
时间:2023-01-13 23:11:42

I have a csrf token dumped into a JS variable on window. I have a form that makes AJAX requests (without Ember Data) from the controller. In my request I need to pass along the csrf token. Where are the recommended places to put this token in Ember? Right now I am grabbing it off window but I realize this is bad for testability. My first thought is to register it into the container. I'm pretty new to Ember so any feedback would be much appreciated!


2 个解决方案


Like @Kingpin2k said, it really doesn't need to be injected into the ember app . You can do it using jquery if you're making ajax call. One simple way is,

就像@ Kingpin2k所说的那样,它真的不需要注入ember app。如果你正在进行ajax调用,你可以使用jquery来完成它。一个简单的方法是,

  1. declare your csrf in server side inside a meta tag content.
  2. 在元标记内容中声明服务器端的csrf。

  3. grab it from the meta tag by its name.
  4. 通过名称从元标记中获取它。

  5. use it(e.g. as a Header) with jquery(if you want to use it with every ajax request you can do it using ajaxSetup).
  6. 使用它(例如作为Header)和jquery(如果你想在每个ajax请求中使用它,你可以使用ajaxSetup来实现它)。

Something like this.


<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">
<script type="text/javascript">
  // Add x-csrf-token to all ajax request
      headers: {
          'X-CSRF-Token': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')


Depending if you are using Ember-cli with modules or just using a global namespace I have different preferences.


If it's global namespace, I prefer just tossing it in the root of the global namespace.


If it's cli, I often have a session service, and I'd just pull it from the window there, or under testing circumstances, allow it to come from another location e.g. csrf = Testing.csrf || window.csrf or something along those lines.

如果它是cli,我经常会有会话服务,我只是从窗口拉出来,或者在测试环境下,允许它来自另一个位置,例如csrf = Testing.csrf || window.csrf或沿着这些行的东西。

Also, in certain circumstances, it really doesn't need to be injected into the ember app. You can just hook it into jquery to execute on all ajax requests and then not have to think about it in regards to ember itself, since it really isn't related to ember, it's more related to the communication protection being used in jquery with your server.



Like @Kingpin2k said, it really doesn't need to be injected into the ember app . You can do it using jquery if you're making ajax call. One simple way is,

就像@ Kingpin2k所说的那样,它真的不需要注入ember app。如果你正在进行ajax调用,你可以使用jquery来完成它。一个简单的方法是,

  1. declare your csrf in server side inside a meta tag content.
  2. 在元标记内容中声明服务器端的csrf。

  3. grab it from the meta tag by its name.
  4. 通过名称从元标记中获取它。

  5. use it(e.g. as a Header) with jquery(if you want to use it with every ajax request you can do it using ajaxSetup).
  6. 使用它(例如作为Header)和jquery(如果你想在每个ajax请求中使用它,你可以使用ajaxSetup来实现它)。

Something like this.


<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">
<script type="text/javascript">
  // Add x-csrf-token to all ajax request
      headers: {
          'X-CSRF-Token': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')


Depending if you are using Ember-cli with modules or just using a global namespace I have different preferences.


If it's global namespace, I prefer just tossing it in the root of the global namespace.


If it's cli, I often have a session service, and I'd just pull it from the window there, or under testing circumstances, allow it to come from another location e.g. csrf = Testing.csrf || window.csrf or something along those lines.

如果它是cli,我经常会有会话服务,我只是从窗口拉出来,或者在测试环境下,允许它来自另一个位置,例如csrf = Testing.csrf || window.csrf或沿着这些行的东西。

Also, in certain circumstances, it really doesn't need to be injected into the ember app. You can just hook it into jquery to execute on all ajax requests and then not have to think about it in regards to ember itself, since it really isn't related to ember, it's more related to the communication protection being used in jquery with your server.
