
时间:2023-01-12 17:54:56

I'm having some problems because I don't know how it can be done. Someone help me please.




I have a project with a UIViewController class with created all time when I create a new project in Xcode. In this viewController, I have a xib file for designing in Xcode.



What I need is to create some views and design them in Interface Builder like this:



But I need these views to be UIViewControllers, not UIViews.


The project should look like: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


So I don't know how I can do this in IB but I can do it from source code in ViewController.m


tab  = [[TabBarController alloc] initWithNibName:@"mytestview" bundle:nil];
    [tab.view setFrame:CGRectMake(100, 100, 400, 600)];
    [self.view addSubview:tab.view];

But it's not my views it's a different object, and if I want to change position or size I must do it from code. How I can do same things in Interface Builder?


3 个解决方案



Let's consider following example based on Master-Detailed Application for iPhone only.


So, add new view controller in newly created project in Xcode: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


I called it NewInsideViewController. Create it without xib: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Open DetailViewController.xib. Drag View Controller and View(*) objects from library to Objects area like this (I changed view's color to LightGray): iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Choose this View Controller and change its Class from UIViewController to NewInsideController at the Identity Inspector: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Assign our View(*) to NewInsideController as a view: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Now all main actions in IB finished. We need to create instance of NewInsideController in our DetailViewController. You can do it by hand, but Xcode has a nice feature - drag-n-drop ;) iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


I called this property as myNewInsideController and DetailViewController.h looks like this:


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "NewInsideController.h"

@interface DetailViewController : UIViewController

@property (strong, nonatomic) id detailItem;
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet NewInsideController *myNewInsideController;

@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *detailDescriptionLabel;

Well, now our NewInsideController ready to work and manage its view. Let's add button and action to that view in order to verify this: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Write some code in IBAction in NewInsideController.


- (IBAction)insideButtonClick:(id)sender {
    float rPart = arc4random()%100/100.0f;
    float gPart = arc4random()%100/100.0f;    
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:rPart green:gPart blue:0.5f alpha:1.0f];

Run program.




If I understand the question clearly:


  1. You have a parent view and controller, coming from a XIB.
  2. 您有一个父视图和控制器,来自一个XIB。
  3. You have placed subviews into the parent view.
  4. 您已经将子视图放置到父视图中。
  5. You're wanting each subview placed into the parent view to have it's own (custom) controller, but you don't know how to add view controller's to your hierarchy (XCode will not let you drag view controllers into a view's canvas).
  6. 您希望放置在父视图中的每个子视图都有自己的(自定义的)控制器,但是您不知道如何将视图控制器添加到层次结构中(XCode不允许将视图控制器拖放到视图的画布中)。

So, to answer the question succinctly: Let's assume you have a handful of custom UIViewController's in your project (each view controller consisting of a .h and a .m). Remember that you if you are laying these out in the context of the parent, they shouldn't have their own XIBs (you cannot nest XIBs in IB). What is important to note here is that you should only "layout" the interface in one location. If you want to have a XIB for each subview, this is not the correct approach. What you can (not should) do, however, is have several custom viewControllers, each connected to it's own view sitting within your parentView, and you can have the outlets of your sub view controller's set to objects in this parentView. Phew, kinda messy. The other thing you'd need to be aware of is that your parent view controller would need a reference to each of it's sub view controllers in order for you to be able to access those sub-controllers and their outlets programmatically, so for each sub view controller you add, you would also need to add an IBOutlet in your parent view controller pointing to each subviewController:


 @property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet CustomUIViewController *firstCustomController;

And then for example to set the background color on the view of your first custom subview/controller:


[[[self firstCustomController] view] setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];

Open up your parent view controller in IB. If you look in your drawer of available objects, you'll find a generic UIViewController object. Drag this into your parent view controller (NOT onto it's views canvas, rather into the parent UIViewController object itself as seen in the left-column of IB builder). Select the generic view controller you've added and set it's class to your desired UIViewController subclass. Now, when your XIB loads, it will instantiate an instance of your custom view controller along with whatever you've added to it's canvas.


Finally, drag a generic UIView onto your canvas, placing it inside your existing controller's view (your screenshot already shows this as done). Right-click your custom view controller, and connect it's 'view' outlet to the view you added.


Now when you run, your custom view controller has a view that is on the screen that is the view of your custom controller subclass, and you didn't do any of it in code.


So now that you've done it, consider whether or not it is the best choice: Nested view controllers are messy to build (as you've seen) and aren't necessarily a good design decision:


Although iOS5 does support nested view controllers, personally I'd avoid using them. I value a best practice dictating one screen = one view controller.





You never, EVER, want to take views which are already under the control of a certain view controller, and make them subviews of another view controller's view.


View Controllers are the C part in the MVC design pattern - They are in charge of controlling a view (and its subviews). You can't take a view which is being managed by a controller, and stick it as a subview of a different controller's view - If you do that, it becomes ambigous who is responsible to manage this view.


Even though this "sticking" might be possible technically, it creates code which is hard to understand, hard to maintain, and most importantly - will cause bugs due to the unclarity of who is responsible to manage the view, and due to the fact that Apple's View/Controller framework doesn't support this.


For example: If the device is low on memory, Apple makes sure to unload views which are not currently displayed. Apple relies on the view controllers hierarchy to know when it can unload views. If you stick the view controller's view in another view controller's view, it's very likely that the view will never be unloaded even if it isn't visible.


Instead of breaking the view controller hierarchy, do one of the following:


  1. Just add subviews to your view normally, either in interface builder, or in -viewDidLoad: to add them programatically, or (rarer) override -loadView.
  2. 通常,只需在接口构建器或-viewDidLoad中向视图添加子视图:以编程方式添加它们,或者(更少)覆盖-loadView。
  3. Use view controller containment, either with Apple's ready-made ones (UINavigationController,UISplitViewController etc.) or with your own container view controllers (iOS>5).
  4. 使用视图控制器容器,要么是苹果的现成的(UINavigationController,UISplitViewController等),要么是你自己的容器视图控制器(iOS>5)。
  5. Display view controllers modally.
  6. 显示视图控制器程序地。

The bad idea of breaking a view controller hierarchy is indeed very common and often seen in 3rd parties, probably because it's so easy and seemingly straightforward. Unfortunately this causes the aforementioned bugs :-(


I really recommend to everyone participating in this thread and comments to read Apple's View Controller Programming Guide, and watch WWDC 2011 "View Controller Containment" video.

我真的建议所有参与这个线程和评论的人阅读苹果的视图控制器编程指南,并观看WWDC 2011“视图控制器控制”视频。



Let's consider following example based on Master-Detailed Application for iPhone only.


So, add new view controller in newly created project in Xcode: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


I called it NewInsideViewController. Create it without xib: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Open DetailViewController.xib. Drag View Controller and View(*) objects from library to Objects area like this (I changed view's color to LightGray): iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Choose this View Controller and change its Class from UIViewController to NewInsideController at the Identity Inspector: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Assign our View(*) to NewInsideController as a view: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Now all main actions in IB finished. We need to create instance of NewInsideController in our DetailViewController. You can do it by hand, but Xcode has a nice feature - drag-n-drop ;) iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


I called this property as myNewInsideController and DetailViewController.h looks like this:


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "NewInsideController.h"

@interface DetailViewController : UIViewController

@property (strong, nonatomic) id detailItem;
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet NewInsideController *myNewInsideController;

@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *detailDescriptionLabel;

Well, now our NewInsideController ready to work and manage its view. Let's add button and action to that view in order to verify this: iOS如何添加不从源代码编码乘以viewscontroller到一个ViewController


Write some code in IBAction in NewInsideController.


- (IBAction)insideButtonClick:(id)sender {
    float rPart = arc4random()%100/100.0f;
    float gPart = arc4random()%100/100.0f;    
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:rPart green:gPart blue:0.5f alpha:1.0f];

Run program.




If I understand the question clearly:


  1. You have a parent view and controller, coming from a XIB.
  2. 您有一个父视图和控制器,来自一个XIB。
  3. You have placed subviews into the parent view.
  4. 您已经将子视图放置到父视图中。
  5. You're wanting each subview placed into the parent view to have it's own (custom) controller, but you don't know how to add view controller's to your hierarchy (XCode will not let you drag view controllers into a view's canvas).
  6. 您希望放置在父视图中的每个子视图都有自己的(自定义的)控制器,但是您不知道如何将视图控制器添加到层次结构中(XCode不允许将视图控制器拖放到视图的画布中)。

So, to answer the question succinctly: Let's assume you have a handful of custom UIViewController's in your project (each view controller consisting of a .h and a .m). Remember that you if you are laying these out in the context of the parent, they shouldn't have their own XIBs (you cannot nest XIBs in IB). What is important to note here is that you should only "layout" the interface in one location. If you want to have a XIB for each subview, this is not the correct approach. What you can (not should) do, however, is have several custom viewControllers, each connected to it's own view sitting within your parentView, and you can have the outlets of your sub view controller's set to objects in this parentView. Phew, kinda messy. The other thing you'd need to be aware of is that your parent view controller would need a reference to each of it's sub view controllers in order for you to be able to access those sub-controllers and their outlets programmatically, so for each sub view controller you add, you would also need to add an IBOutlet in your parent view controller pointing to each subviewController:


 @property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet CustomUIViewController *firstCustomController;

And then for example to set the background color on the view of your first custom subview/controller:


[[[self firstCustomController] view] setBackgroundColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];

Open up your parent view controller in IB. If you look in your drawer of available objects, you'll find a generic UIViewController object. Drag this into your parent view controller (NOT onto it's views canvas, rather into the parent UIViewController object itself as seen in the left-column of IB builder). Select the generic view controller you've added and set it's class to your desired UIViewController subclass. Now, when your XIB loads, it will instantiate an instance of your custom view controller along with whatever you've added to it's canvas.


Finally, drag a generic UIView onto your canvas, placing it inside your existing controller's view (your screenshot already shows this as done). Right-click your custom view controller, and connect it's 'view' outlet to the view you added.


Now when you run, your custom view controller has a view that is on the screen that is the view of your custom controller subclass, and you didn't do any of it in code.


So now that you've done it, consider whether or not it is the best choice: Nested view controllers are messy to build (as you've seen) and aren't necessarily a good design decision:


Although iOS5 does support nested view controllers, personally I'd avoid using them. I value a best practice dictating one screen = one view controller.





You never, EVER, want to take views which are already under the control of a certain view controller, and make them subviews of another view controller's view.


View Controllers are the C part in the MVC design pattern - They are in charge of controlling a view (and its subviews). You can't take a view which is being managed by a controller, and stick it as a subview of a different controller's view - If you do that, it becomes ambigous who is responsible to manage this view.


Even though this "sticking" might be possible technically, it creates code which is hard to understand, hard to maintain, and most importantly - will cause bugs due to the unclarity of who is responsible to manage the view, and due to the fact that Apple's View/Controller framework doesn't support this.


For example: If the device is low on memory, Apple makes sure to unload views which are not currently displayed. Apple relies on the view controllers hierarchy to know when it can unload views. If you stick the view controller's view in another view controller's view, it's very likely that the view will never be unloaded even if it isn't visible.


Instead of breaking the view controller hierarchy, do one of the following:


  1. Just add subviews to your view normally, either in interface builder, or in -viewDidLoad: to add them programatically, or (rarer) override -loadView.
  2. 通常,只需在接口构建器或-viewDidLoad中向视图添加子视图:以编程方式添加它们,或者(更少)覆盖-loadView。
  3. Use view controller containment, either with Apple's ready-made ones (UINavigationController,UISplitViewController etc.) or with your own container view controllers (iOS>5).
  4. 使用视图控制器容器,要么是苹果的现成的(UINavigationController,UISplitViewController等),要么是你自己的容器视图控制器(iOS>5)。
  5. Display view controllers modally.
  6. 显示视图控制器程序地。

The bad idea of breaking a view controller hierarchy is indeed very common and often seen in 3rd parties, probably because it's so easy and seemingly straightforward. Unfortunately this causes the aforementioned bugs :-(


I really recommend to everyone participating in this thread and comments to read Apple's View Controller Programming Guide, and watch WWDC 2011 "View Controller Containment" video.

我真的建议所有参与这个线程和评论的人阅读苹果的视图控制器编程指南,并观看WWDC 2011“视图控制器控制”视频。