是否有办法从UTF-8编码的文件中删除BOM ?

时间:2023-01-06 00:27:19

Is there a way to remove the BOM from a UTF-8 encoded file?

是否有办法从UTF-8编码的文件中删除BOM ?

I know that all of my JSON files are encoded in UTF-8, but the data entry person who edited the JSON files saved it as UTF-8 with the BOM.


When I run my Ruby scripts to parse the JSON, it is failing with an error. I don't want to manually open 58+ JSON files and convert to UTF-8 without the BOM.

当我运行Ruby脚本解析JSON时,它出现了错误。我不想手动打开58+ JSON文件,然后在没有BOM的情况下转换为UTF-8。

4 个解决方案



With ruby >= 1.9.2 you can use the mode r:bom|utf-8

使用ruby >= 1.9.2可以使用模式r:bom|utf-8

This should work (I haven't test it in combination with json):


json = nil #define the variable outside the block to keep the data
File.open('file.txt', "r:bom|utf-8"){|file|
  json = JSON.parse(file.read)

It doesn't matter, if the BOM is available in the file or not.


Andrew remarked, that File#rewind can't be used with BOM.


If you need a rewind-function you must remember the position and replace rewind with pos=:


#Prepare test file
File.open('file.txt', "w:utf-8"){|f|
  f << "\xEF\xBB\xBF" #add BOM
  f << 'some content'

#Read file and skip BOM if available
File.open('file.txt', "r:bom|utf-8"){|f|
  pos =f.pos
  p content = f.read  #read and write file content
  f.pos = pos   #f.rewind  goes to pos 0
  p content = f.read  #(re)read and write file content



So, the solution was to do a search and replace on the BOM via gsub! I forced the encoding of the string to UTF-8 and also forced the regex pattern to be encoded in UTF-8.


I was able to derive a solution by looking at http://self.d-struct.org/195/howto-remove-byte-order-mark-with-ruby-and-iconv and http://blog.grayproductions.net/articles/ruby_19s_string

我可以通过查看http://self.d-struct.org/195/howto remoto -byte-order-mark-with-ruby-and-iconv和http://blog.grayproductions.net/articles/ruby_19s_string来获得解决方案

def read_json_file(file_name, index)
  content = ''
  file = File.open("#{file_name}\\game.json", "r") 
  content = file.read.force_encoding("UTF-8")

  content.gsub!("\xEF\xBB\xBF".force_encoding("UTF-8"), '')

  json = JSON.parse(content)

  print json



You can also specify encoding with the File.read and CSV.read methods, but you don't specify the read mode.


File.read(path, :encoding => 'bom|utf-8')
CSV.read(path, :encoding => 'bom|utf-8')



the "bom|UTF-8" encoding works well if you only read the file once, but fails if you ever call File#rewind, as I was doing in my code. To address this, I did the following:


def ignore_bom
  @file.ungetc if @file.pos==0 && @file.getc != "\xEF\xBB\xBF".force_encoding("UTF-8")

which seems to work well. Not sure if there are other similar type characters to look out for, but they could easily be built into this method that can be called any time you rewind or open.




With ruby >= 1.9.2 you can use the mode r:bom|utf-8

使用ruby >= 1.9.2可以使用模式r:bom|utf-8

This should work (I haven't test it in combination with json):


json = nil #define the variable outside the block to keep the data
File.open('file.txt', "r:bom|utf-8"){|file|
  json = JSON.parse(file.read)

It doesn't matter, if the BOM is available in the file or not.


Andrew remarked, that File#rewind can't be used with BOM.


If you need a rewind-function you must remember the position and replace rewind with pos=:


#Prepare test file
File.open('file.txt', "w:utf-8"){|f|
  f << "\xEF\xBB\xBF" #add BOM
  f << 'some content'

#Read file and skip BOM if available
File.open('file.txt', "r:bom|utf-8"){|f|
  pos =f.pos
  p content = f.read  #read and write file content
  f.pos = pos   #f.rewind  goes to pos 0
  p content = f.read  #(re)read and write file content



So, the solution was to do a search and replace on the BOM via gsub! I forced the encoding of the string to UTF-8 and also forced the regex pattern to be encoded in UTF-8.


I was able to derive a solution by looking at http://self.d-struct.org/195/howto-remove-byte-order-mark-with-ruby-and-iconv and http://blog.grayproductions.net/articles/ruby_19s_string

我可以通过查看http://self.d-struct.org/195/howto remoto -byte-order-mark-with-ruby-and-iconv和http://blog.grayproductions.net/articles/ruby_19s_string来获得解决方案

def read_json_file(file_name, index)
  content = ''
  file = File.open("#{file_name}\\game.json", "r") 
  content = file.read.force_encoding("UTF-8")

  content.gsub!("\xEF\xBB\xBF".force_encoding("UTF-8"), '')

  json = JSON.parse(content)

  print json



You can also specify encoding with the File.read and CSV.read methods, but you don't specify the read mode.


File.read(path, :encoding => 'bom|utf-8')
CSV.read(path, :encoding => 'bom|utf-8')



the "bom|UTF-8" encoding works well if you only read the file once, but fails if you ever call File#rewind, as I was doing in my code. To address this, I did the following:


def ignore_bom
  @file.ungetc if @file.pos==0 && @file.getc != "\xEF\xBB\xBF".force_encoding("UTF-8")

which seems to work well. Not sure if there are other similar type characters to look out for, but they could easily be built into this method that can be called any time you rewind or open.
