
时间:2022-05-22 21:41:12


Everyday Summary–20160905

新闻英语(Journalism English)


  • 课堂处理六个单元(1,3,5,6,8,11)
  • 其他篇章在课下完成阅读
  • 每次上课做一个小组展示(前因后果适当加长时间,personal presentation每个人两到四分钟。集体展示讲一些重大事件,小组展示流程:简介,细节,背景,各方评论,小组观点)
  • 完成三次课堂小测验
  • 在网上搜索最精的新闻并在课堂上进行汇报
  • 新闻采集点
  • 写一篇hard news
  • 在课堂上进行讨论或者是辩论

自主学习时间:双周三晚上7.00 A405教室(自备耳机)
登录用户名与密码: 学号+ s111111


no newsreporter is very just and objective because it represents some people‘s profites


we-media 自媒体
share price 股票价格
hard news and soft news
Hard News: 5W1H what, who, where, why, when, how
inverted pyramid 倒金字塔结构
borne the brunt 首当其冲
job shock 就业危机·
tribune 论坛
chronicle 按时间顺序排列

Unit One–气候变暖与环境保护

Climate Change and Environmental Protection
Everyday Summary–20160912

Following shows a video…

what is the problem of the video news?
the rise of sea level, the lack of water

How many documentaries are printed in the video? What are there names?
Courtesy: Sum Come Up
Courtesy: Common Language Project
Courtesy: Potomac Media Works

What problem does each documentary focus on?
the same as the solutions in problem one

What adaptive strategy do people take to survive according to each of the documentaries?
Some strategies that maybe useful to all users.

Top ten Environmental Issues Facing Our Planet

  1. Population
  2. Climate Change
  3. Loss of Biodiversity(生物多样性缺失)
  4. The Phosphorus and Nitrogen Cycles(氮磷循环)
  5. Water
  6. Ocean Acidfication(海洋酸化)
  7. Population
  8. Ozone Layer Depletion(臭氧层空洞)
  9. Over Fishing
  10. Deforestation、

What is the culprit of these problems?
1. the unfriendly actions that we did to our environment such as the overcutting of trees and over fishing that contributes to the climate change and the deforestation
2. not think highly of the environment problems
3. pour too much chemical dyes into sea and create too much air polution for the persue of profits
4. it is the trendency of our earth that it will suffer from a period during when its temperature will get higher and higher

Do you know anything about greenhouse effect?
greenhouse effect is that

what urgent steps should we take to manage our severely damaged, fragile ecosystem?
do not interrupt their innovation and development, as we all know, our earth has suffered from cambrain period, Cretaceous period and so on. So the earth may make some big events and she doesn’t want to keep what it used to be.
Also, what can not be ignored by us is that the Asia medias says that our earth is becoming colder while the eastern world says that our earth is becoming warmer.