
时间:2023-01-13 22:06:30

I am using eclipse for python. How do I import an existing project into eclipse in the current workspace.

我正在使用eclipse for python。如何在当前工作空间中将现有项目导入eclipse。


10 个解决方案



New Project

Dont use default Location


Browse to existing project location ...


if its an existing eclipse project with project files that have correct paths for your system you can just open the .proj file ...




In my case when i am trying to import my existing perforce project , it gives error no project found on windows machine. On linux i was able to import project nicely.


For Eclipse Kepler, i have done like below.

对于Eclipse Kepler,我在下面做了类似的事情。

  1. Open eclipse in pydev perspective.
  2. 在pydev透视中打开eclipse。

  3. Create a new pydev project in your eclipse workspace with the same name which project you want to import.
  4. 在eclipse工作区中创建一个新的pydev项目,其名称与要导入的项目相同。

  5. By now in your eclipse workspace project dir , you must be having .project and .pydevproject files.
  6. 到目前为止,在您的eclipse工作区项目目录中,您必须拥有.project和.pydevproject文件。

  7. Copy these two files and paste it to project dir which you want to import.
  8. 复制这两个文件并将其粘贴到要导入的项目目录。

  9. Now close and delete the pydev project you created and delete it from local disk as well.
  10. 现在关闭并删除您创建的pydev项目,并将其从本地磁盘中删除。

  11. Now you can use import utility to import project in eclipse.
  12. 现在您可以使用导入实用程序在eclipse中导入项目。



  • make sure pydev interpreter is added, add otherwise
  • 确保添加了pydev解释器,否则添加

  • windows->preferences->Pydev->Interpreter-Python

  • then create new pydev project,


  • give the same name
  • 给出相同的名字

  • then don't use default location, browse to point the project location.
  • 然后不要使用默认位置,浏览指向项目位置。



At time of writing none of the given answers worked.


This is how it's done:


  1. Locate the directory containing the Pydev project
  2. 找到包含Pydev项目的目录

  3. Delete the PyDev project files (important as Eclipse won't let you create a new project in the same location otherwise)
  4. 删除PyDev项目文件(重要的是Eclipse不会让你在同一个位置创建一个新项目)

  5. In Eclipse, File->New->Pydev Project
  6. 在Eclipse中,File-> New-> Pydev Project

  7. Name the project the same as your original project
  8. 将项目命名为与原始项目相同

  9. For project contents, browse to location containing Pydev project
  10. 对于项目内容,浏览到包含Pydev项目的位置

  11. Select an interpreter
  12. 选择一名翻译

  13. Follow rest of the menu through
  14. 按照菜单的其余部分进行操作

Other answers using Eclipse project importing result in Pydev loosing track of packages, turning them all into folders only.


This does loose any project settings previously set, please edit this answer if it can be avoided. Hopefully Pydev devs will add project import functionality some time.




Copy these two files from some existing pydev eclipse project to root folder of new project which you want to import in eclipse. .project .pydevproject

将这两个文件从一些现有的pydev eclipse项目复制到你想在eclipse中导入的新项目的根文件夹。 .project .pydevproject

Open .project file in notepad and change name to your_project_name. If you don't have these files then you can create them yourself.


Open eclipse, click File -> Import. New window will open. Now select 'Existing Projects into Workspace' under 'General' and click Next. On new window browse to project root directory and select root folder. Then click finish.

打开eclipse,单击File - > Import。新窗口将打开。现在,在“常规”下选择“现有项目到工作区”,然后单击“下一步”。在新窗口中浏览到项目根目录并选择根文件夹。然后单击完成。

Check this tutorial for complete solution.




Following are the steps


  • Select pydev Perspective
  • 选择pydev Perspective

  • right click on the project pan and click "import"
  • 右键单击项目平移,然后单击“导入”

  • From the list select the existing project into workspace.
  • 从列表中选择现有项目到工作区。

  • Select root directory by going next
  • 下一步选择根目录

  • Optionally you can select to copy the project into
  • 您可以选择将项目复制到




I just suffered through this problem for a few hours. My issue may have been different than yours...Pydev did not show up as an import option (as opposed to C projects). My solution is to drag and drop. Just create a new project (name it the same as your old) and then drop your old project into the new project folder as displayed in eclipse...3 hours later and it's drag and drop...

我刚刚经历了这个问题几个小时。我的问题可能与你的不同...... Pydev并没有显示为导入选项(而不是C项目)。我的解决方案是拖放。只需创建一个新项目(将其命名为与旧项目相同),然后将旧项目放入eclipse中显示的新项目文件夹中... 3小时后再拖放...



This can easily be done if you keep you project in a git repository. The following is working with Linux but should be ok with Windows as well:


Clone your project from the repository:


git clone https://url/of/project/file.git

(if you don't keep your project on a free git server like github or bitbucket, you can create a new local repository by changing directory into an existing project folder and typing git init)

(如果你没有将你的项目放在像github或bitbucket这样的免费git服务器上,你可以通过将目录更改为现有的项目文件夹并输入git init来创建一个新的本地存储库)

Then open eclipse and go to File > Import > Git > Projects from Git > Existing local repository > (select your project or add it) > Next > Finish

然后打开eclipse并转到文件>导入> Git>项目从Git>现有本地存储库>(选择您的项目或添加它)>下一步>完成



After following steps outlined by @Shan, if the folders under the root folder are not shown as packages,


  • Right-click on the root folder in PyDev Package Explorer
  • 在PyDev Package Explorer中右键单击根文件夹

  • Select PyDev > Set as source-folder
  • 选择PyDev>设置为源文件夹

It will add the root folder to the PYTHONPATH and now the folders will appear as packages




First of all make sure that you have the same Python interpreter configured as the project has. You can change it under:


Window > Preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python Interpreters

Window> Preferences> PyDev> Interpreters> Python Interpreters

As long the project was created using Eclipse you can use import functionality. Go to:


File > Import... > General > Existing Projects into Workspace


Choose Select root directory: and browse to your project location. Click Finish and you are done.




New Project

Dont use default Location


Browse to existing project location ...


if its an existing eclipse project with project files that have correct paths for your system you can just open the .proj file ...




In my case when i am trying to import my existing perforce project , it gives error no project found on windows machine. On linux i was able to import project nicely.


For Eclipse Kepler, i have done like below.

对于Eclipse Kepler,我在下面做了类似的事情。

  1. Open eclipse in pydev perspective.
  2. 在pydev透视中打开eclipse。

  3. Create a new pydev project in your eclipse workspace with the same name which project you want to import.
  4. 在eclipse工作区中创建一个新的pydev项目,其名称与要导入的项目相同。

  5. By now in your eclipse workspace project dir , you must be having .project and .pydevproject files.
  6. 到目前为止,在您的eclipse工作区项目目录中,您必须拥有.project和.pydevproject文件。

  7. Copy these two files and paste it to project dir which you want to import.
  8. 复制这两个文件并将其粘贴到要导入的项目目录。

  9. Now close and delete the pydev project you created and delete it from local disk as well.
  10. 现在关闭并删除您创建的pydev项目,并将其从本地磁盘中删除。

  11. Now you can use import utility to import project in eclipse.
  12. 现在您可以使用导入实用程序在eclipse中导入项目。



  • make sure pydev interpreter is added, add otherwise
  • 确保添加了pydev解释器,否则添加

  • windows->preferences->Pydev->Interpreter-Python

  • then create new pydev project,


  • give the same name
  • 给出相同的名字

  • then don't use default location, browse to point the project location.
  • 然后不要使用默认位置,浏览指向项目位置。



At time of writing none of the given answers worked.


This is how it's done:


  1. Locate the directory containing the Pydev project
  2. 找到包含Pydev项目的目录

  3. Delete the PyDev project files (important as Eclipse won't let you create a new project in the same location otherwise)
  4. 删除PyDev项目文件(重要的是Eclipse不会让你在同一个位置创建一个新项目)

  5. In Eclipse, File->New->Pydev Project
  6. 在Eclipse中,File-> New-> Pydev Project

  7. Name the project the same as your original project
  8. 将项目命名为与原始项目相同

  9. For project contents, browse to location containing Pydev project
  10. 对于项目内容,浏览到包含Pydev项目的位置

  11. Select an interpreter
  12. 选择一名翻译

  13. Follow rest of the menu through
  14. 按照菜单的其余部分进行操作

Other answers using Eclipse project importing result in Pydev loosing track of packages, turning them all into folders only.


This does loose any project settings previously set, please edit this answer if it can be avoided. Hopefully Pydev devs will add project import functionality some time.




Copy these two files from some existing pydev eclipse project to root folder of new project which you want to import in eclipse. .project .pydevproject

将这两个文件从一些现有的pydev eclipse项目复制到你想在eclipse中导入的新项目的根文件夹。 .project .pydevproject

Open .project file in notepad and change name to your_project_name. If you don't have these files then you can create them yourself.


Open eclipse, click File -> Import. New window will open. Now select 'Existing Projects into Workspace' under 'General' and click Next. On new window browse to project root directory and select root folder. Then click finish.

打开eclipse,单击File - > Import。新窗口将打开。现在,在“常规”下选择“现有项目到工作区”,然后单击“下一步”。在新窗口中浏览到项目根目录并选择根文件夹。然后单击完成。

Check this tutorial for complete solution.




Following are the steps


  • Select pydev Perspective
  • 选择pydev Perspective

  • right click on the project pan and click "import"
  • 右键单击项目平移,然后单击“导入”

  • From the list select the existing project into workspace.
  • 从列表中选择现有项目到工作区。

  • Select root directory by going next
  • 下一步选择根目录

  • Optionally you can select to copy the project into
  • 您可以选择将项目复制到




I just suffered through this problem for a few hours. My issue may have been different than yours...Pydev did not show up as an import option (as opposed to C projects). My solution is to drag and drop. Just create a new project (name it the same as your old) and then drop your old project into the new project folder as displayed in eclipse...3 hours later and it's drag and drop...

我刚刚经历了这个问题几个小时。我的问题可能与你的不同...... Pydev并没有显示为导入选项(而不是C项目)。我的解决方案是拖放。只需创建一个新项目(将其命名为与旧项目相同),然后将旧项目放入eclipse中显示的新项目文件夹中... 3小时后再拖放...



This can easily be done if you keep you project in a git repository. The following is working with Linux but should be ok with Windows as well:


Clone your project from the repository:


git clone https://url/of/project/file.git

(if you don't keep your project on a free git server like github or bitbucket, you can create a new local repository by changing directory into an existing project folder and typing git init)

(如果你没有将你的项目放在像github或bitbucket这样的免费git服务器上,你可以通过将目录更改为现有的项目文件夹并输入git init来创建一个新的本地存储库)

Then open eclipse and go to File > Import > Git > Projects from Git > Existing local repository > (select your project or add it) > Next > Finish

然后打开eclipse并转到文件>导入> Git>项目从Git>现有本地存储库>(选择您的项目或添加它)>下一步>完成



After following steps outlined by @Shan, if the folders under the root folder are not shown as packages,


  • Right-click on the root folder in PyDev Package Explorer
  • 在PyDev Package Explorer中右键单击根文件夹

  • Select PyDev > Set as source-folder
  • 选择PyDev>设置为源文件夹

It will add the root folder to the PYTHONPATH and now the folders will appear as packages




First of all make sure that you have the same Python interpreter configured as the project has. You can change it under:


Window > Preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python Interpreters

Window> Preferences> PyDev> Interpreters> Python Interpreters

As long the project was created using Eclipse you can use import functionality. Go to:


File > Import... > General > Existing Projects into Workspace


Choose Select root directory: and browse to your project location. Click Finish and you are done.
