
时间:2023-01-12 17:50:33

I have a react-redux app. I get data via AJAX part of Redux store. This part looks like this:

我有一个反应- Redux应用程序,我通过Redux商店的AJAX部分获取数据。这部分是这样的:

    counts: {
        warning: 0,
        new: 0,
        in_hands: 0,
        completed: 0,
        rejected: 0

After changing this values React renders the component


render() {

        var counts = [
                id: 'warning',
                count: parseInt(this.props.counts.warning),
                name: 'Внимение'
                id: 'new',
                count: parseInt(this.props.counts.new),
                name: 'Новые'
                id: 'in_hands',
                count: parseInt(this.props.counts.in_hands),
                name: 'В работе'
                id: 'completed',
                count: parseInt(this.props.counts.completed),
                name: 'Выполн.'
                id: 'rejected',
                count: parseInt(this.props.counts.rejected),
                name: 'Отменен.'

    content = (<div className="inside-loader"/>);

        <Tabs key="tabs_order-list" id="order-list" items={counts} defaultTab="warning" changeList={this.changeList} content={content}/></div>

inside Tabs component we can see this:


render() {
        let self = this;
        let items = this.props.items.map(function (item, index) {
            return <div key={self.props.id+'_'+index} onClick={self.changeTab.bind(null, item.id)} className={'bar-tabs__tab ' + (self.state.openedTabId == item.id ? 'active' : '')}>
        return <div>
            <div className={'bar-tabs bar-tabs__' + this.props.id}>{items}</div>
            <div className={'bar-tabs-content bar-tabs-content__' + this.props.id}>
                <div className='bar-tabs-content__tab active'>{this.props.content}</div>

However, in the console I see this:


screen of console


I read about similar problems and I understand that this warning occurs when I try to change props values. But I didn't change props values.


1 个解决方案



Are you positive that all of your counts are valid numbers? You should console.log the counts array in the first render() and check that none of the count values in each object of the array are NaN. If any of them is NaN, it might be related to this issue: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/7424.

你确信你所有的计数都是有效的数字吗?你应该安慰。在第一个render()中记录计数数组,并检查数组中每个对象的计数值是否为NaN。如果其中任何一个是NaN,那么它可能与这个问题有关:https://github.com/facebook/default/issue /7424。

Simply check that your data is correct and you are not getting NaN after you parseInt.




Are you positive that all of your counts are valid numbers? You should console.log the counts array in the first render() and check that none of the count values in each object of the array are NaN. If any of them is NaN, it might be related to this issue: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/7424.

你确信你所有的计数都是有效的数字吗?你应该安慰。在第一个render()中记录计数数组,并检查数组中每个对象的计数值是否为NaN。如果其中任何一个是NaN,那么它可能与这个问题有关:https://github.com/facebook/default/issue /7424。

Simply check that your data is correct and you are not getting NaN after you parseInt.
