
时间:2023-01-14 15:19:28

I want to print a two column table. In the first column are paths (without spaces), in the second column are names (with spaces). I'd like to make the column treat everything after Nth space (N = 2) as belonging to a single column.

我想打印一个两列表。第一列是路径(没有空格),第二列是名称(有空格)。我想让列把第N个空间(N = 2)之后的所有东西都当作属于一个列。

I don't need to use the column, but I'd like something short. Note: I'm not looking for other solution that expects that there are only two columns.


mark@localhost ~/.config/chromium/Default/Extensions
% for f in */*/manifest.json; do
    echo -n "$f ";
    cat $f | jq -r '.name + " " + .version';
done | column -t
cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm/1.14.22_0/manifest.json     uBlock                  Origin      1.14.22          
dbepggeogbaibhgnhhndojpepiihcmeb/1.62.4_0/manifest.json      Vimium                  1.62.4                       
dffhipnliikkblkhpjapbecpmoilcama/0.3_0/manifest.json         Swap                    My          Cookies  0.3     
gcbommkclmclpchllfjekcdonpmejbdp/2017.12.6_0/manifest.json   __MSG_about_ext_name__  2017.12.6                    
gdbofhhdmcladcmmfjolgndfkpobecpg/4.19_0/manifest.json        Don't                   track       me       Google  4.19
pkehgijcmpdhfbdbbnkijodmdjhbjlgp/2017.11.20_0/manifest.json  __MSG_name__            2017.11.20                   

2 个解决方案



To take the output of some command (which could be your loop) and format it with everything after the first two spaces as being part of one column:


command | sed 's/ /\t/g; s/\t/ /2; s/\t/ /1' input | column -ts' ' | sed 's/\t/ /g'

As an example, consider this file as input:


$ cat input
c1 c2 Eric Clapton
column1 column2 David Crosby
very-long-first-column 2nd Jimi Hendrix Jr

We can generate your desired output via:


$ sed 's/ /\t/g; s/\t/ /2; s/\t/ /1' input | column -ts' ' | sed 's/\t/ /g'
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

How it works

We work on the text in three steps:


  1. sed 's/ /\t/g; s/\t/ /2; s/\t/ /1'

    sed的s / / \ t / g;s / \ t / / 2;年代/ \ t / / 1

    This replaces all blanks except the first two with tabs.


  2. column -ts' '

    列ts ' '

    This does column -t formatting but applies it only to blank-separated fields.


  3. sed 's/\t/ /g'

    sed ' s / \ t / / g’

    This converts the tabs in the third column back to blanks.


Shell function for ease-of-use

First, define:


format() { sed 's/ /\t/g; s/\t/ /2; s/\t/ /1' "$@" | column -ts' ' | sed 's/\t/ /g'; }

Now, we can apply the formatting in a quick-and-simple way, either as part of a pipeline:


$ cat input | format
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

Or, operating on a file:


$ format input
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

To make the definition of format permanent, place it in your ~/.bashrc file.


Formatting for N number of columns

Let's define a function that will allow us to specify a number of columns:


frmt() { [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && sed "s/ /\t/$1g" "${@:2}" | column -ts' ' | sed 's/\t/ /g'; }

We can format a file for two columns:


$ frmt 2 input
c1                      c2 Eric Clapton
column1                 column2 David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd Jimi Hendrix Jr

Or for 3 columns:


$ frmt 3 input
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

We can use the same function as part of a pipeline:


$ cat input | frmt 3
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

This approach uses GNU sed and, consequently, will work on Linux, including ArchLinux, but not on OSX/BSD systems.

这种方法使用GNU sed,因此,它将在Linux上运行,包括ArchLinux,但不是在OSX/BSD系统上。



You can try


command | sed 's/[^ ]*/&\t/' | column -ts $'\t'



To take the output of some command (which could be your loop) and format it with everything after the first two spaces as being part of one column:


command | sed 's/ /\t/g; s/\t/ /2; s/\t/ /1' input | column -ts' ' | sed 's/\t/ /g'

As an example, consider this file as input:


$ cat input
c1 c2 Eric Clapton
column1 column2 David Crosby
very-long-first-column 2nd Jimi Hendrix Jr

We can generate your desired output via:


$ sed 's/ /\t/g; s/\t/ /2; s/\t/ /1' input | column -ts' ' | sed 's/\t/ /g'
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

How it works

We work on the text in three steps:


  1. sed 's/ /\t/g; s/\t/ /2; s/\t/ /1'

    sed的s / / \ t / g;s / \ t / / 2;年代/ \ t / / 1

    This replaces all blanks except the first two with tabs.


  2. column -ts' '

    列ts ' '

    This does column -t formatting but applies it only to blank-separated fields.


  3. sed 's/\t/ /g'

    sed ' s / \ t / / g’

    This converts the tabs in the third column back to blanks.


Shell function for ease-of-use

First, define:


format() { sed 's/ /\t/g; s/\t/ /2; s/\t/ /1' "$@" | column -ts' ' | sed 's/\t/ /g'; }

Now, we can apply the formatting in a quick-and-simple way, either as part of a pipeline:


$ cat input | format
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

Or, operating on a file:


$ format input
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

To make the definition of format permanent, place it in your ~/.bashrc file.


Formatting for N number of columns

Let's define a function that will allow us to specify a number of columns:


frmt() { [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && sed "s/ /\t/$1g" "${@:2}" | column -ts' ' | sed 's/\t/ /g'; }

We can format a file for two columns:


$ frmt 2 input
c1                      c2 Eric Clapton
column1                 column2 David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd Jimi Hendrix Jr

Or for 3 columns:


$ frmt 3 input
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

We can use the same function as part of a pipeline:


$ cat input | frmt 3
c1                      c2       Eric Clapton
column1                 column2  David Crosby
very-long-first-column  2nd      Jimi Hendrix Jr

This approach uses GNU sed and, consequently, will work on Linux, including ArchLinux, but not on OSX/BSD systems.

这种方法使用GNU sed,因此,它将在Linux上运行,包括ArchLinux,但不是在OSX/BSD系统上。



You can try


command | sed 's/[^ ]*/&\t/' | column -ts $'\t'