
时间:2023-01-14 11:55:03

Is there a way to zip files using JavaScript?? For an example, like in Yahoo mail, when you chose to download all the attachments from an email, it gets zipped and downloaded in a single zip file. Is JavaScript capable of doing that? If so, please provide a coding example.

有没有使用JavaScript的压缩文件的方法?例如,在Yahoo mail中,当您选择从电子邮件中下载所有附件时,它会被压缩并下载到一个zip文件中。JavaScript能够做到这一点吗?如果有,请提供一个编码示例。

I found this library called jszip to do the task but it has known and unresolved issues.


Thank you.


4 个解决方案



With the new HTML5 file APIs and the typed arrays, you can pretty much do anything you want in JavaScript. However, the browser support isn't going to be great. I'm guessing that's what you meant by "unresolved issues". I would recommend, for the time being, to do it on the server. For example, in PHP, you could use this extension.




JavaScript is capable of doing this but not in a cross-browser fashion that you can count on.


This can however be done easily with a server-side language. If you are used to PHP here is the documentation for PHP's ZIP functions: http://php.net/manual/en/book.zip.php

但是,这可以通过服务器端语言轻松实现。如果您习惯使用PHP,这里有PHP ZIP函数的文档:http://php.net/manual/en/book.zip.php



I'd recommend going straight to using Node's built-in library Zlib for this, which includes images; encode in base 64 using "buffers". Rather than using npm packages. Reasons being:


  • Zlib is a Node native library - has been kept up-to-date for nearly 10 years now - so the proofs there for long-term supports
  • Zlib是一个节点本地库——已经更新了近10年——因此这里的证据可以长期支持
  • Node allows you work with Buffers - i.e. you can convert your text string/images to the raw binary data and compress it that way with Zlib
  • Node允许您使用缓冲区—例如,您可以将文本字符串/图像转换为原始的二进制数据,并使用Zlib以这种方式压缩它
  • Easily compress and decompress large files - leverage node streams to compress files in MBs or GBs
  • 轻松压缩和解压大型文件——利用节点流压缩MBs或GBs中的文件

The fact you are using jszip, would allow me to guess that you are using npm as well as node; assumes you have set up your environment correctly, i.e. node installed globally.


Example: input.txt compressed to become input.txt.gz


const zlib = require('zlib');
const fs = require('fs');
const gzip = zlib.createGzip();
const input = fs.createReadStream('input.txt');
const output = fs.createWriteStream('input.txt.gz');


Step 1: So you require each of the native modules from node - require is part of ES5. Zlib as previously mentioned, and fs module, the File System module.


const zlib = require('zlib');
const fs = require('fs');

Step 2: The fs module, this allows you to create a readstream, are specifically called to read chunks of data. This will return a readstream object; readable stream


const input = fs.createReadStream(FILE PATH HERE);

__Note: This readstream object then gets piped again; this chaining of pipes on readsteam objects can occur endlessly, making pipes very flexible.



Step 3: The readstream object, that has been piped and compressed is then converted to writestream object.


const output = fs.createWriteStream('input.txt.gz');

input.pipe(gzip).pipe(output); // returned filename input.txt.gz, within local directory

So this library allows you easily enter a file path and decide where you want your compressed file to be. You can also choose to do the reverse, if need be.




JSZip has been updated over the years. Now you can find it on its GitHub repo

JSZip多年来一直在更新。现在你可以在它的GitHub repo上找到它。

It can be used together with FileSaver.js


You can install them using npm:


npm install jszip --save
npm install file-saver --save

And then import and use them:


import JSZip from 'jszip';
import FileSaver from 'file-saver';

let zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("idlist.txt", `PMID:29651880\r\nPMID:29303721`);
zip.generateAsync({type: "blob"}).then(function(content) {
  FileSaver.saveAs(content, "download.zip");

Then you will download a zip file called download.zip, once you've extracted it, and you can find inside a file called idlist.txt, which has got two lines:



And for your reference, I tested with the following browsers, and all passed:


  • Firefox 59.0.2 (Windows 10)
  • Firefox 59.0.2(Windows 10)
  • Chrome 65.0.3325.181 (Windows 10)
  • Chrome 65.0.3325.181(Windows 10)
  • Microsoft Edge 41.16299.371.0 (Windows 10)
  • 微软Edge 41.16299.371.0 (Windows 10)
  • Internet Explorer 11.0.60 (Windows 10)
  • Internet Explorer 11.0.60 (Windows 10)
  • Opera 52 (Mac OSX 10.13)
  • Opera 52 (Mac OSX 10.13)
  • Safari 11 (Mac OSX 10.13)
  • Safari 11 (Mac osx10.13)



With the new HTML5 file APIs and the typed arrays, you can pretty much do anything you want in JavaScript. However, the browser support isn't going to be great. I'm guessing that's what you meant by "unresolved issues". I would recommend, for the time being, to do it on the server. For example, in PHP, you could use this extension.




JavaScript is capable of doing this but not in a cross-browser fashion that you can count on.


This can however be done easily with a server-side language. If you are used to PHP here is the documentation for PHP's ZIP functions: http://php.net/manual/en/book.zip.php

但是,这可以通过服务器端语言轻松实现。如果您习惯使用PHP,这里有PHP ZIP函数的文档:http://php.net/manual/en/book.zip.php



I'd recommend going straight to using Node's built-in library Zlib for this, which includes images; encode in base 64 using "buffers". Rather than using npm packages. Reasons being:


  • Zlib is a Node native library - has been kept up-to-date for nearly 10 years now - so the proofs there for long-term supports
  • Zlib是一个节点本地库——已经更新了近10年——因此这里的证据可以长期支持
  • Node allows you work with Buffers - i.e. you can convert your text string/images to the raw binary data and compress it that way with Zlib
  • Node允许您使用缓冲区—例如,您可以将文本字符串/图像转换为原始的二进制数据,并使用Zlib以这种方式压缩它
  • Easily compress and decompress large files - leverage node streams to compress files in MBs or GBs
  • 轻松压缩和解压大型文件——利用节点流压缩MBs或GBs中的文件

The fact you are using jszip, would allow me to guess that you are using npm as well as node; assumes you have set up your environment correctly, i.e. node installed globally.


Example: input.txt compressed to become input.txt.gz


const zlib = require('zlib');
const fs = require('fs');
const gzip = zlib.createGzip();
const input = fs.createReadStream('input.txt');
const output = fs.createWriteStream('input.txt.gz');


Step 1: So you require each of the native modules from node - require is part of ES5. Zlib as previously mentioned, and fs module, the File System module.


const zlib = require('zlib');
const fs = require('fs');

Step 2: The fs module, this allows you to create a readstream, are specifically called to read chunks of data. This will return a readstream object; readable stream


const input = fs.createReadStream(FILE PATH HERE);

__Note: This readstream object then gets piped again; this chaining of pipes on readsteam objects can occur endlessly, making pipes very flexible.



Step 3: The readstream object, that has been piped and compressed is then converted to writestream object.


const output = fs.createWriteStream('input.txt.gz');

input.pipe(gzip).pipe(output); // returned filename input.txt.gz, within local directory

So this library allows you easily enter a file path and decide where you want your compressed file to be. You can also choose to do the reverse, if need be.




JSZip has been updated over the years. Now you can find it on its GitHub repo

JSZip多年来一直在更新。现在你可以在它的GitHub repo上找到它。

It can be used together with FileSaver.js


You can install them using npm:


npm install jszip --save
npm install file-saver --save

And then import and use them:


import JSZip from 'jszip';
import FileSaver from 'file-saver';

let zip = new JSZip();
zip.file("idlist.txt", `PMID:29651880\r\nPMID:29303721`);
zip.generateAsync({type: "blob"}).then(function(content) {
  FileSaver.saveAs(content, "download.zip");

Then you will download a zip file called download.zip, once you've extracted it, and you can find inside a file called idlist.txt, which has got two lines:



And for your reference, I tested with the following browsers, and all passed:


  • Firefox 59.0.2 (Windows 10)
  • Firefox 59.0.2(Windows 10)
  • Chrome 65.0.3325.181 (Windows 10)
  • Chrome 65.0.3325.181(Windows 10)
  • Microsoft Edge 41.16299.371.0 (Windows 10)
  • 微软Edge 41.16299.371.0 (Windows 10)
  • Internet Explorer 11.0.60 (Windows 10)
  • Internet Explorer 11.0.60 (Windows 10)
  • Opera 52 (Mac OSX 10.13)
  • Opera 52 (Mac OSX 10.13)
  • Safari 11 (Mac OSX 10.13)
  • Safari 11 (Mac osx10.13)