
时间:2022-12-09 17:32:23
// chinacoder.cn JavaScript Document

$( document). ready( function() {

//.filter(":not(:has(.selected))") //去掉所有不包含class为.selected的元素

// 使用has()来判断一个元素是否包含特定的class或者元素
$( "input"). has( ".email"). addClass( "email_icon" );

$( "link[media='screen']"). attr( 'href', 'Alternative.css');

if ( $. browser. msie) { /*Internet Explorer is a sadist.*/ };

var e = $( "", { href: "#", class: "a-class another-class", title: "..." });

var elements = $( '#someid input[type=sometype][value=somevalue]' ). get();

$( "p.value:contains('thetextvalue')"). hide();

$( document). bind( 'contextmenu', function( e){ return false ; });

setTimeout( function() { $( '.mydiv'). hide( 'blind', {}, 500)}, 5000);
//And here's how you can do it with 1.4 using the delay() feature (this is a lot like sleep)
$( ".mydiv"). delay( 5000). hide ( 'blind', {}, 500);

jQuery. fn. center = function () {
this. css( 'position', 'absolute');
this. css( 'top', ( $ ( window). height() - this. height() ) / 2+ $( window). scrollTop() + 'px');
this. css( 'left', ( $( window). width() - this. width() ) / 2+ $ ( window). scrollLeft() + 'px');
return this;
//Use the above function as: $('#gbin1div').center();

//使用 jQuery 判断对象是否隐藏
if(! $( "#demo"). is( ":visible")){

if( $( "#demo2"). css( "visibility") == "hidden" ){


//使用 jQuery 重定向页面
window. location. replace( "http://www.baidu.com");
window. location . href = "http://www.baidu.com" ;

//Google AJAX 库加载 jQuery 的最好方法
if ( typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
document. write( unescape( "%3Cscript src='/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

xOffset = 10;
yOffset = 30;
$( "#imglist"). find( "img"). hover( function( e) {
$( "<img id='imgshow' src='" + this. src + "' />"). appendTo ( "body");
$( "#imgshow") . css( "top", ( e. pageY - xOffset) + "px")
. css( "left", ( e. pageX + yOffset) + "px")
. fadeIn( "fast" );
}, function() {
$( "#imgshow"). remove();

$( "#imglist"). find( "img"). mousemove( function( e) {
$( "#imgshow") . css ( "top", ( e. pageY - xOffset) + "px")
. css( "left", ( e. pageX + yOffset) + "px")

$( '.banner'). find ( 'a'). hover( function(){
$( this). find( '.img1'). stop(). animate({ 'width': 0, 'left': '116px'}, 110, function(){
$( this). hide (). next(). show();
$( this). next(). animate({ 'width': '232px' , 'left': '0'}, 110);
}, function(){
$( this). find( '.img2' ). animate({ 'width': 0, 'left': '116px'}, 110, function(){
$( this). hide(). prev(). show();
$( this). prev(). animate({ 'width': '232px' , 'left': '0px'}, 110);


* jQuery-anipadding-0.1.js
* Copyright (c) 2013 Nicky Yan http://www.chinacoder.cn
* Date: 2013-11-16
* 使用anipadding可以方便实现动态效果。先提供的功能有划过位移,鼠标移上高亮显示.
( function( $){
$. fn. extend({
yourname: function( options){
var defaults = {
//参数 参数用逗号隔开
var options = $. extend( defaults , options); //合并多个对象为一个
return this. each( function(){
// var o = options ;
// var obj = $(this);
// var items = $("li a" , obj) ;
// code
})( jQuery);