an interview question(1)

时间:2022-12-13 18:01:29



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It is a very excellent interview question that concludes serveal important knowledge which explain how to correctly use printf( ) function that come from  C language standard library.

 #include <stdio.h>

 int main ( )

 {    unsigned int a=0xfffffff7; 

     unsigned char i=(unsigned char)a; 

     char *b=(char*)&a;   



The main function just conclude four statements. ​The frist statement declare a unsigned integer variable that is assigned as 0xfffffff7.The secend statement means unsigned integer variable,a is assigned to unsigned character variable, i ,but the way of this conservation cause a significant problem which is called as "Byte truncation". The third statement get a's address that is assigned to a pointer  pointing to character. The last statement use printf function print out value of variable i and *b according a particular pattern.

When i use vs2012 ​compile program , the value of i is 0x000000f7 and the *b is 0xfffffff7.

输出的i为0x000000f7并不奇怪,因为a是个无符号的整形数被赋值给无符号的字符数时发生了字节截断,故第二条语句执行完后i的值为0xf7,再 根据printf指定的输出格式即按十六进制输出,位数为8位。但是*b的值估计也“不难”理解:这里做了指针转换即把unsigned int a的地址转换为char类型的指针,影响了指针的寻址。故b所在的内存里存的值便为0xfffffff7。这种解释正是XX宝典中的解释,很明显这种解释 太过牵强,甚至可以说的错误的,试想一个字符型的指针指向的值怎么会是0xfffffff7。如果非要说这样是对的,我可以继续做下面这个测试。

an interview question(1)


PC机,它是以little-endian方式存储。(So ,what is little-endian ? you can
search it with internet.)
故*b的值为0xf7。当使用printf函数输出结果时,在参数发生了default argument
promotions . C语言规定了:不足int的整形提升为整形,float 提升为 double。对于char


an interview question(1)



到此,这个问题先告一段落了。 :)​

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