你如何调整Xcode的Objective C参数的自动缩进?

时间:2023-01-14 16:05:38

Here's a snippet of code from my iOS app:


    UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Do you like my hat?"
                                                    message:@"If so, please help spread the word by rating our app now?"
                                          cancelButtonTitle:@"No Thanks"
                                          otherButtonTitles:@"Sure!", @"Maybe Later", nil

Why does Xcode indent lines so bloody far? Being an old Perl, Ruby, and JavaScript monkey, I would be more inclined to indent it manually like this:


    UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
        initWithTitle:     @"Do you like my hat?"
        message:           @"If so, please help spread the word by rating our app now?"
        delegate:          nil
        cancelButtonTitle: @"No Thanks"
        otherButtonTitles: @"Sure!", @"Maybe Later", nil

So the parameter names and values are all left-aligned, and indented only one level (4 spaces for me). This uses far less screen real-estate, and it's less likely I'll have to deal with wrapping lines (which make the far-right indented stuff even trickier to read) on my MacBook Air.

所以参数名称和值都是左对齐的,并且只缩进一个级别(对我来说是4个空格)。这使用了更少的屏幕空间,而且我不太可能在MacBook Air上处理包装线(这使得最右边的缩进内容甚至更难阅读)。

However, I assume there's some reason Apple prefers the first method, and therefore has Xcode indent that way. Or is there?


So I have two question:


  • How do you prefer to indent method parameters in your Objective C code?
  • 您更喜欢在Objective C代码中缩进方法参数?
  • How do you tweak Xcode to format with your preferred indentation style?
  • 你如何调整Xcode以使用您喜欢的缩进样式进行格式化?

Not trying to start a holy war here; I'm more curious about what tend to be the best practices among Objective-C programmers, how Xcode helps with those practices, and to find out if there is a good reason for the default way Xcode does it.


Update: Commenters and answers point out that the default formatting aligns the parameters at their colons. I should have remembered that before posting, since I have of course noticed it, and when the longest item isn't indented much, it can look pretty nice. But I find that, usually, the longest item is indented quite a lot. For example:


UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
                          initWithTitle:@"Do you like my hat?"
                                message:@"If so, please help spread the word by rating our app now?"
                      cancelButtonTitle:@"No Thanks"
                      otherButtonTitles:@"Sure!", @"Maybe Later", nil

Why is that? Even if I wanted them to align at the colons (and I've often hand-formatted them to do so), it seems silly to indent them so much. Why does it insist on indenting to the level of the opening colon? Why not just one indentation level, with the closing bracket out-dented to show the end of the indentation "block"? For example:


UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
        initWithTitle:@"Do you like my hat?"
              message:@"If so, please help spread the word by rating our app now?"
    cancelButtonTitle:@"No Thanks"
    otherButtonTitles:@"Sure!", @"Maybe Later", nil

This seems to be a better default than the Google style guide's line length recommendation, no?


Is there some way to tweak Xcode to format the parameters this way?


2 个解决方案



1) The Objective-c indent convention is aligned at the colon sign when multiple parameters are given.





- (void)functionWithOne:(NSString *)one two:(NSString *)two tree:(NSString *)three;

Has to be formatted to:


- (void)functionWithOne:(NSString *)one 
                    two:(NSString *)two 
                  three:(NSString *)three;

I came from Java, and it was really hard for me to get used to at first. But after trying it different a few times, this is really the nicest way.


2) I don't think (I am not sure) that you can change that in xcode. Apple's convention is pretty clear how it is.

2)我不认为(我不确定)你可以在xcode中改变它。 Apple的惯例非常清楚它是如何实现的。

EDIT: Invocations. I personaly start with the first parameter and align the rest like:


UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Do you like my hat?"
                                                message:@"If so, please help spread the word by rating our app now?"
                                      cancelButtonTitle:@"No Thanks"
                                      otherButtonTitles:@"Sure!", @"Maybe Later", nil];



I'm not sure how to format it in Xcode, but two options for code formatting tools are:


  1. Use Uncristify, there's a GUI tool to configure it: UncrustifyX
  2. 使用Uncristify,有一个GUI工具来配置它:UncrustifyX
  3. Use AppCode, the iOS/OSX IDE from Jetbrains - it has configurable and built in formatting. See screenshot.
  4. 使用AppCode,Jetbrains的iOS / OSX IDE - 它具有可配置和内置格式。见截图。

你如何调整Xcode的Objective C参数的自动缩进?



1) The Objective-c indent convention is aligned at the colon sign when multiple parameters are given.





- (void)functionWithOne:(NSString *)one two:(NSString *)two tree:(NSString *)three;

Has to be formatted to:


- (void)functionWithOne:(NSString *)one 
                    two:(NSString *)two 
                  three:(NSString *)three;

I came from Java, and it was really hard for me to get used to at first. But after trying it different a few times, this is really the nicest way.


2) I don't think (I am not sure) that you can change that in xcode. Apple's convention is pretty clear how it is.

2)我不认为(我不确定)你可以在xcode中改变它。 Apple的惯例非常清楚它是如何实现的。

EDIT: Invocations. I personaly start with the first parameter and align the rest like:


UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Do you like my hat?"
                                                message:@"If so, please help spread the word by rating our app now?"
                                      cancelButtonTitle:@"No Thanks"
                                      otherButtonTitles:@"Sure!", @"Maybe Later", nil];



I'm not sure how to format it in Xcode, but two options for code formatting tools are:


  1. Use Uncristify, there's a GUI tool to configure it: UncrustifyX
  2. 使用Uncristify,有一个GUI工具来配置它:UncrustifyX
  3. Use AppCode, the iOS/OSX IDE from Jetbrains - it has configurable and built in formatting. See screenshot.
  4. 使用AppCode,Jetbrains的iOS / OSX IDE - 它具有可配置和内置格式。见截图。

你如何调整Xcode的Objective C参数的自动缩进?