Introducing Regular Expressions 读书笔记
Notepad++ Regex:
文中 “项 ” 表示 一个字符或者是一个字符组(group)的概念。
chapter 1:
[ ]:字符集匹配
\d:匹配数字0-9,同 "[0-9]"
. :(dot)通配符,匹配所有字符(除换行符),但当出现在[ ]中时表示字符dot
向后引用 (Backreferences)
( ):成组,capturing group
\1 或 $1:匹配与第一个括号的匹配项内容完全一样的项,不同的正则表达式的实现可能形式不一样,有的只支持\1,有的只支持$1,有的都支持。
{ }:大括号内为前一项的精确匹配次数,可为{3}(3次),{3,5}(3到5次,即3,4,5次都可以,注意逗号两边不能有空格)或{3,}(大于等于3次)这样的形式。
+:匹配前一项1次或多次(内容不必完全一样,只要都符合相同的匹配规则即可,如 "\d+",表示匹配尽可能多的数字),尽可能多的匹配,贪心(greedy)
|:(the vertical bar) indicates alternation, that is, a given choice of alternatives,该符号前面的匹配式匹配失败后就使用后面的匹配式进行匹配
^:出现在开头或 | 之后时表示 行首
chapter 2
^:match all but these,如[^0-9],表示匹配所有非数字
\w:匹配字母和数字,与 [0-9a-zA-Z] 相同
dotall mode:开启这个模式后 ‘.’ 将匹配包括换行在内的所有字符
Table 2-1. Character shorthands
Character Shorthand | Description
\a: Alert
\b :Word boundary,单词边界
[\b]: Backspace character
\B: Non-word boundary,非单词边界
\c :x Control character
\d: Digit character
\D :Non-digit character
\d xxx: Decimal value for a character
\f :Form feed character
\r: Carriage return
\n: Newline character,换行符
pass:[<literal>\o</literal> :Octal value for a character
\s: Space character,空白符
\S :Non-space character
\t :Horizontal tab character,tab符
\v: Vertical tab character
\w: Word character
\W :Non-word character
\0: Nul character
\ xxx: Hexadecimal value for a character
\u xxxx :Unicode value for a character
Table 2-2. Character shorthands for whitespace characters
Character Shorthand | Description
\f :Form feed
\h: Horizontal whitespace
\H: Not horizontal whitespace
\n: Newline
\r: Carriage return
\t :Horizontal tab
\v :Vertical tab (whitespace)
\V: Not vertical whitespace
chapter 3 Boundaries
characters—that is, characters will not be returned in a result. They are also
known as zero-width assertions. A zero-width assertion doesn’t match a character, per
se, but rather a location in a string. Some of these, such as ^ and $, are also called anchors.
var str = "first second\nthird fourth\nfifth sixth";
var patt = /(\w+)$/gm
["second", "fourth", "sixth"]
var str2 = "first second\nthird fourth\nfifth sixth";
var patt2 = /^(\w+)/gm
console.log(str2.match(patt2 ))
chapter 4 Alternation, Groups, and Backreferences
You have already seen groups in action. Groups surround text with parentheses to help
perform some operation, such as the following:
• Performing alternation, a choice between two or more optional patterns
• Creating subpatterns
• Capturing a group to later reference with a backreference
• Applying an operation to a grouped pattern, such as a quantifer
• Using non-capturing groups
• Atomic grouping (advanced)
(?d) Unix lines Java
(?i) Case insensitive PCRE, Perl, Java
(?J) Allow duplicate names PCRE*
(?m) Multiline PCRE, Perl, Java
(?s) Single line (dotall) PCRE, Perl, Java
(?u) Unicode case Java
(?U) Default match lazy PCRE
(?x) Ignore whitespace, comments PCRE, Perl, Java
(?-…) Unset or turn off options PCRE
\l$+{one}/' rime.txt
Or this:
Or this:
(?<name>…) A named group
(?name…) Another named group
(?P<name>…) A named group in Python
\k<name> Reference by name in Perl
\k'name' Reference by name in Perl
\g{name} Reference by name in Perl
\k{name} Reference by name in .NET
(?P=name) Reference by name in Python
this way:
that does backtracking, this group will turn backtracking off, not for the entire regular
expression but just for that part enclosed in the atomic group. The syntax looks like this:
regex processing is backtracking. The reason why is, as it tries all the possibilities, it
takes time and computing resources. Sometimes it can gobble up a lot of time. When
it gets really bad, it’s called catastrophic backtracking.
chapter 5 Character Classes
[_a-zA-Z \t\n\r] 相同
The regex would match 0 through 3 or 6 through 9.
To match a difference (in essence, subtraction):
which matches all the letters from a to z, except m through r。
[[:alnum:]] Alphanumeric characters (letters and digits)
[[:alpha:]] Alphabetic characters (letters)
[[:ascii:]] ASCII characters (all 128)
[[:blank:]] Blank characters
[[:ctrl:]] Control characters
[[:graph:]] Graphic characters
[[:lower:]] Lowercase letters
[[:print:]] Printable characters
[[:punct:]] Punctuation characters
[[:space:]] Whitespace characters
[[:upper:]] Uppercase letters
[[:word:]] Word characters
[[:xdigit:]] Hexadecimal digits
chapter 6 Matching Unicode and Other Characters
\uxxxx Unicode (four places)
\xxx Unicode (two places)
\x{xxxx} Unicode (four places)
\x{xx} Unicode (two places)
\000 Octal (base 8)
\cx Control character
\0 Null
\a Bell
\e Escape
[\b] Backspace
chapter 7 Quantifiers
string. It grabs as much as it can, the whole input, trying to make a match. If the first
attempt to match the whole string goes awry, it backs up one character and tries again.
This is called backtracking. It keeps backing up one character at a time until it finds a
match or runs out of characters to try. It also keeps track of what it is doing, so it puts
the most load on resources compared with the next two approaches. It takes a mouthful,
then spits back a little at a time, chewing on what it just ate. You get the idea.
A lazy (sometimes called reluctant) quantifier takes a different tack. It starts at the
beginning of the target, trying to find a match. It looks at the string one character at a
time, trying to find what it is looking for. At last, it will attempt to match the whole
string. To get a quantifier to be lazy, you have to append a question mark (?) to the
regular quantifier. It chews one nibble at a time.
A possessive quantifier grabs the whole target and then tries to find a match, but it
makes only one attempt. It does not do any backtracking. A possessive quantifier appends
a plus sign (+) to the regular quantifier. It doesn’t chew; it just swallows, then
wonders what it just ate. I’ll demonstrate each of these in the pages that follow.
+? :Lazy one or more
*? :Lazy zero or more
{n}? :Lazy n
{n,}? :Lazy n or more
{m,n}?: Lazy m,n
Possessive q
?+: Possessive zero or one (optional)
++ :Possessive one or more
*+ :Possessive zero or more
{n}+: Possessive n
{n,}+ :Possessive n or more
{m,n}+: Possessive m,n
chapter 8 Lookarounds
either in front of or behind a pattern. Lookarounds are also considered zero-width
Lookarounds include:
• Positive lookaheads
• Negative lookaheads
• Positive lookbehinds
• Negative lookbehinds
?= marinere):忽略大小写匹配ancyent且该字符串后面的字符要为 marinere。
?!marinere):忽略大小写匹配ancyent且该字符串后面的字符必须不为 marinere。
?<=ancyent) marinere
?<!ancyent) marinere