有关Visual Studio中项目文件的信息?

时间:2023-01-15 00:12:19

I am planning to develop a 2d game using directx and Xaml on Windows Phone 8 platform. I am able to create a new project in visual studio "windows phone xaml and direct2d" but Where can I find information regarding all the files of the project?

我计划在Windows Phone 8平台上使用directx和Xaml开发一款2D游戏。我能够在visual studio“windows phone xaml and direct2d”中创建一个新项目但是我在哪里可以找到有关该项目所有文件的信息?

1 个解决方案



Direct2D is not supported on Windows Phone 8. You can try use Direct3D with once one plane, but Direct3D is very hard, I'm not kidding! After a long time you can draw a simple triangle. You should try use XNA to build 2D games, it will be more productive for you.

Windows Phone 8不支持Direct2D。您可以尝试使用一次一架Direct3D,但Direct3D非常难,我不是在开玩笑!很长一段时间后你可以绘制一个简单的三角形。您应该尝试使用XNA来构建2D游戏,它会为您提高效率。



Direct2D is not supported on Windows Phone 8. You can try use Direct3D with once one plane, but Direct3D is very hard, I'm not kidding! After a long time you can draw a simple triangle. You should try use XNA to build 2D games, it will be more productive for you.

Windows Phone 8不支持Direct2D。您可以尝试使用一次一架Direct3D,但Direct3D非常难,我不是在开玩笑!很长一段时间后你可以绘制一个简单的三角形。您应该尝试使用XNA来构建2D游戏,它会为您提高效率。