codechef FEB19 Manhattan Rectangle

时间:2023-01-07 23:44:59

Manhattan Rectangle








using namespace std;
typedef long long LL; const LL D = 1e9; LL Ask(LL x,LL y) {
LL z;
cout << "Q " << x << " " << y << "\n";
cin >> z;
return z;
void solve() {
LL a = Ask(0ll, 0ll), b = Ask(D, 0ll), c = Ask(0ll, D);
LL d = Ask((a - b + D) / , ); // !!!
LL y0 = d, x0 = a - d, x1 = D - (b - d), y1 = D - (c - x0);
cout << "A " << x0 << " " << y0 << " " << x1 << " " << y1 << "\n";
int flag;
cin >> flag;
if (flag < ) exit();
int main() {
int T ;
cin >> T;
for (; T --; solve()) ;
return ;

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