
时间:2021-07-09 04:36:12

I use grunt to convert all my less files into css files,using this:


less: {
  development: {
    files: {
      "css/*.css": "less/*.less"

This worked on version 0.3.0, but now that I have upgraded to v0.4.0 it doesn't work anymore.


The following code (not using * in the destination) works on both versions, so the problem is with the star on the destination file.


less: {
  development: {
    files: {
      "css/test.css": "less/*.less"

Any idea ?

任何的想法 ?

1 个解决方案



This isn't a bug. Grunt no longer supports globbing in dest using that configuration. However, you can use the "files array" format, like this:

这不是一个错误。 Grunt不再使用该配置支持dest中的globbing。但是,您可以使用“files array”格式,如下所示:

files: [
    expand: true,
    cwd: 'src',
    src: ['*.less'],
    dest: 'assets/css/',
    ext: '.css'

Also, if you use a library like Bootstrap and you want to build each LESS file (component) into a separate, individual CSS file, it's not very easy to accomplish "out of the box". The reason is that each LESS file would need to have its own @import statements for variables.less and mixins.less (and a couple of others like forms.less and navbar.less, since they are referenced in other files).


To make this really easy, try the Grunt plugin, assemble-less (disclaimer: I'm one of the maintainers of the project, and I'm also on the core team for less.js). assemble-less is a fork of grunt-contrib-less by Tyler Kellen, but it adds some experimental features that will accomplish what you need (if you want stability, please stick with grunt-contrib-less). For example:

为了使这个变得非常简单,请尝试使用Grunt插件,无需装配(免责声明:我是该项目的维护者之一,而且我也是less.js的核心团队)。无装配是Tyler Kellen的一个笨拙的贡献,但它增加了一些实验性功能,可以实现你所需要的(如果你想要稳定性,请坚持使用grunt-contrib-less)。例如:

// Project configuration.

  less: {
    // Compile all targeted LESS files individually
    components: {
      options: {
        imports: {
          // Use the new "reference" directive, e.g.
          // @import (reference) "variables.less";
          reference: [
      files: [
          expand: true,
          cwd: 'bootstrap/less',
          // Compile each LESS component excluding "bootstrap.less", 
          // "mixins.less" and "variables.less" 
          src: ['*.less', '!{boot,var,mix}*.less'],
          dest: 'assets/css/',
          ext: '.css'

The imports feature essentially prepends the specified @import statements onto the source files. The reference option allows you to "reference" other less files while only outputting styles that are specifically referenced via mixins or :extend. You might need to reference a few more files than shown here, since Bootstrap cross-references styles from other components, like forms.less, buttons.less, etc. (See the Gruntfile in assemble-less for examples.)


So after running the assemble-less task with the configuration in the example above, the assets/css folder would have:

因此,在使用上面示例中的配置运行无组装任务之后,assets / css文件夹将具有:

  • alerts.css
  • badges.css
  • breadcrumbs.css
  • button-groups.css
  • buttons.css
  • carousel.css
  • close.css
  • code.css
  • component-animations.css
  • dropdowns.css
  • forms.css
  • glyphicons.css
  • grid.css
  • input-groups.css
  • jumbotron.css
  • labels.css
  • list-group.css
  • media.css
  • modals.css
  • navbar.css
  • navs.css
  • normalize.css
  • pager.css
  • pagination.css
  • panels.css
  • popovers.css
  • print.css
  • progress-bars.css
  • responsive-utilities.css
  • scaffolding.css
  • tables.css
  • theme.css
  • thumbnails.css
  • tooltip.css
  • type.css
  • utilities.css
  • wells.css

There are other features that should help you with this, but the imports feature is super powerful since it allows you to add directives directly to the Gruntfile.




This isn't a bug. Grunt no longer supports globbing in dest using that configuration. However, you can use the "files array" format, like this:

这不是一个错误。 Grunt不再使用该配置支持dest中的globbing。但是,您可以使用“files array”格式,如下所示:

files: [
    expand: true,
    cwd: 'src',
    src: ['*.less'],
    dest: 'assets/css/',
    ext: '.css'

Also, if you use a library like Bootstrap and you want to build each LESS file (component) into a separate, individual CSS file, it's not very easy to accomplish "out of the box". The reason is that each LESS file would need to have its own @import statements for variables.less and mixins.less (and a couple of others like forms.less and navbar.less, since they are referenced in other files).


To make this really easy, try the Grunt plugin, assemble-less (disclaimer: I'm one of the maintainers of the project, and I'm also on the core team for less.js). assemble-less is a fork of grunt-contrib-less by Tyler Kellen, but it adds some experimental features that will accomplish what you need (if you want stability, please stick with grunt-contrib-less). For example:

为了使这个变得非常简单,请尝试使用Grunt插件,无需装配(免责声明:我是该项目的维护者之一,而且我也是less.js的核心团队)。无装配是Tyler Kellen的一个笨拙的贡献,但它增加了一些实验性功能,可以实现你所需要的(如果你想要稳定性,请坚持使用grunt-contrib-less)。例如:

// Project configuration.

  less: {
    // Compile all targeted LESS files individually
    components: {
      options: {
        imports: {
          // Use the new "reference" directive, e.g.
          // @import (reference) "variables.less";
          reference: [
      files: [
          expand: true,
          cwd: 'bootstrap/less',
          // Compile each LESS component excluding "bootstrap.less", 
          // "mixins.less" and "variables.less" 
          src: ['*.less', '!{boot,var,mix}*.less'],
          dest: 'assets/css/',
          ext: '.css'

The imports feature essentially prepends the specified @import statements onto the source files. The reference option allows you to "reference" other less files while only outputting styles that are specifically referenced via mixins or :extend. You might need to reference a few more files than shown here, since Bootstrap cross-references styles from other components, like forms.less, buttons.less, etc. (See the Gruntfile in assemble-less for examples.)


So after running the assemble-less task with the configuration in the example above, the assets/css folder would have:

因此,在使用上面示例中的配置运行无组装任务之后,assets / css文件夹将具有:

  • alerts.css
  • badges.css
  • breadcrumbs.css
  • button-groups.css
  • buttons.css
  • carousel.css
  • close.css
  • code.css
  • component-animations.css
  • dropdowns.css
  • forms.css
  • glyphicons.css
  • grid.css
  • input-groups.css
  • jumbotron.css
  • labels.css
  • list-group.css
  • media.css
  • modals.css
  • navbar.css
  • navs.css
  • normalize.css
  • pager.css
  • pagination.css
  • panels.css
  • popovers.css
  • print.css
  • progress-bars.css
  • responsive-utilities.css
  • scaffolding.css
  • tables.css
  • theme.css
  • thumbnails.css
  • tooltip.css
  • type.css
  • utilities.css
  • wells.css

There are other features that should help you with this, but the imports feature is super powerful since it allows you to add directives directly to the Gruntfile.
