
时间:2022-12-09 12:03:23

The Daily WTF for 2008-11-28 pillories the following code:


static char *nice_num(long n)
    int neg = 0, d = 3;
    char *buffer = prtbuf;
    int bufsize = 20;

    if (n < 0)
        neg = 1;
        n = -n;
    buffer += bufsize;
    *--buffer = '\0';

        *--buffer = '0' + (n % 10);
        n /= 10;
        if (--d == 0)
            d = 3;
            *--buffer = ',';
    while (n);

    if (*buffer == ',') ++buffer;
    if (neg) *--buffer = '-';
    return buffer;

How would you write it?


7 个解决方案



If you're a seasoned C programmer, you'll realize this code isn't actually that bad. It's relatively straightforward (for C), and it's blazingly fast. It has three problems:


  1. It fails on the edge case of LONG_MIN (-2,147,483,648), since negating this number produces itself in twos-complement
    • It assumes 32-bit integers - for 64-bit longs, a 20-byte buffer is not big enough
    • 它假定是32位整数——对于64位的长字符,20字节的缓冲区不够大
    • It's not thread-safe - it uses a global static buffer, so multiple threads calling it at the same time will result in a race condition
    • 它不是线程安全的——它使用全局静态缓冲区,因此同时调用它的多个线程将导致竞争条件
  2. 失败的边缘LONG_MIN(-2147483648),因为否定这个数字生产本身在twos-complement假定32位整数——64位长,20-byte缓冲区不够大它不是线程安全的,它使用一个全局静态缓冲区,所以多个线程同时称这将导致竞态条件

Problem #1 is easily solved with a special case. To address #2, I'd separate the code into two functions, one for 32-bit integers and one for 64-bit integers. #3 is a little harder - we have to change the interface to make completely thread-safe.


Here is my solution, based on this code but modified to address these problems:


static int nice_num(char *buffer, size_t len, int32_t n)
  int neg = 0, d = 3;
  char buf[16];
  size_t bufsize = sizeof(buf);
  char *pbuf = buf + bufsize;

  if(n < 0)
    if(n == INT32_MIN)
      strncpy(buffer, "-2,147,483,648", len);
      return len <= 14;

    neg = 1;
    n = -n;

  *--pbuf = '\0';

    *--pbuf = '0' + (n % 10);
    n /= 10;
    if(--d == 0)
      d = 3;
      *--pbuf = ',';
  while(n > 0);

  if(*pbuf == ',') ++pbuf;
  if(neg) *--pbuf = '-';

  strncpy(buffer, pbuf, len);
  return len <= strlen(pbuf);

Explanation: it creates a local buffer on the stack and then fills that in in the same method as the initial code. Then, it copies it into a parameter passed into the function, making sure not to overflow the buffer. It also has a special case for INT32_MIN. The return value is 0 if the original buffer was large enough, or 1 if the buffer was too small and the resulting string was truncated.




Hmm... I guess I shouldn't admit this, but my int to string routine for an embedded system work in pretty much exactly the same way (but without putting in the commas).


It's not particularly straightforward, but I wouldn't call it a WTF if you're working on a system that you can't use snprintf() on.


The guy who wrote the above probably noted that the printf() family of routines can't do comma grouping, so he came up with his own.


Footnote: there are some libraries where the printf() style formatting does support grouping, but they are not standard. And I know that the posted code doesn't support other locales that group using '.'. But that's hardly a WTF, just a bug possibly.




That's probably pretty close to the way I would write it actually. The only thing I can immediately see that is wrong with the solution is that is doesn't work for LONG_MIN on machines where LONG_MIN is -(LONG_MAX + 1), which is most machines nowadays. I might use localeconv to get the thousands separator instead of assuming comma, and I might more carefully calculate the buffer size, but the algorithm and implementation seem pretty straight-forward to me, not really much of a WTF for C (there are much better solutions for C++).

这和我写它的方式很接近。我能立即看到的唯一错误的解决方案是,在LONG_MIN是-(LONG_MAX + 1)的机器上,对于LONG_MIN是无效的,而LONG_MAX + 1是目前大多数机器。我可能会使用localeconv来获得数千个分隔符,而不是假设使用逗号,我可能会更仔细地计算缓冲区大小,但是算法和实现对我来说似乎非常简单,对于C来说并没有太多的WTF (c++有更好的解决方案)。





(defun pretty-number (x) (format t "~:D" x))

I'm suprised how easily I could do this. I'm not even past the first chapter in my Lisp book. xD (Or should I say, ~:D)




signed_as_text_grouped_on_powers_of_1000(char *s, ssize_t max, int n)
    if (max <= 0)
        return 0;

    size_t r=0;
    bool more_groups = n/1000 != 0;
    if (more_groups)
       r = signed_as_text_grouped_on_powers_of_1000(s, max, n/1000);
       r += snprintf(s+r, max-r, ",");
       n = abs(n%1000);
       r += snprintf(s+r, max-r, "%03d",n);
    } else
       r += snprintf(s+r, max-r, "% 3d", n);

    return r;

Unfortunately, this is about 10x slower than the original.




In pure C:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

static char *prettyNumber(long num, int base, char separator)
#define bufferSize      (sizeof(long) * CHAR_BIT)
        static char buffer[bufferSize + 1];
        unsigned int pos = 0;

        /* We're walking backwards because numbers are right to left. */
        char *p = buffer + bufferSize;
        *p = '\0';

        int negative = num < 0;

                char digit = num % base;
                digit += '0';

                *(--p) = digit;

                num /= base;

                /* This the last of a digit group? */
                if(pos % 3 == 0)
/* TODO Make this a user setting. */
#       define IM_AMERICAN_BOOL 0
#       define IM_AMERICAN_BOOL 1
                        /* Handle special thousands case. */
                        if(!IM_AMERICAN_BOOL && pos == 3 && num < base)
                                /* DO NOTHING */
                                *(--p) = separator;
        } while(num);

                *(--p) = '-';

        return p;
#undef bufferSize

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        while(argc > 1)
                long num = 0;

                if(sscanf(argv[1], "%ld", &num) != 1)

                printf("%ld = %s\n", num, prettyNumber(num, 10, ' '));


        return 0;

Normally I'd return an alloc'd buffer, which would need to be free'd by the user. This addition is trivial.




I got bored and made this naive implementation in Perl. Works.


sub pretify {
    my $num = $_[0];
    my $numstring = sprintf( "%f", $num );

    # Split into whole/decimal
    my ( $whole, $decimal ) = ( $numstring =~ /(^\d*)(.\d+)?/ );
    my @chunks;
    my $output = '';

    # Pad whole into multiples of 3
    $whole = q{ } x ( 3 - ( length $whole ) % 3 ) . $whole;

    # Create an array of all 3 parts.
    @chunks = $whole =~ /(.{3})/g;

    # Reassemble with commas
    $output = join ',', @chunks;
    if ($decimal) {
        $output .= $decimal;

    # Strip Padding ( and spurious commas )
    $output =~ s/^[ ,]+//;

    # Strip excess tailing zeros
    $output =~ s/0+$//;

    # Ending with . is ugly
    $output =~ s/\.$//;
    return $output;

print "\n", pretify 100000000000000000000000000.0000;
print "\n", pretify 10_202_030.45;
print "\n", pretify 10_101;
print "\n", pretify 0;
print "\n", pretify 0.1;
print "\n", pretify 0.0001;
print "\n";



If you're a seasoned C programmer, you'll realize this code isn't actually that bad. It's relatively straightforward (for C), and it's blazingly fast. It has three problems:


  1. It fails on the edge case of LONG_MIN (-2,147,483,648), since negating this number produces itself in twos-complement
    • It assumes 32-bit integers - for 64-bit longs, a 20-byte buffer is not big enough
    • 它假定是32位整数——对于64位的长字符,20字节的缓冲区不够大
    • It's not thread-safe - it uses a global static buffer, so multiple threads calling it at the same time will result in a race condition
    • 它不是线程安全的——它使用全局静态缓冲区,因此同时调用它的多个线程将导致竞争条件
  2. 失败的边缘LONG_MIN(-2147483648),因为否定这个数字生产本身在twos-complement假定32位整数——64位长,20-byte缓冲区不够大它不是线程安全的,它使用一个全局静态缓冲区,所以多个线程同时称这将导致竞态条件

Problem #1 is easily solved with a special case. To address #2, I'd separate the code into two functions, one for 32-bit integers and one for 64-bit integers. #3 is a little harder - we have to change the interface to make completely thread-safe.


Here is my solution, based on this code but modified to address these problems:


static int nice_num(char *buffer, size_t len, int32_t n)
  int neg = 0, d = 3;
  char buf[16];
  size_t bufsize = sizeof(buf);
  char *pbuf = buf + bufsize;

  if(n < 0)
    if(n == INT32_MIN)
      strncpy(buffer, "-2,147,483,648", len);
      return len <= 14;

    neg = 1;
    n = -n;

  *--pbuf = '\0';

    *--pbuf = '0' + (n % 10);
    n /= 10;
    if(--d == 0)
      d = 3;
      *--pbuf = ',';
  while(n > 0);

  if(*pbuf == ',') ++pbuf;
  if(neg) *--pbuf = '-';

  strncpy(buffer, pbuf, len);
  return len <= strlen(pbuf);

Explanation: it creates a local buffer on the stack and then fills that in in the same method as the initial code. Then, it copies it into a parameter passed into the function, making sure not to overflow the buffer. It also has a special case for INT32_MIN. The return value is 0 if the original buffer was large enough, or 1 if the buffer was too small and the resulting string was truncated.




Hmm... I guess I shouldn't admit this, but my int to string routine for an embedded system work in pretty much exactly the same way (but without putting in the commas).


It's not particularly straightforward, but I wouldn't call it a WTF if you're working on a system that you can't use snprintf() on.


The guy who wrote the above probably noted that the printf() family of routines can't do comma grouping, so he came up with his own.


Footnote: there are some libraries where the printf() style formatting does support grouping, but they are not standard. And I know that the posted code doesn't support other locales that group using '.'. But that's hardly a WTF, just a bug possibly.




That's probably pretty close to the way I would write it actually. The only thing I can immediately see that is wrong with the solution is that is doesn't work for LONG_MIN on machines where LONG_MIN is -(LONG_MAX + 1), which is most machines nowadays. I might use localeconv to get the thousands separator instead of assuming comma, and I might more carefully calculate the buffer size, but the algorithm and implementation seem pretty straight-forward to me, not really much of a WTF for C (there are much better solutions for C++).

这和我写它的方式很接近。我能立即看到的唯一错误的解决方案是,在LONG_MIN是-(LONG_MAX + 1)的机器上,对于LONG_MIN是无效的,而LONG_MAX + 1是目前大多数机器。我可能会使用localeconv来获得数千个分隔符,而不是假设使用逗号,我可能会更仔细地计算缓冲区大小,但是算法和实现对我来说似乎非常简单,对于C来说并没有太多的WTF (c++有更好的解决方案)。





(defun pretty-number (x) (format t "~:D" x))

I'm suprised how easily I could do this. I'm not even past the first chapter in my Lisp book. xD (Or should I say, ~:D)




signed_as_text_grouped_on_powers_of_1000(char *s, ssize_t max, int n)
    if (max <= 0)
        return 0;

    size_t r=0;
    bool more_groups = n/1000 != 0;
    if (more_groups)
       r = signed_as_text_grouped_on_powers_of_1000(s, max, n/1000);
       r += snprintf(s+r, max-r, ",");
       n = abs(n%1000);
       r += snprintf(s+r, max-r, "%03d",n);
    } else
       r += snprintf(s+r, max-r, "% 3d", n);

    return r;

Unfortunately, this is about 10x slower than the original.




In pure C:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

static char *prettyNumber(long num, int base, char separator)
#define bufferSize      (sizeof(long) * CHAR_BIT)
        static char buffer[bufferSize + 1];
        unsigned int pos = 0;

        /* We're walking backwards because numbers are right to left. */
        char *p = buffer + bufferSize;
        *p = '\0';

        int negative = num < 0;

                char digit = num % base;
                digit += '0';

                *(--p) = digit;

                num /= base;

                /* This the last of a digit group? */
                if(pos % 3 == 0)
/* TODO Make this a user setting. */
#       define IM_AMERICAN_BOOL 0
#       define IM_AMERICAN_BOOL 1
                        /* Handle special thousands case. */
                        if(!IM_AMERICAN_BOOL && pos == 3 && num < base)
                                /* DO NOTHING */
                                *(--p) = separator;
        } while(num);

                *(--p) = '-';

        return p;
#undef bufferSize

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        while(argc > 1)
                long num = 0;

                if(sscanf(argv[1], "%ld", &num) != 1)

                printf("%ld = %s\n", num, prettyNumber(num, 10, ' '));


        return 0;

Normally I'd return an alloc'd buffer, which would need to be free'd by the user. This addition is trivial.




I got bored and made this naive implementation in Perl. Works.


sub pretify {
    my $num = $_[0];
    my $numstring = sprintf( "%f", $num );

    # Split into whole/decimal
    my ( $whole, $decimal ) = ( $numstring =~ /(^\d*)(.\d+)?/ );
    my @chunks;
    my $output = '';

    # Pad whole into multiples of 3
    $whole = q{ } x ( 3 - ( length $whole ) % 3 ) . $whole;

    # Create an array of all 3 parts.
    @chunks = $whole =~ /(.{3})/g;

    # Reassemble with commas
    $output = join ',', @chunks;
    if ($decimal) {
        $output .= $decimal;

    # Strip Padding ( and spurious commas )
    $output =~ s/^[ ,]+//;

    # Strip excess tailing zeros
    $output =~ s/0+$//;

    # Ending with . is ugly
    $output =~ s/\.$//;
    return $output;

print "\n", pretify 100000000000000000000000000.0000;
print "\n", pretify 10_202_030.45;
print "\n", pretify 10_101;
print "\n", pretify 0;
print "\n", pretify 0.1;
print "\n", pretify 0.0001;
print "\n";