Blacksmith test

时间:2023-01-06 21:42:41

最近使用Blacksmith 对各种K,V数据库做了一些测试,从中了解了一些各种数据库的设计方式,比较各种数据库的性能


测试的数据库包括 bigmap, sessdb(, leveldb(

berkeleyDB(  java edition




1. download the blacksmith from github, it's a maven project

the download address is

2. Install

$ unzip
$ cd blacksmith
$ mvn clean install
3. run the test
$ target/distribution/BlackSmith-1.0.0
$ bin/

4. run the high level test by trying

$ target/distribution/BlackSmith-1.0.0
$ bin/ -c conf/local-benchmark-high-contention.xml

5. run the low level test by trying

$ target/distribution/BlackSmith-1.0.0
$ bin/ -c conf/local-benchmark-low-contention.xml

6. after the above operation, we can get the report under the  reports folder.

i.e. the comparison between different databases.

Blacksmith test

How to add a plugin:

  The tool's only useful when you add another plugin to test other k,v databases. This senario shows how to add a plugin


    Add a folder under the plugins folder, named it whatever you like  e.g.  test


Implements the  DBWrapper interface


Replace the property file with your wrapper


config the project pom.xml file, add this plugin to the  module section, and copy files to the destination location

you can try different test schema by changing the params in the StressTest tag.

Params specification:

  1. numRequests

Total number of operation to be made against cache wrapper: reads + writes. Default is 50000.

2. numEntries

    Number of keys on which all the GETs and PUTs are performed. Default is 100.

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