/** It accepts two objects as arguments: the first object is the recipe for the food, while the second object is the available ingredients. Each ingredient's value is number representing how many units there are. `batches(recipe, available)` */ // 0 batches can be made batches( { milk: 100, butter: 50, flour: 5 }, { milk: 132, butter: 48, flour: 51 } ) batches( { milk: 100, flour: 4, sugar: 10, butter: 5 }, { milk: 1288, flour: 9, sugar: 95 } ) // 1 batch can be made batches( { milk: 100, butter: 50, cheese: 10 }, { milk: 198, butter: 52, cheese: 10 } ) // 2 batches can be made batches( { milk: 2, sugar: 40, butter: 20 }, { milk: 5, sugar: 120, butter: 500 } )
#### Answer
const batches = (recipe, available) => Math.floor( Math.min(...Object.keys(recipe).map(k => available[k] / recipe[k] || 0)) )