
时间:2022-12-09 19:58:09

I'm trying to use the blueimp Jquery File Upload plugin for the project I'm currently working on. It suits my needs perfectly, with one problem: I need to be able to change the path of the uploads, based on a GET variable on the page that contains the plugin. Basically, I'm using it as an image manager for a collection of vehicles, and I want it to connect to a separate folder for each vehicle.

我正在尝试使用blueimp Jquery File Upload插件来处理我目前正在进行的项目。它完全符合我的需求,有一个问题:我需要能够根据包含插件的页面上的GET变量来更改上传的路径。基本上,我将它用作车辆集合的图像管理器,我希望它连接到每个车辆的单独文件夹。

I've been looking through the documentation and googling, and I've found the way to change the default directory (by modifying upload.class.php) but since I need this to be dynamic, that doesn't work.


I figure there has to be a way to add a POST variable to the ajax calls which activate the php scripts, but I can't even find out where those ajax calls are. I can't even find a reference to either of the php files (index.php and upload.class.php) throughout the code.


Any ideas on how to accomplish this?


1 个解决方案



In your form, add a field like this:


<input type="hidden" name="path" value="<?echo $_GET['path'];?>">

And in your PHP where the file is uploading, just extract the path with:


$path = $_POST['path'];

Just put the path where it is specified in the PHP script.




In your form, add a field like this:


<input type="hidden" name="path" value="<?echo $_GET['path'];?>">

And in your PHP where the file is uploading, just extract the path with:


$path = $_POST['path'];

Just put the path where it is specified in the PHP script.
