [Right Click] -> Run as Administrator on the eclipse.exe from your install dir.


I was on a working environment with win7 machine having restrictive permission. I also did remove the .lock and .log files but that did not help. It can be a combination of all as well that made it work.




At times, if you are on Windows, you may not see all the processes - or the culprit process in Task manager. I had to click 'Show process from all users' and there was this java.exe that I had to kill in order to get back my workspace.




Another possible case if none works is to see that there is a running Java application . may be your previous open and close has left unkilled java instances.


  1. Do look for any java instance is running if there are two at least you need to kill one.But ,most of the time i kill any java running :) because that java is using the work space earlier and still will if don't kill it.


  2. Change another work space in case if you want a multiple IDE to use and work on diffrent or same project , but you should import project form workspace after you open your IDE.




deleting logs and .lock didn't work but


-clean option fixed it for me.




i was faced this issue when ever the eclipse is not closed (kill eclipse process the from task manager or computer power off), i was tried below steps, it worked for me.

当eclipse没有关闭时,我就遇到了这个问题(kill eclipse process从任务管理器或计算机电源关闭),我尝试了下面的步骤,它为我工作。

1) Remove the file names start with ".fileTable" from this folder



C:\ eclipse \ \ org.eclipse.osgi.manager配置

2) Remove the log files like text files start with numeric names from this folder



C:\ eclipse \配置

3) Open Command prompt(cmd) navigate to this folder



C:\ eclipse

type below command


eclipse clean start





The answer @Boris gave is correct 99% of the time, however it can also happen if you open the workspace in an older version of Eclipse. A workspace imported into/created with Juno will throw this error when opened in Galileo.




Another all-too-common reason for this problem is if you attempt to load a directory on a drive that is no longer connected. For example, Say you program in C:\Code\Java, but occasionally work off of a flash drive, H:\Code\Java. If you do not have the drive connected it can be easy to believe you are trying to load a valid directory without noticing your typo.




Another problem is when eclipse doesn't have write access to your src folder. Change the security permission and make sure "Authenticated Users" are added with all permissions checked but Full Control & Special Permissions.




I had this error after I restarted the system (after a long time. Normally I just make it sleep). Found out that once I mounted the drives (by clicking and opening it) where project folder is located, and relaunching eclipse, solved the issue for me.


PS: I'm an ubuntu user.




Here are a few steps to solve it the no. 4 step is works for me.


  1. Delete .log files along .metadata folder.
  2. 删除.log文件沿着.metadata文件夹。
  3. Check the current user permission make sure to check the full control checkbox click apply then OK.
  4. 检查当前的用户权限,确保检查完整的控制复选框,点击应用即可。
  5. If you run system drive defragmentation or maintenance before you run eclipse editor sometimes original file path are not in their respective path to make sure run "previous version" time before your system maintenance of your drive where the eclipse workbench or something similar to this was saved.
  6. 如果您在运行eclipse编辑器之前运行系统驱动器碎片整理或维护,那么在您的驱动程序的系统维护之前,有时原始的文件路径并不在它们各自的路径中,以确保在eclipse工作台或类似的东西被保存之前运行“以前版本”。
  7. This last option is works for me. Check the drive letter of your current drive where the code editor was saved. If something unusual e.g before your maintenance your drive letter is K then after defragment or maintenance. The drive letter is now L hence you should change the drive letter to its original one that is K. to do this click the ff: Open control panel System & security Administrative tools Computer management Disk management in disk mngt choose the Drive example L then right click > change drive letter & path > click remove > then ok, open it again then > click add and > choose your original drive letter for that drive then click ok. If you use your computer for a long period of time do restart first to refresh everything.
  8. 最后一个选项对我有效。检查当前驱动器的驱动器号,代码编辑器保存在那里。如果有什么不寻常的e。在你的维修之前,你的驱动器号是K,然后是碎片整理或维护。驱动器现在L因此你应该改变驱动器到原来一个k .单击ff:打开控制面板系统和安全管理工具计算机管理磁盘管理磁盘mngt选择驱动的例子L然后右键>更改驱动器号和路径>点击删除>然后好,再次打开它然后>单击add >选择你的原始驱动器,然后单击ok。如果你用你的电脑很长一段时间,首先要重新启动来刷新所有东西。



Choosing a "different one" is actually a pretty easy solution.


I had been running Eclipse as an administrator (sudo eclipse from the command line) because the "workspace" folder was throwing the Workspace in use or cannot be created… error (and running as administrator seemed to be the only solution that fixed it).

我一直在运行Eclipse作为管理员(sudo Eclipse从命令行),因为“workspace”文件夹正在使用或不能创建…错误(并且作为管理员运行,这似乎是唯一的解决方案)。

A coworker (working on this same issue with me) wanted to run Eclipse by clicking on an icon. So when he ran Eclipse, and the dialogue box came up with the choose your workspace, he just added a "2" to the end of "workspace".


This created a new folder: "workspace2". Eclipse ran fine with that; and I haven’t had any of the locking problems since.




It will occur when you not closed eclipse.exe correctly.


*Open Task manager->End task your eclipse->Now open eclipse.exe it will work.


Hope its help someone.




I have observed one case when eclipse when in forced quit, or Alt-f2 xkilled in linux, an attempt to immediately open eclipse shows that error. Even the metadat/.lock file is not present in that case. However it starts working after a span of about two minutes

我曾经观察过一个例子,当eclipse在强制退出时,或者在linux中使用Alt-f2 xdie时,试图立即打开eclipse就会显示错误。甚至metadat /。这种情况下不存在锁文件。然而,它在大约两分钟后开始工作。



Just delete the .lock file in the .metadata directory in your eclipse workspace directory.


Precaution - If you delete the .metadata folder all preference will be deleted.




I've seen 3 other fixes so far:


  1. in .metadata/, rm .lock file
  2. 在.metadata/, rm .lock文件中。
  3. if #1 doesn't work, try killing the process javaw.exe etc. then rm .lock file
  4. 如果#1不起作用,尝试杀死进程javaw。exe等,然后是rm .lock文件。
  5. if #1 and #2 don't work, try rm .log file in .metadata/, and double check .plugin/.
  6. 如果#1和#2不起作用,请在.metadata/和double check .plugin/中尝试rm .log文件。
  7. This has always worked for me: relocate .metadata/, open and close eclipse, then overwrite .metadata back
  8. 这对我来说一直很有效:重新定位。元数据/,打开和关闭eclipse,然后覆盖。元数据。

The solution boils down to cleaning up the .metadata folder.




Go to TaskManager(Right Click in the Task Bar) and select Processess menu bar and select eclipse.exe and Click EndProcess




Another possible cause of the “Workspace in use or cannot be created, chose a different one” issue is that the real path to your workspace may have changed.


In my case, the real location of the workspace had changed, but I had used a symlink to make it look like it was in the same location. I saw errors in logs indicating that eclipse was looking at the previous "real" location, as opposed to following the symlink, and this was causing the errors.


In my case, I just moved the workspace back to its old location.




There is another case where the path to the workspace may not exist, e.g., if you have imported preferences from another workspace, then some imported workspace addresses may appear in your "open workspace" dialog; then if you didn't pay attention to those addresses, you would get the exact same error once you tried to open them.

还有另一种情况,即工作区的路径可能不存在,例如,如果您从另一个工作区导入了首选项,那么一些导入的工作区地址可能出现在您的“open workspace”对话框中;如果你不注意这些地址,一旦你试图打开它们,你会得到同样的错误。



Running eclipse in Administrator Mode fixed it for me. You can do this by [Right Click] -> Run as Administrator on the eclipse.exe from your install dir.


I was on a working environment with win7 machine having restrictive permission. I also did remove the .lock and .log files but that did not help. It can be a combination of all as well that made it work.




At times, if you are on Windows, you may not see all the processes - or the culprit process in Task manager. I had to click 'Show process from all users' and there was this java.exe that I had to kill in order to get back my workspace.




Another possible case if none works is to see that there is a running Java application . may be your previous open and close has left unkilled java instances.


  1. Do look for any java instance is running if there are two at least you need to kill one.But ,most of the time i kill any java running :) because that java is using the work space earlier and still will if don't kill it.


  2. Change another work space in case if you want a multiple IDE to use and work on diffrent or same project , but you should import project form workspace after you open your IDE.




deleting logs and .lock didn't work but


-clean option fixed it for me.




i was faced this issue when ever the eclipse is not closed (kill eclipse process the from task manager or computer power off), i was tried below steps, it worked for me.

当eclipse没有关闭时,我就遇到了这个问题(kill eclipse process从任务管理器或计算机电源关闭),我尝试了下面的步骤,它为我工作。

1) Remove the file names start with ".fileTable" from this folder



C:\ eclipse \ \ org.eclipse.osgi.manager配置

2) Remove the log files like text files start with numeric names from this folder



C:\ eclipse \配置

3) Open Command prompt(cmd) navigate to this folder



C:\ eclipse

type below command


eclipse clean start





The answer @Boris gave is correct 99% of the time, however it can also happen if you open the workspace in an older version of Eclipse. A workspace imported into/created with Juno will throw this error when opened in Galileo.




Another all-too-common reason for this problem is if you attempt to load a directory on a drive that is no longer connected. For example, Say you program in C:\Code\Java, but occasionally work off of a flash drive, H:\Code\Java. If you do not have the drive connected it can be easy to believe you are trying to load a valid directory without noticing your typo.




Another problem is when eclipse doesn't have write access to your src folder. Change the security permission and make sure "Authenticated Users" are added with all permissions checked but Full Control & Special Permissions.




I had this error after I restarted the system (after a long time. Normally I just make it sleep). Found out that once I mounted the drives (by clicking and opening it) where project folder is located, and relaunching eclipse, solved the issue for me.


PS: I'm an ubuntu user.




Here are a few steps to solve it the no. 4 step is works for me.


  1. Delete .log files along .metadata folder.
  2. 删除.log文件沿着.metadata文件夹。
  3. Check the current user permission make sure to check the full control checkbox click apply then OK.
  4. 检查当前的用户权限,确保检查完整的控制复选框,点击应用即可。
  5. If you run system drive defragmentation or maintenance before you run eclipse editor sometimes original file path are not in their respective path to make sure run "previous version" time before your system maintenance of your drive where the eclipse workbench or something similar to this was saved.
  6. 如果您在运行eclipse编辑器之前运行系统驱动器碎片整理或维护,那么在您的驱动程序的系统维护之前,有时原始的文件路径并不在它们各自的路径中,以确保在eclipse工作台或类似的东西被保存之前运行“以前版本”。
  7. This last option is works for me. Check the drive letter of your current drive where the code editor was saved. If something unusual e.g before your maintenance your drive letter is K then after defragment or maintenance. The drive letter is now L hence you should change the drive letter to its original one that is K. to do this click the ff: Open control panel System & security Administrative tools Computer management Disk management in disk mngt choose the Drive example L then right click > change drive letter & path > click remove > then ok, open it again then > click add and > choose your original drive letter for that drive then click ok. If you use your computer for a long period of time do restart first to refresh everything.
  8. 最后一个选项对我有效。检查当前驱动器的驱动器号,代码编辑器保存在那里。如果有什么不寻常的e。在你的维修之前,你的驱动器号是K,然后是碎片整理或维护。驱动器现在L因此你应该改变驱动器到原来一个k .单击ff:打开控制面板系统和安全管理工具计算机管理磁盘管理磁盘mngt选择驱动的例子L然后右键>更改驱动器号和路径>点击删除>然后好,再次打开它然后>单击add >选择你的原始驱动器,然后单击ok。如果你用你的电脑很长一段时间,首先要重新启动来刷新所有东西。



Choosing a "different one" is actually a pretty easy solution.


I had been running Eclipse as an administrator (sudo eclipse from the command line) because the "workspace" folder was throwing the Workspace in use or cannot be created… error (and running as administrator seemed to be the only solution that fixed it).

我一直在运行Eclipse作为管理员(sudo Eclipse从命令行),因为“workspace”文件夹正在使用或不能创建…错误(并且作为管理员运行,这似乎是唯一的解决方案)。

A coworker (working on this same issue with me) wanted to run Eclipse by clicking on an icon. So when he ran Eclipse, and the dialogue box came up with the choose your workspace, he just added a "2" to the end of "workspace".


This created a new folder: "workspace2". Eclipse ran fine with that; and I haven’t had any of the locking problems since.




It will occur when you not closed eclipse.exe correctly.


*Open Task manager->End task your eclipse->Now open eclipse.exe it will work.


Hope its help someone.




I have observed one case when eclipse when in forced quit, or Alt-f2 xkilled in linux, an attempt to immediately open eclipse shows that error. Even the metadat/.lock file is not present in that case. However it starts working after a span of about two minutes

我曾经观察过一个例子,当eclipse在强制退出时,或者在linux中使用Alt-f2 xdie时,试图立即打开eclipse就会显示错误。甚至metadat /。这种情况下不存在锁文件。然而,它在大约两分钟后开始工作。