使用UTF-8编码的Jackson ObjectMapper ?

时间:2023-01-06 08:13:42

Is there a way to tell Jackson to use UTF-8 encoding when using ObjectMapper to serialize and deserialize Objects?


1 个解决方案



Jackson automatically detects encoding used in source: as per JSON specification, only valid encodings are UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32. No other encodings (like Latin-1) can be used. Because of this, auto-detection is easy and done by parser -- no encoding detection is accepted for this reason. So, if input is UTF-8, it will be detected as such.


For output, UTF-8 is the default; but if you explicitly want to use another encoding, you can create JsonGenerator explicitly (with a method that takes JsonEncoding), and pass this to ObjectMapper.


Alternatively in both cases you can of course manually construct java.io.Reader / java.io.Writer, and make it use whatever encoding you want.

当然,也可以在这两种情况下手动构建java.io。读者/ io。写入,并使它使用任何你想要的编码。



Jackson automatically detects encoding used in source: as per JSON specification, only valid encodings are UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32. No other encodings (like Latin-1) can be used. Because of this, auto-detection is easy and done by parser -- no encoding detection is accepted for this reason. So, if input is UTF-8, it will be detected as such.


For output, UTF-8 is the default; but if you explicitly want to use another encoding, you can create JsonGenerator explicitly (with a method that takes JsonEncoding), and pass this to ObjectMapper.


Alternatively in both cases you can of course manually construct java.io.Reader / java.io.Writer, and make it use whatever encoding you want.

当然,也可以在这两种情况下手动构建java.io。读者/ io。写入,并使它使用任何你想要的编码。