maven报错:Return code is: 501 , ReasonPhrase:HTTPS Required

时间:2023-01-03 07:46:17


随后发现报错:Failed to transfer file:*********. Return code is: 501 , ReasonPhrase:HTTPS Required. 这时候好像发现了什么重点————我们需要将maven配置修改一下:

        <!-- *仓库1 -->
<name>Human Readable Name for this Mirror.</name>
</mirror> <!-- *仓库2 -->
<name>Human Readable Name for this Mirror.</name>



Recently Maven build jobs running in Jenkins are failing with the below exception saying that they could not pull dependencies from Maven Central and should use HTTPS. I am not sure how to change the requests from HTTP to HTTPS. Could someone guide me on this matter?


Effective January 15, 2020, The Central Repository no longer supports insecure communication over plain HTTP and requires that all requests to the repository are encrypted over HTTPS.


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